Data from: Honeybee visitation to shared flowers increases Vairimorpha ceranae prevalence in bumblebees
Data files
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Vairimorpha (=Nosema) ceranae is a widespread pollinator parasite that commonly infects honeybees and wild pollinators, including bumblebees. Honeybees are highly competent V. ceranae hosts and previous work in experimental flight cages suggests V. ceranae can be transmitted during visitation to shared flowers. However, the relationship between floral visitation in the natural environment and the prevalence of V. ceranae among multiple bee species has not been explored. Here, we analyzed the number and duration of pollinator visits to particular components of squash flowers—including the petals, stamen, and nectary—at six farms in southeastern Michigan, USA. We also determined the prevalence of V. ceranae in honeybees and bumblebees at each site. Our results showed that more honeybee flower contacts and longer duration of contacts with pollen and nectar was linked with greater V. ceranae prevalence in bumblebees. Honeybee visitation patterns appear to have a disproportionately large impact on V. ceranae prevalence in bumblebees even though honeybees are not the most frequent flower visitors. Floral visitation by squash bees or other pollinators were not linked with V. ceranae prevalence in bumblebees. Further, V. ceranae prevalence in honeybees was unaffected by floral visitation behaviors by any pollinator species. These results suggest that honeybee visitation behaviors on shared floral resources may be an important contributor to increased V. ceranae spillover to bumblebees in the field. Understanding how V. ceranae prevalence is influenced by pollinator behavior in the shared floral landscape is critical for reducing parasite spillover into declining native bee populations.
README: Honeybee visitation to shared flowers increases Vairimorpha ceranae prevalence in bumblebees.
Submitted to Ecology and Evolution.
Data collected by: Michelle L. Fearon and Maryellen Zbrozek
Code written by: Michelle L. Fearon and Maryellen Zbrozek
The R code files that generate the analysis and figures for the manuscript can be used as follows:
NosemaDataProcessing.R: Generates the calculations and data files that are used in the analyses of V. ceranae prevalence and analyses of pollinator visitation behaviors based on pollinator group.
NosemaAnalysis_Apr.2023.R: Generates the statistical analyses and figures for V. ceranae prevalence in honeybees and bumblebees based on different visitation metrics.
VisitationAnalysis_Apr.2023.R: Generates the statistical analyses and figures of differences in visitation patterns among honeybees, bumblebees, and other pollinators.
Nosema or Nosema ceranae is the previous name for Vairimorpha ceranae. The data and code typically use "Nosema", while in the manuscript we updated to the current taxonomic name.
Data/Code uses "Apis" to refer to honeybees.
Data/Code uses "Bombus" or Bomb to refer to bumblebees.
Data/Code uses "Other" to refer to all other pollinators as a group. Other1 includes all pollinators except for Apis and Bombus; Other2 includes all pollinators except for Apis, Bombus, and Eucera squash bees.
File name: Nosema_pos.csv
Records of which individual bees from two focal host species (Apis mellifera and Bombus impatiens) that were positive or negative
when tested for the presence or absence of Vairimorpha (=Nosema) ceranae by PCR and additional metadata included for each sample.
All bees were collected in or adjacent to winter squash fields. If there were more than 8 samples per host species per visit to each site
then samples were selected randomly. If less than 8 samples collected, then all samples were used in the study. Pollinator sampling overlaps with
Fearon and Tibbetts (2021) and Fearon et al. (2022), but focuses on different parasite species within the bee communities.
Heading | Description |
Sample | Unique sample number for each individual in the study. These sample numbers match those found in PollinatorComm2015_2016_publish.csv |
18S | Binary for the presence (1) or absence (0) of the 18S PCR band. NA indicates samples were not run or were contaminated. |
Nosema | Binary for the presence (1) or absence (0) of Vairimorpha (=Nosema) ceranae in the sample based on PCR. |
Transect.ID | Unique transect ID that indicates the site, year of collection, transect A B C or D, visit number to the site, and net or pan trap collected. All individuals collected from the same transect share a transect ID. These unique IDs match those found in PollinatorComm2015_2016_publish.csv |
Individual.ID | Includes the transect ID with a sequential number for each sample. These unique IDs match those found in PollinatorComm2015_2016_publish.csv |
Year | Year of sample collection, all from 2016 |
Site | Unique site code for each of the 6 sites (see Appendix S1: Table S1 for site names, dates visited, location, etc). |
Visit | Visit number to the site, each site was visited twice for this study. The first and second visit are indicated by 1 and 2, respectively. |
Site_Visit | Concatenated site code and visit number |
Lat | Latitude coordinate for the Site |
Long | Longitude coordinate for the Site |
Date_Collected | Date the sample was collected (MM/DD/YYYY). |
Type | Either APIS to indicate a managed, Apis mellifera sample, or NON to indicate a native bee and non-Apis sample. |
Family | Bee family. All were from Apidae. |
Genus | Genus name of bee sample. Either Apis or Bombus. |
Species | Species name of bee sample. |
Code | Species identity code (code determined by the first two letters of the genus and species names): <br> APME = Apis mellifera <br> BOIM = Bombus impatiens <br> BOFE = Bombus fervidus <br> BOBI = Bombus bimaculatus <br> BOPE = Bombus pensylvanicus |
Sex | Sex of the bee sampled (all samples were female). |
Date_ID | Date that sample was identified to species (MM/DD/YYYY). |
ID_Initials | Initials of the person that did the identification. MZ = Maryellen Zbrozek |
Dissection_Date | Date that sample was dissected (MM/DD/YYYY). |
Dissect_Initials | Initials of the person that did the dissection. MZ = Maryellen Zbrozek |
Notes | Additional notes and observations about the sample. |
File name: Video_Summary_2016_forNosemaAnalysis.csv
Summary of pollinator visitation from recorded approximately 30 min videos of a single flower. We visited 6 winter squash farms
two times during the flowering period, and video recorded 8 flowers during each site visit for 30 min. We recorded the number and
idenitity to species or morphospecies of all pollinator visitors, and the duration of their contact with each part of the inflorescence
(petals, stamen, nectar, or both stamen and nectar simultaneously). This data also includes the metadata for the time and environmental
conditions when the videos were taken.
Heading | Description |
FlowerID | Unique ID of each flower in the study. |
Site | Unique site code for each of the 6 sites (see Appendix S1: Table S1 for site names, dates visited, location, etc). |
Year | Year of sample collection, all from 2016 |
Site_Year | Concatenated Site and Year. |
Visit | Visit number to the site, each site was visited twice for this study. The first and second visit are indicated by 1 and 2, respectively. |
Date | Date that the video recording was conducted during the visit to that site (MM/DD/YYYY). |
Lat | Latitude coordinate for the Site |
Long | Longitude coordinate for the Site |
StartHour | The hour that the video recording started. |
TimeStart | The exact time that the video recording started (HH:MM format). |
TimeStop | The exact time that the video recording ended (HH:MM format). |
Duration | The total time of the video recording (H:MM:SS format) |
Temperature | Temperature in degrees Fahrenheit at the start of the video recording. |
WindSpeed | Wind speed in meters per second at the start of the video recording. |
Clouds | Cloud cover at the start of the video recording (scale of 0 = no clouds to 7 = full cloud cover) |
FlowerCollectionTime | Time that the flower was collected in a tube after the video recording. |
totdur_min | Total duration of the video recording in minutes (continuous) |
totdur_sec | Total duration of the video recording in seconds (continuous) |
VisitDur | The duration of all pollinator visits to a flower in seconds |
VisitNum | The number of all pollinator visits to a flower (number of visits per 30 min). |
VisitRate | The rate (visits/min) of all pollinator visits to a flower (visit number/ total time of video recording in minutes) |
VisitRichness | The number of different species (or morphospecies) that visited a single flower |
Duration_2 | The duration (seconds) of all pollinators that were only interacting with the petals of the flower. |
Duration_3 | The duration (seconds) of all pollinators that were only interacting with the nectar of the flower. |
Duration_4 | The duration (seconds) of all pollinators that were only interacting with the pollen of the flower. |
Duration_5 | The duration (seconds) of all pollinators that were interacting with the pollen and nectar simultaneously of the flower. |
Duration_6 | The duration (seconds) of all pollinators that were interacting directly with another pollinator on the flower. |
APIS_visits | The number of Apis mellifera (honeybee) visits to a flower during the video recording duration (number of visits). |
BOMB_visits | The number of Bombus spp. (bumblebee) visits to a flower during the video recording duration (number of visits). |
HALI_visits | The number of small olive green halictid morphospecies (e.g. Halticus or Lasioglossum spp) visits to a flower during the video recording duration (number of visits). |
HFLY_visits | The number of hoverfly visits to a flower during the video recording duration (number of visits). |
PEPO_visits | The number of Eucera pruinosa (squash bee) visits to a flower during the video recording duration (number of visits). |
AUGO_visits | The number of small bright green halictid morphospecies (e.g. Augochlora, Augochlorella, or Augochloropsis spp) visits to a flower during the video recording duration (number of visits). |
MELI_visits | The number of Melissodes spp visits to a flower during the video recording duration (number of visits). |
VESP_visits | The number of Vespula wasp spp visits to a flower during the video recording duration (number of visits). |
TRIE_visits | The number of Triepeolus spp visits to a flower during the video recording duration (number of visits). |
APIS_rate | The rate of Apis mellifera (honeybee) visits to a flower per minute (number of visits per min). |
BOMB_rate | The rate of Bombus spp. (bumblebee) visits to a flower per minute (number of visits per min). |
HALI_rate | The rate of small olive green halictid morphospecies (e.g. Halticus or Lasioglossum spp) visits to a flower per minute (number of visits per min). |
HFLY_rate | The rate of hoverfly visits to a flower per minute (number of visits per min). |
PEPO_rate | The rate of Eucera pruinosa (squash bee) visits to a flower per minute (number of visits per min). |
AUGO_rate | The rate of small bright green halictid morphospecies (e.g. Augochlora, Augochlorella, or Augochloropsis spp) visits to a flower per minute (number of visits per min). |
MELI_rate | The rate of Melissodes spp visits to a flower per minute (number of visits per min). |
VESP_rate | The rate of Vespula wasp spp visits to a flower per minute (number of visits per min). |
TRIE_rate | The rate of Triepeolus spp visits to a flower per minute (number of visits per min). |
APISBOMB_visits | The number of Apis mellifera (honeybee) + Bombus spp. (bumblebee) visits to a flower during the video recording duration (number of visits). |
Native_visits | The number of native bee (i.e. excluding honeybees) visits to a flower during the video recording duration (number of visits). |
Other1_visits | The number of non-honeybee and non-bumblebee visits to a flower during the video recording duration (number of visits). |
Other2_visits | The number of non-honeybee and non-bumblebee and non-squash bee visits to a flower during the video recording duration (number of visits). |
APIS_dur | The duration of all Apis mellifera (honeybee) visits to a flower (any part) in seconds. |
BOMB_dur | The duration of all Bombus spp. (bumblebee) visits to a flower (any part) in seconds. |
PEPO_dur | The duration of all Eucera pruinosa (squash bee) visits to a flower (any part) in seconds. |
Native_dur | The duration of all native bee (i.e. excluding honeybees) visits to a flower (any part) in seconds. |
Other1_dur | The duration of all non-honeybee and non-bumblebee visits to a flower (any part) in seconds. |
Other2_dur | The duration of all non-honeybee and non-bumblebee and non-squash bee visits to a flower (any part) in seconds. |
APIS_dur2 | The duration (seconds) of all Apis mellifera (honeybees) that were only interacting with the petals of the flower. |
APIS_dur3 | The duration (seconds) of all Apis mellifera (honeybees) that were only interacting with the nectar of the flower. |
APIS_dur4 | The duration (seconds) of all Apis mellifera (honeybees) that were only interacting with the pollen/stamen of the flower. |
APIS_dur5 | The duration (seconds) of all Apis mellifera (honeybees) that were interacting with the pollen/stamen and nectar simultaneously of the flower. |
BOMB_dur2 | The duration (seconds) of all Bombus spp. (bumblebees) that were only interacting with the petals of the flower. |
BOMB_dur3 | The duration (seconds) of all Bombus spp. (bumblebees) that were only interacting with the nectar of the flower. |
BOMB_dur4 | The duration (seconds) of all Bombus spp. (bumblebees) that were only interacting with the pollen/stamen of the flower. |
BOMB_dur5 | The duration (seconds) of all Bombus spp. (bumblebees) that were interacting with the pollen/stamen ad nectar simultaneously of the flower. |
PEPO_dur2 | The duration (seconds) of all Eucera pruinosa (squash bee) that were only interacting with the petals of the flower. |
PEPO_dur3 | The duration (seconds) of all Eucera pruinosa (squash bee) that were only interacting with the nectar of the flower. |
PEPO_dur4 | The duration (seconds) of all Eucera pruinosa (squash bee) that were only interacting with the pollen/stamen of the flower. |
PEPO_dur5 | The duration (seconds) of all Eucera pruinosa (squash bee) that were interacting with the pollen/stamen ad nectar simultaneously of the flower. |
Other1_dur2 | The duration (seconds) of all non-honeybees and non-bumblebees that were only interacting with the petals of the flower. |
Other1_dur3 | The duration (seconds) of all non-honeybees and non-bumblebees that were only interacting with the nectar of the flower. |
Other1_dur4 | The duration (seconds) of all non-honeybees and non-bumblebees that were only interacting with the pollen/stamen of the flower. |
Other1_dur5 | The duration (seconds) of all non-honeybees and non-bumblebees that were interacting with the pollen/stamen and nectar simultaneously of the flower. |
Other2_dur2 | The duration (seconds) of all non-honeybees and non-bumblebees and non-squash bee that were only interacting with the petals of the flower. |
Other2_dur3 | The duration (seconds) of all non-honeybees and non-bumblebees and non-squash bee that were only interacting with the nectar of the flower. |
Other2_dur4 | The duration (seconds) of all non-honeybees and non-bumblebees and non-squash bee that were only interacting with the pollen/stamen of the flower. |
Other2_dur5 | The duration (seconds) of all non-honeybees and non-bumblebees and non-squash bee that were interacting with the pollen/stamen and nectar simultaneously of the flower. |
File name: NosemaAnalysis.csv
Data file used for the analysis of V. ceranae prevalence in honeybees and bumblebees with each visitation metric.
Records of which individual bees from two focal host species (Apis mellifera and Bombus impatiens) that were positive or negative
when tested for the presence or absence of Vairimorpha (=Nosema) ceranae by PCR and pollinator visitation metrics averaged for each
visit to each site.
Heading | Description |
Sample | Unique sample number for each individual in the study. These sample numbers match those found in PollinatorComm2015_2016_publish.csv |
18S | Binary for the presence (1) or absence (0) of the 18S PCR band. NA indicates samples were not run or were contaminated. (May be labeled X18S due to the number in the header) |
Nosema | Binary for the presence (1) or absence (0) of Vairimorpha (=Nosema) ceranae in the sample based on PCR. |
Transect.ID | Unique transect ID that indicates the site, year of collection, transect A B C or D, visit number to the site, and net or pan trap collected. All individuals collected from the same transect share a transect ID. These unique IDs match those found in PollinatorComm2015_2016_publish.csv |
Individual.ID | Includes the transect ID with a sequential number for each sample. These unique IDs match those found in PollinatorComm2015_2016_publish.csv |
Year | Year of sample collection, all from 2016 |
Site | Unique site code for each of the 6 sites (see Appendix S1: Table S1 for site names, dates visited, location, etc). |
Visit | Visit number to the site, each site was visited twice for this study. The first and second visit are indicated by 1 and 2, respectively. |
Site_Visit | Concatenated site code and visit number |
Lat | Latitude coordinate for the Site |
Long | Longitude coordinate for the Site |
Date_Collected | Date the sample was collected (MM/DD/YYYY). |
Type | Either APIS to indicate a managed, Apis mellifera sample, or NON to indicate a native bee and non-Apis sample. |
Family | Bee family. All were from Apidae. |
Genus | Genus name of bee sample. Either Apis or Bombus. |
Species | Species name of bee sample. |
Code | Species identity code (code determined by the first two letters of the genus and species names): <br> APME = Apis mellifera <br> BOIM = Bombus impatiens <br> BOFE = Bombus fervidus <br> BOBI = Bombus bimaculatus <br> BOPE = Bombus pensylvanicus |
Sex | Sex of the bee sampled (all samples were female). |
VisitDur | The average duration of all pollinator visits to a flower in seconds for each visit to each site |
VisitNum | The average number of all pollinator visits to a flower for each visit to each site. |
VisitRichnessPerFlower | The average number of different species (or morphospecies) that visited a single flower for each visit to each site |
APIS_visits | The average number of Apis mellifera (honeybee) visits to a flower during the video recording duration for each visit to each site (number of visits). |
BOMB_visits | The average number of Bombus spp. (bumblebee) visits to a flower during the video recording duration for each visit to each site (number of visits). |
PEPO_visits | The average number of Eucera pruinosa (squash bee) visits to a flower during the video recording duration for each visit to each site (number of visits). |
Other1_visits | The average number of non-honeybee and non-bumblebee visits to a flower during the video recording duration for each visit to each site (number of visits). |
Other2_visits | The average number of non-honeybee and non-bumblebee and non-squash bee visits to a flower during the video recording duration for each visit to each site (number of visits). |
Native_visits | The average number of native bee (i.e. excluding honeybees) visits to a flower during the video recording duration for each visit to each site (number of visits). |
APIS_rate | The average rate of Apis mellifera (honeybee) visits to a flower per minute for each visit to each site (number of visits per min). |
BOMB_rate | The average rate of Bombus spp. (bumblebee) visits to a flower per minute for each visit to each site (number of visits per min). |
PEPO_rate | The average rate of Eucera pruinosa (squash bee) visits to a flower per minute for each visit to each site (number of visits per min). |
Other1_rate | The average rate of non-honeybee and non-bumblebee visits to a flower per minute for each visit to each site (number of visits per min). |
Other2_rate | The average rate of non-honeybee and non-bumblebee and non-squash bee visits to a flower per minute for each visit to each site (number of visits per min). |
APIS_dur | The average duration (seconds) of all Apis mellifera (honeybees) visits that were interacting with any part of the flower for each visit to each site. |
APIS_dur2 | The average duration (seconds) of all Apis mellifera (honeybees) that were only interacting with the petals of the flower for each visit to each site. |
APIS_dur3 | The average duration (seconds) of all Apis mellifera (honeybees) that were only interacting with the nectar of the flower for each visit to each site. |
APIS_dur4 | The average duration (seconds) of all Apis mellifera (honeybees) that were only interacting with the pollen/stamen of the flower for each visit to each site. |
APIS_dur5 | The average duration (seconds) of all Apis mellifera (honeybees) that were interacting with the pollen/stamen and nectar simultaneously of the flower for each visit to each site. |
APIS_visitdur | The average duration per visit (seconds per visit) of all Apis mellifera (honeybees) visits that were interacting with any part of the flower for each visit to each site. |
APIS_visitdur2 | The aaverage duration per visit (seconds per visit) of all Apis mellifera (honeybees) that were only interacting with the petals of the flower for each visit to each site. |
APIS_visitdur3 | The average duration per visit (seconds per visit) of all Apis mellifera (honeybees) that were only interacting with the nectar of the flower for each visit to each site. |
APIS_visitdur4 | The average duration per visit (seconds per visit) of all Apis mellifera (honeybees) that were only interacting with the pollen/stamen of the flower for each visit to each site. |
APIS_visitdur5 | The average duration per visit (seconds per visit) of all Apis mellifera (honeybees) that were interacting with the pollen/stamen and nectar simultaneously of the flower for each visit to each site. |
BOMB_dur | The average duration (seconds) of all Bombus spp. (bumblebees) visits that were interacting with any part of the flower for each visit to each site. |
BOMB_dur2 | The average duration (seconds) of all Bombus spp. (bumblebees) that were only interacting with the petals of the flower for each visit to each site. |
BOMB_dur3 | The average duration (seconds) of all Bombus spp. (bumblebees) that were only interacting with the nectar of the flower for each visit to each site. |
BOMB_dur4 | The average duration (seconds) of all Bombus spp. (bumblebees) that were only interacting with the pollen/stamen of the flower for each visit to each site. |
BOMB_dur5 | The average duration (seconds) of all Bombus spp. (bumblebees) that were interacting with the pollen/stamen ad nectar simultaneously of the flower for each visit to each site. |
BOMB_visitdur | The average duration per visit (seconds per visit) of all Bombus spp. (bumblebees) visits that were interacting with any part of the flower for each visit to each site. |
BOMB_visitdur2 | The average duration per visit (seconds per visit) of all Bombus spp. (bumblebees) that were only interacting with the petals of the flower for each visit to each site. |
BOMB_visitdur3 | The average duration per visit (seconds per visit) of all Bombus spp. (bumblebees) that were only interacting with the nectar of the flower for each visit to each site. |
BOMB_visitdur4 | The average duration per visit (seconds per visit) of all Bombus spp. (bumblebees) that were only interacting with the pollen/stamen of the flower for each visit to each site. |
BOMB_visitdur5 | The average duration per visit (seconds per visit) of all Bombus spp. (bumblebees) that were interacting with the pollen/stamen ad nectar simultaneously of the flower for each visit to each site. |
PEPO_dur | The average duration (seconds) of all Eucera pruinosa (squash bee) visits that were interacting with any part of the flower for each visit to each site. |
PEPO_dur2 | The average duration (seconds) of all Eucera pruinosa (squash bee) that were only interacting with the petals of the flower for each visit to each site. |
PEPO_dur3 | The average duration (seconds) of all Eucera pruinosa (squash bee) that were only interacting with the nectar of the flower for each visit to each site. |
PEPO_dur4 | The average duration (seconds) of all Eucera pruinosa (squash bee) that were only interacting with the pollen/stamen of the flower for each visit to each site. |
PEPO_dur5 | The average duration (seconds) of all Eucera pruinosa (squash bee) that were interacting with the pollen/stamen ad nectar simultaneously of the flower for each visit to each site. |
PEPO_visitdur | The average duration per visit (seconds per visit) of all Eucera pruinosa (squash bee) visits that were interacting with any part of the flower for each visit to each site. |
PEPO_visitdur2 | The average duration per visit (seconds per visit) of all Eucera pruinosa (squash bee) that were only interacting with the petals of the flower for each visit to each site. |
PEPO_visitdur3 | The average duration per visit (seconds per visit) of all Eucera pruinosa (squash bee) that were only interacting with the nectar of the flower for each visit to each site. |
PEPO_visitdur4 | The average duration per visit (seconds per visit) of all Eucera pruinosa (squash bee) that were only interacting with the pollen/stamen of the flower for each visit to each site. |
PEPO_visitdur5 | The average duration per visit (seconds per visit) of all Eucera pruinosa (squash bee) that were interacting with the pollen/stamen ad nectar simultaneously of the flower for each visit to each site. |
Other1_dur | The average duration (seconds) of all non-honeybee and non-bumblebee visits that were interacting with any part of the flower for each visit to each site. |
Other1_dur2 | The duration (seconds) of all non-honeybees and non-bumblebees that were only interacting with the petals of the flower for each visit to each site. |
Other1_dur3 | The duration (seconds) of all non-honeybees and non-bumblebees that were only interacting with the nectar of the flower for each visit to each site. |
Other1_dur4 | The duration (seconds) of all non-honeybees and non-bumblebees that were only interacting with the pollen/stamen of the flower for each visit to each site. |
Other1_dur5 | The duration (seconds) of all non-honeybees and non-bumblebees that were interacting with the pollen/stamen and nectar simultaneously of the flower for each visit to each site. |
Other1_visitdur | The average duration per visit (seconds per visit) of all non-honeybee and non-bumblebee visits that were interacting with any part of the flower for each visit to each site. |
Other1_visitdur2 | The average duration per visit (seconds per visit) of all non-honeybees and non-bumblebees that were only interacting with the petals of the flower for each visit to each site. |
Other1_visitdur3 | The average duration per visit (seconds per visit) of all non-honeybees and non-bumblebees that were only interacting with the nectar of the flower for each visit to each site. |
Other1_visitdur4 | The average duration per visit (seconds per visit) of all non-honeybees and non-bumblebees that were only interacting with the pollen/stamen of the flower for each visit to each site. |
Other1_visitdur5 | The average duration per visit (seconds per visit) of all non-honeybees and non-bumblebees that were interacting with the pollen/stamen and nectar simultaneously of the flower for each visit to each site. |
Other2_dur | The average duration (seconds) of all non-honeybee and non-bumblebee and non-squash bee visits that were interacting with any part of the flower for each visit to each site. |
Other2_dur2 | The duration (seconds) of all non-honeybees and non-bumblebees and non-squash bee that were only interacting with the petals of the flower for each visit to each site. |
Other2_dur3 | The duration (seconds) of all non-honeybees and non-bumblebees and non-squash bee that were only interacting with the nectar of the flower for each visit to each site. |
Other2_dur4 | The duration (seconds) of all non-honeybees and non-bumblebees and non-squash bee that were only interacting with the pollen/stamen of the flower for each visit to each site. |
Other2_dur5 | The duration (seconds) of all non-honeybees and non-bumblebees and non-squash bee that were interacting with the pollen/stamen and nectar simultaneously of the flower for each visit to each site. |
Other2_visitdur | The average duration per visit (seconds per visit) of all non-honeybee and non-bumblebee and non-squash bee visits that were interacting with any part of the flower for each visit to each site. |
Other2_visitdur2 | The average duration per visit (seconds per visit) of all non-honeybees and non-bumblebees and non-squash bee that were only interacting with the petals of the flower for each visit to each site. |
Other2_visitdur3 | The average duration per visit (seconds per visit) of all non-honeybees and non-bumblebees and non-squash bee that were only interacting with the nectar of the flower for each visit to each site. |
Other2_visitdur4 | The average duration per visit (seconds per visit) of all non-honeybees and non-bumblebees and non-squash bee that were only interacting with the pollen/stamen of the flower for each visit to each site. |
Other2_visitdur5 | The average duration per visit (seconds per visit) of all non-honeybees and non-bumblebees and non-squash bee that were interacting with the pollen/stamen and nectar simultaneously of the flower for each visit to each site. |
VisitShannon | The Shannon diversity index of all pollinator visitors to flowers for each visit to a site. |
File name: Visitation_BySpp.csv
Data file used for the analysis of how each visitation metric differs based on pollinator group (i.e. "Genus"; honeybees, bumblebees, and other pollinators).
This file was modified from the VideoSummary_2016_forNosemaAnalysis.csv file so that each row has the all visitation metrics for a single pollinator group at
a single flower from a visit to each site. This allowed us to test each visitation metric
Heading | Description |
FlowerID | Unique ID of each flower in the study. |
Site | Unique site code for each of the 6 sites (see Appendix S1: Table S1 for site names, dates visited, location, etc). |
Year | Year of sample collection, all from 2016 |
Visit | Visit number to the site, each site was visited twice for this study. The first and second visit are indicated by 1 and 2, respectively. |
Date | Date that the video recording was conducted during the visit to that site (MM/DD/YYYY). |
StartHour | The hour that the video recording started. |
totdur_min | Total duration of the video recording in minutes (continuous) |
totdur_sec | Total duration of the video recording in seconds (continuous) |
Genus | Code to identify the three groups that we were testing for differences in visitation behavior: <br> APME = Apis mellifera (hoenybees) <br> BOMB = Bombus spp (bumblebees) <br> PEPO = Eucera pruinosa (squash bees) <br> Other = all other pollinators (not including those above) |
visits | The number of honeybee, bumblebee, squash bee, or other pollinators visits to a flower during the video recording duration (number of visits per 30 min). |
rate | The rate of honeybee, bumblebee, squash bee, or other pollinators visits to a flower per minute (number of visits per min). |
dur | The duration (seconds) of honeybee, bumblebee, squash bee, or other pollinators visits to a flower (interacting with any part). |
dur2 | The duration (seconds) of honeybee, bumblebee, squash bee, or other pollinators that were only interacting with the petals of the flower. |
dur3 | The duration (seconds) of honeybee, bumblebee, squash bee, or other pollinators that were only interacting with the nectar of the flower. |
dur4 | The duration (seconds) of honeybee, bumblebee, squash bee, or other pollinators that were only interacting with the pollen/stamen of the flower. |
dur5 | The duration (seconds) of honeybee, bumblebee, squash bee, or other pollinators that were interacting with the pollen/stamen and nectar simultaneously of the flower. |
visitdur | The duration per visit (seconds per visit) of honeybee, bumblebee, squash bee, or other pollinators visits to a flower (interacting with any part). |
visitdur2 | The duration per visit (seconds per visit) of honeybee, bumblebee, squash bee, or other pollinators that were only interacting with the petals of the flower. |
visitdur3 | The duration per visit (seconds per visit) of honeybee, bumblebee, squash bee, or other pollinators that were only interacting with the nectar of the flower. |
visitdur4 | The duration per visit (seconds per visit) of honeybee, bumblebee, squash bee, or other pollinators that were only interacting with the pollen/stamen of the flower. |
visitdur5 | The duration per visit (seconds per visit) of honeybee, bumblebee, squash bee, or other pollinators that were interacting with the pollen/stamen and nectar simultaneously of the flower. |
Lat | Latitude coordinate for the Site |
Long | Longitude coordinate for the Site |
We collected pollinator visitation data from video recordings of a single flower. We visited 6 winter squash farms two times during the flowering period, and video recorded 8 flowers during each site visit for 30 min. We recorded the number and idenitity of species or morphospecies of all pollinator visitors, and the duration of their contact with each part of the inflorescence (petals, stamen, nectar, or both stamen and nectar simultaneously). Using this data, we calculated the number of visits and duration of visits (seconds) for honeybees, bumblebees, squash bees, and all other pollinator species. From the same sites, we collected honeybees and bumblebees and tested a subset of them for presence or absence of Vairimorpha ceranae.