Data and code for: A century of reforestation reduced anthropogenic warming in the eastern United States
Data files
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Restoring and preserving the world’s forests are promising natural pathways to mitigate some aspects of climate change. In addition to regulating atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations, forests modify surface and near-surface air temperatures through biophysical processes. In the eastern United States (EUS), widespread reforestation during the 20th century coincided with an anomalous lack of warming, raising questions about reforestation’s contribution to local cooling and climate mitigation. Using new cross-scale approaches and multiple independent sources of data, we uncovered links between reforestation and the response of both surface and air temperature in the EUS. Ground- and satellite-based observations showed that EUS forests cool the land surface by 1–2 °C annually compared to nearby grasslands and croplands, with the strongest cooling effect during midday in the growing season, when cooling is 2 to 5 °C. Young forests (20–40 years) have the strongest cooling effect on surface temperature. Surface cooling extends to the near-surface air, with forests reducing midday air temperature by up to 1 °C compared to nearby non-forests. Analyses of historical land cover and air temperature trends showed that the cooling benefits of reforestation extend across the landscape. Locations surrounded by reforestation were up to 1 °C cooler than neighboring locations that did not undergo land cover change, and areas dominated by regrowing forests were associated with cooling temperature trends in much of the EUS. Our work indicates reforestation contributed to the historically slow pace of warming in the EUS, underscoring reforestation’s potential as a local climate adaptation strategy in temperate regions.
README: Data and code for: A century of reforestation reduced anthropogenic warming in the eastern United States
The dataset used in the study consists of various sources of data that were utilized to investigate the links between reforestation and the response of surface and air temperature in the Eastern United States. The data includes gridded time series of monthly air temperature, forest age estimates, historical land use change data, remotely sensed surface temperature data, tower data for paired and flux tower syntheses, historical air temperature data, and gridded mesoscale air temperature data. The data was processed in accordance with the methodology outlined in the methods section of the paper, and was used to generate various figures throughout the paper to support the experimental procedures and results.
Description of the Data and file structure
The data and file structure for this project include an R Markdown file named Dryad_Figs.Rmd which produces the main text figures, and a setup .R code file named 00_setup_project.R that contains all the user-defined functions required for data processing. All intermediate data products required for reproducing the figures are also included.
The folder where all the data resides is named data_dryad and the R Markdown file points to this folder. The files contained within the folder are as follows:
- 00_setup_project.R
- 12_03_cleaned_transectpoints.csv
- annual_late_SeasonTrend_9_16_2022.tif
- Aqua_biggerbox_4Lats_2022.csv
- Change_LC_FORESCE_7cats_2021_processed.tif
- Change_LC_FORESCE.tif
- Dryad_Figs.Rmd (R markdown)
- Forest_Age_Conus.tif
- Forest_Age_CropHerb_Zero.tif
- highres_historical_photo.png
- landcover_proj.tif
- (this file)
- Ta_ann_abs.csv
- Ta_AquaTs_All_Bigger.tif
- Tavg_ann_sc.csv
- Temp_Change_Map.tif
- Tmax_gs_abs.csv
- Tmax_gs_sc.csv
- ushcn-v2-stations.csv
Descriptions of Data Files
This script initializes the project's analysis environment, setting up libraries, user-defined functions, and environmental variables. It ensures all subsequent scripts and R Markdown files run within a consistent framework, crucial for the project's data analysis.
This dataset contains processed transect analysis data, detailing the transition between forest and herbaceous cover. Variables include distance measurements, landcover classification, environmental variables like Land Surface Temperature (LST), and difference values (diff), providing a basis for spatial pattern analysis.
An intermediate raster data product that displays the spatial pattern of annual late-season temperature trends, indicating regional temperature changes throughout the study area.
Monthly statistical summaries of temperature data at different elevations and land covers (herbaceous; 'Her', forested; 'For', and cropland, 'Crp') are provided in this file. It includes average temperatures and standard deviations by month for each land cover type and elevation level.
This TIFF file presents land cover change data processed from the FORE-SCE model, segmented into seven distinct categories to represent different land cover states throughout the years 1938, 1965, and 1992. The categorization aids in the analysis of land cover change impacts on regional temperature trends. The categories are defined as follows: 1='Agriculture', 2='Early Deforestation', 3='Late Deforestation', 4='Early Reforestation', 5='Late Reforestation', 6='Persistent Forest', and 7='High Turnover', where 'High Turnover' indicates areas with frequent land cover changes.
This TIFF file contains the original land cover change data from the FORE-SCE model without processing into specific categories. It provides the baseline from which the processed data was derived.
Dryad_Figs.Rmd (R Markdown)
Scripts within this document generate the manuscript's main figures. It includes comprehensive annotations and explanations, ensuring transparency in data visualization processes.
Forest age data across the contiguous United States, obtained from the North American Carbon Program. This 1 km resolution data informs the analysis of forest maturation effects on regional temperatures.
This file modifies the forest age dataset by assigning a zero age value to non-forest areas, such as croplands and herbaceous covers, to focus analyses on forested regions.
This high-resolution PNG image is a historical photograph used qualitatively illustrate land cover and tree planting.
This file contains land cover data from the National Land Cover Database (NLCD), which has been geographically projected for accurate spatial analysis and cropped to the study area. It is utilized to determine the land cover types surrounding weather station locations and for conducting transect analyses within the study. (this file)
Provides a detailed overview of the dataset, file descriptions, data structure, and replication instructions for the analysis.
Annual absolute temperature records from 398 United States Historical Climatology Network (USHCN) weather stations. This CSV file is organized with rows representing the years 1900 to 2010 and columns named after the USHCN weather station identifiers. It provides a comprehensive dataset for analyzing long-term temperature trends
Expanded gridded temperature data. It's calculated as Ts-Ta, where Ts represents the Aqua MODIS Surface Temperature, and Ta is the 2m air temperature obtained from Daymet data.
Annual scaled temperature records from 398 weather stations. For each column, a z-score is calculated, resulting in temperatures ranging from -2 to 2 for a given site. This CSV file is organized with rows representing the years 1900 to 2010 and columns named after the UHSCN weather station identifiers. The scaling facilitates comparative temperature trend analysis across different climatic zones and conditions.
Visualizes the spatial temperature change pattern across the study area, marking zones of temperature increase and decrease.
Growing season maximum temperature records from 398 weather stations. This CSV file is organized with rows representing the years 1900 to 2010 and columns named after the USHCN weather station identifiers. It provides a comprehensive dataset for analyzing long-term temperature trends
A scaled version of the growing season maximum temperature data for all 398 weather station sites. For each column, a z-score is calculated, resulting in temperatures ranging from -2 to 2 for a given site. This CSV file is organized with rows representing the years 1900 to 2010 and columns named after the USHCN weather station identifiers. The scaling facilitates comparative temperature trend analysis across different climatic zones and conditions.
This CSV file serves as a reference key for the USHCN weather station metadata used in various analyses throughout the project. It lists station identifiers, geographical coordinates (latitude and longitude), elevation, state, and station name. The file's structure includes columns for each metadata attribute, essential for linking temperature records and other data points to specific weather station locations.
This data and file structure is necessary for reproducing the main text figures and conducting further analysis. Much of the necessary information is in the Dryad_Figs.Rmd, which is the code to create the components of all main text figures in the manuscript. This code also contains chunks printing out some of the numbers from the results section.
Data analysis and figure generation
The Dryad_Figs.Rmd
file is a comprehensive R Markdown document that contains all the code necessary for reproducing the figures presented in our manuscript. This file includes:
- Analytical code for each figure, organized by figure number.
- Descriptive annotations explaining the purpose and methodology of each code chunk.
For each figure in the manuscript, Dryad_Figs.Rmd
provides detailed code, ensuring transparency and reproducibility of our results. Users can refer to this file to understand the exact methods used for data analysis and figure generation.
Summary of Processing Steps in Dryad_Figs.Rmd
Setup: - Various libraries and options are set up for the code execution, including settings for figures, fonts, and data loading.
Data Loading: - Several raster files and CSV data files are loaded into the script. These files contain data related to forest age, land cover, temperature, and more.
Figure 1: - Figure 1 is created, displaying forest age estimates in the Southeastern United States (US) calculated from forest age data from the North American Carbon Program. Land conversion between agricultural land and forests from 1938 to 1992 is also visualized, along with temperature change trends from 1900 to 2010.
Figure 3: - Figure 3 displays the difference between daily surface temperature (Ts) and daily maximum air temperature (Ta) for forests and combined grasslands and croplands. It highlights the surface cooling effect.
Figure 4: - Figure 4E is created, visualizing temperature differences in near-surface air using transect data. Problematic transects are filtered out, and data manipulation is performed for plotting.
Figure 5: - Figure 5 consists of several subplots: - (A) Shows the average trend in pooled annual temperature anomalies for USHCN sites in the Eastern US (EUS). - (B) Displays the difference in temperature between reforested and non-reforested USCHN sites within a 50 km radius. - (C) Depicts the July temperature difference (Ts - Ta, Daymet) versus forest age using data from 30,000 randomly selected MODIS pixels across the study area. - (D) Shows the spatial moving window correlation between forest age and recent long-term temperature trends (1970-present) with a 5 x 5 window.
Figure Structure in Dryad_Figs.Rmd
- Figure 1: Analysis of forest age estimates, land conversion data, temperature trends, and historical reforestation efforts.
- Figure 3: Examination of surface cooling effects using satellite and flux tower data.
- Figure 4: Exploration of the extension of surface cooling to near-surface air.
- Figure 5: Impact assessment of land cover and forest age on long-term temperature trends.
- Additional Analyses: Additional sensitivity analyses supporting the robustness of the presented results
Each section in the Dryad_Figs.Rmd
corresponds to a figure in the manuscript and is clearly labeled for easy navigation. The file also includes additional analyses and sensitivity checks pertinent to our findings.
Sharing/access Information
Links to other publicly accessible locations of the raw data:
Was data derived from another source? If yes, list source(s):Sources:
Data Source | Purpose in Paper | Specific Figure in Paper | URL | Licensing/Usage Notes |
Delaware Air Temperature & Precipitation Dataset | Gridded 0.5° time series of monthly Ta | Fig 1c, Fig 5d | Link | Citation requested for data use. |
North American Carbon Program Forest Age Maps | Gridded 1 km forest age estimates | Fig 1a, Fig 5c | Link | Data openly shared, in accordance with NASA's Earth Science program Data and Information Policy. |
FORE-SCE Backcasting Grids | Historical Land Use Change - 250 m resolution | Fig 1b, Fig 5b, Fig 5d | Link | Data from USGS, publicly available with no explicit restrictions noted. |
MODIS Land Surface Temperature Product | Remotely Sensed Surface Temperature | Fig 3a, Fig 3b | Link | Available freely under NASA open data standards. |
AmeriFlux Tower Data | Tower Data for Paired and Flux Tower Syntheses | Fig 3c, Fig 3d, Fig 4a-d | Link | Shared under the AmeriFlux CC-BY-4.0 License from August 2021 onwards. Prior data under AmeriFlux Legacy Data Policy. |
NEON Tower Data | Tower Data for Flux Tower Synthesis | Fig 4a-d | Link | Data shared openly, specific licensing terms not stated. |
National Land Cover Database (NLCD) | 30 m Land cover for transect analyses | Fig 4e | Link | Public domain information, available at no charge. |
Landsat Provisional Surface Temperature | Remotely Sensed Surface Temperature for Transect analyses | Fig 4e | Link | Available freely under NASA open data standards. |
USHCN Meteorological Station Data | Historical Air Temperature Data | Fig 5a, Fig 5b | Link | Data shared openly, usage requests citation. |
Daymet Data | Gridded Mesoscale Air Temperature | Fig 3a, Fig 3b, Fig 4a-d, Fig 4e | Link | Data openly shared, in accordance with NASA's Earth Science program Data and Information Policy. |
Note: Licensing and Compatibility
We have made every effort to review and provide information about the licensing terms and compatibility of the data sources used in our study. However, we would like to clarify that while we have strived for compliance with licensing requirements, there are some datasets for which explicit CC0 compatibility could not be confirmed. Please see the Licensing/Usage Notes for each dataset for more information.
The data utilized in this study is openly available and can be accessed via the links provided below. The data has been processed in accordance with the methodology outlined in the methods section of the paper.
Data | Purpose in Paper | Specific Figure in Paper | URL |
Delaware Air Temperature & Precipitation Dataset | Gridded 0.5 ° time series of monthly Ta | Fig 1c,Fig 5d | |
North American Carbon Program Forest Age Maps | Gridded 1 km forest age estimates | Fig 1a, Fig 5c | |
FOREcasting SCEnarios of Land-use Change (FORE-SCE) Backcasting Grids | Historical Land Use Change - 250 m resolution | Fig 1b, Fig 5b, Fig 5d | |
MODIS Land Surface Temperature Product (MYD11A1v6.1) | Remotely Sensed Surface Temperature | Fig 3a, 3b | |
Ameriflux Tower Data | Tower Data for Paired and Flux Tower Syntheses | Fig 3c, 3d, 4 a-d. | |
NEON Tower Data | Tower Data for Flux Tower Synthesis | Fig 4 a-d | |
National Land Cover Database | 30 m Land cover for transect analyses | Fig 4e | |
Landsat Provisional Surface Temperature | Remotely Sensed Surface Temperature for Transect analyses | Fig 4e | |
United States Historical Climate Network (USHCN) Meteorological Station | Historical Air Temperature Data | Fig 5a, 5b | |
Daymet | Gridded Mesoscale Air Temperature |
Fig 3a, Fig 3b, Fig 4a-d, Fig 4e |
Usage notes
All the data can be processed using open-source programs such as R or Python.