Do dense layers of invasive plants elevate the foraging intensity of small mammals in temperate deciduous forests? A case study from Pennsylvania, USA
Data files
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Usage notes
Data usage notes for NeoBiota article: Do dense layers of invasive plants elevate the foraging intensity of small mammals in temperate deciduous forests? A case study from Pennsylvania, USA
Three datasets are provided:
- small mammal live trap data (Trap Data.csv),
- small mammal seed tray data (Seed Tray Data.csv), and
- vegetation surveys (Vegetation data.csv).
The data dictionary below defines all parameters in the datasets.
Trap data.csv
Site.ID: unique site identifier for each site. EH=Eden Hall site, LT=Latodami, IR=Irwin Run
Trap.Condition: E=empty, T=thrown, D=damaged or destroyed, M=mammal present in trap
Weather: qualitative weather descriptor
Mammal: the genus and species of mammal collected in trap
Sex: the sex of the specimen
Mass: the mass of the small mammal, when present, in grams
Ticks: whether or not ticks were observed on small mammal
D_deploy: date when the trap was set
D_collect: date when the trap was collected
Remove_status: whether the date represents a period before barberry removal (B) or after (A)
Seed data.csv
Site.ID: unique site identifier for each site. EH=Eden Hall site, LT=Latodami, IR=Irwin Run date when the trap was set date when the trap was collected
Tray.intact: whether or not the tray was found intact after the deployment period
Feces: if small mammal feces were present in trays
Tracks: if small mammal tracks were present in trays
Seed.mass: remaining seed mass, in grams; 6 grams were initially deployed
Remove_status: whether the date represents a period before barberry removal (B) or after (A)
Vegetation data.csv
This dataset represents the two square meter vegetation surveys conducted at each site. Blank cells represent NA values for the sub-survey square meter. Each row represents 1 or 2 individual plants encountered in the sub-survey.
Site.ID: unique site identifier for each site. EH=Eden Hall site, LT=Latodami, IR=Irwin Run
survey.1: barberry stem diameters for all stems encountered in the first square meter survey
survey.2: barberry stem diameters for all stems encountered in the second square meter survey
dry.mass.1: estimated dry mass of the corresponding barberry plant in the first sub-survey based on allometric equation in Link et al. 2018
dry.mass.2: estimated dry mass of the corresponding barberry plant in the second sub-survey based on allometric equation in Link et al. 2018