Data for: Distribution of capitalized benefits from land conservation
Data files
Apr 11, 2023 version files 55.55 MB
Oct 13, 2023 version files 55.55 MB
Land conservation efforts throughout the U.S. enhance ecological amenities while generating wealth in the housing market through capitalization of amenities. This paper estimates the benefits of conservation that are capitalized into proximate home values and quantifies how those benefits are distributed across demographic groups. Using detailed property and household-level data from Massachusetts, we estimate that new land conservation led to $62 million in new housing wealth equity. However, houses owned by low-income or Black or Hispanic households are less likely to be located near protected areas, and hence, these populations are less likely to benefit financially. Direct study of the distribution of this new wealth from capitalized conservation is highly unequal, with the richest quartile of households receiving 43%, White households receiving 91%, and the richest White households receiving 40%, which is nearly 140% more than would be expected under equal distribution. We extend our analysis using census data for the entire United States and observe parallel patterns. We estimate that recent land conservation generated $9.8 billion in wealth through the housing market and that wealthier and White households benefited disproportionately. These findings suggest regressive and racially disparate incidence of the wealth benefits of land conservation policy.
Data for: Distribution of Capitalized Benefits from Land Conservation
Overview of contents
All data and code are STATA files.
There are three types of files included:
- .do files with code that replicates results
- .dta files of the data
- .ado files. These are user written commands that are needed for the do-files to execute.
Summary description of the data and file structure
To get started, open This fine contains all code for replication. You can simply execute this file, and all results will appear in the STATA results window and in the logfile, which is automatically created.
Data description including sources and construction is available in the main text. Replication file information available below.
Code/Software Used
All data and code are STATA files. STATA software is required to access data and run analyses.
Additional Dataset Metadata
Dataset Version and Release History
- Current Version:
- Number: 1.0.0
- Date: 2023-01-24
- Persistent identifier: https://10.5061/dryad.w3r2280vr
- DOI:10.5061/dryad.w3r2280vr
- Summary of changes: n/a
Dataset Attribution and Usage
- Dataset Title: Data for the article "Distribution of Capitalized Benefits from Land Conservation"
- Persistent Identifier: https://10.5061/dryad.w3r2280vr
- DOI: 10.5061/dryad.w3r2280vr
- Dataset Contributors: Jarron VanCeylon, Corey Lang
- Date of Issue: April 8, 2023
- Publisher: PNAS
Contact Information
- Name: Jarron VanCeylon
- Affiliations: Department of Environmental and Natural Resource Economics, University of Rhode Island
- Email:
- Name: Corey Lang
- Affiliations: Department of Environmental and Natural Resource Economics, University of Rhode Island
- Email:
Methodological Information
- Methods of data collection/processing: see manuscript for details
Data and File Overview
Summary Metrics
- File count: 15
- Total file size: 177 MB
- Range of individual file sizes: 2 KB - 40951 KB
- File formats: .dta .do & .ado
Naming Conventions
- Data (.dta) files beginning with "MA" contain data for the Massachusetts analysis
- Data (.dta) files beginning with "US" contain data for United States analysis
Table of Contents
- MA1.dta
- MA2.dta
- MA4.dta
- MA5.dta
- MA6.dta
- MA7.dta
- MA8.dta
- MA9.dta
- US1.dta
- US2.dta
- US3.dta
- US4.dta
- US5.dta
- US6.dta
- Files ("_", "e" , "f" , "j" , "l" , "m" , "r")
File/Folder Details
Details for:
- Description: STATA .do file containing the script for all results. Results will appear in the STATA results window and in the logfile after execution of code.
- Format(s): .do (STATA)
- Size(s): 13 KB
- Dimensions: N/A
- Variable Definitions: N/A
Details for: MA1.dta
- Description: STATA .dta file containing the data for -Table 1 (Column 1, 2) -Table S1 Panel B -Table S5 -Table S6 -Table S7
- Format(s): .dta (STATA)
- Size(s): 35 MB
- Dimensions: 540,336 rows x 16 columns
- Variable Definitions: (All variables are continuous or indicators unless specified in definition) sale_year "year of purchase" acres_gaines_pstsale "number of proximate acres w/n 1/4 mile conserved post-purchase" hh_id "household id" countyfe "county id" censustractfe "tract id" townfe "townd id" white "indicator variable if household/applicant is white" black_hisp "indicator variable if household/applicant is black, hispanic, other, native am." asian "indicator variable if household/applicant is asian" inc_adj "income adjusted to 2016 level" total_acres "total acres w/n 1/4 mile at the year purchase" race "race group variable" inc_q1 "indicator variable if household/applicant is within income quartile 1" inc_q2 "indicator variable if household/applicant is within income quartile 2" inc_q3 "indicator variable if household/applicant is within income quartile 3" inc_q4 "indicator variable if household/applicant is within income quartile 4"
Details for: MA2.dta
- Description: STATA .dta file containing the data for -Table 1 -Table S1 Panel B -Table S8 -Table S13
- Format(s): .dta (STATA)
- Size(s): 40 MB
- Dimensions: 499,002 rows x 21 columns
- Variable Definitions: (All variables are continuous or indicators unless specified in definition) year "year of most recent observation" white "indicator variable if household/applicant is white" black_hisp "indicator variable if household/applicant is black, hispanic, other, native am." asian "indicator variable if household/applicant is asian" inc_q1 "indicator variable if household/applicant is within income quartile 1" inc_q2 "indicator variable if household/applicant is within income quartile 2" inc_q3 "indicator variable if household/applicant is within income quartile 3" inc_q4 "indicator variable if household/applicant is within income quartile 4" hh_id "household id" countyfe "county id" censustractfe "tract id" townfe "townd id" cap "total dollar benefits from conservation (acre gain * prop value * coefficient)" bh_q1 "black/hispanic household in income quartile 1" bh_q2 "black/hispanic household in income quartile 2" bh_q3 "black/hispanic household in income quartile 3" bh_q4 "black/hispanic household in income quartile 4" a_q1 "asian household in income quartile 1" a_q2 "asian household in income quartile 2" a_q3 "asian household in income quartile 3" a_q4 "asian household in income quartile 4"
Details for: MA4.dta
- Description: STATA .dta file containing the data for -Table S9 -Figure 2 (Panel A & B)
- Format(s): .dta (STATA)
- Size(s): 10 KB
- Dimensions: 12 rows x 9 columns
- Variable Definitions: (All variables are continuous or indicators unless specified in definition) race "1 = White, 2 = Black/Hispanic, 3 = Asian" inc_grp "1 = Income Quartile 1, 2 = Income Quartile 2,3 = Income Quartile 3,4 = Income Quartile 4" all_cap "Home equity capitalization ($)" equity_capture "Home equity capitalization (% Share)" census_pop "Population count" pop_per "Population share (%)" ratio " Equity (% Share)/Population (% Share)" ratio_1 " ratio - 1"
Details for: MA5.dta
- Description: STATA .dta file containing the data for -Figure S4
- Format(s): .dta (STATA)
- Size(s): 9 KB
- Dimensions: 12 rows x 8 columns
- Variable Definitions: (All variables are continuous or indicators unless specified in definition) race "1 = White, 2 = Black/Hispanic, 3 = Asian" inc_grp "1 = Income Quartile 1, 2 = Income Quartile 2,3 = Income Quartile 3,4 = Income Quartile 4" cap_types "Home equity capitalization from het. land types ($)" equity_capture "Home equity capitalization from het. land types (% Share)" census_pop "Population count" pop_per "Population share (%)" ratio " (Equity (% Share)/Population (% Share)) - 1"
Details for: MA6.dta
- Description: STATA .dta file containing the data for -Figure S1
- Format(s): .dta (STATA)
- Size(s): 2 KB
- Dimensions: 19 rows x 2 columns
- Variable Definitions: year "Year Conservation Occured" acres "# of acres"
Details for: MA7.dta
- Description: STATA .dta file containing the data for -Figure S3
- Format(s): .dta (STATA)
- Size(s): 5 KB
- Dimensions: 16 rows x 6 columns
- Variable Definitions: (All variables are continuous or indicators unless specified in definition) group "Income bin or range - this is a string var" ACS_tot "Population total from the American Community Survey (MA)" HMD_tot "Population total from HMDA data (MA)" ACS_per "% Share of population from American Community Survey (MA)" HMDA_per "% Share of population from HMDA data (MA)" order - order of display
Details for: MA8.dta
- Description: STATA .dta file containing the data for -Table S2
- Format(s): .dta (STATA)
- Size(s): 8 MB
- Dimensions: 540,336 rows x 4 columns
- Variable Definitions: (All variables are continuous or indicators unless specified in definition) white "indicator variable if household/applicant is white" black_hisp "indicator variable if household/applicant is black, hispanic, other, native am." asian "indicator variable if household/applicant is asian" inc_adj "income adjusted to 2016 level"
Details for: MA9.dta
- Description: STATA .dta file containing the data for -Table S3
- Format(s): .dta (STATA)
- Size(s): 5 MB
- Dimensions: 167,469 rows x 8 columns
- Variable Definitions: (All variables are continuous or indicators unless specified in definition) white "indicator variable if household/applicant is white" black_hisp "indicator variable if household/applicant is black, hispanic, other, native am." asian "indicator variable if household/applicant is asian" inc_q1 "indicator variable if household/applicant is within income quartile 1" inc_q2 "indicator variable if household/applicant is within income quartile 2" inc_q3 "indicator variable if household/applicant is within income quartile 3" inc_q4 "indicator variable if household/applicant is within income quartile 4" occ "years spent in occupancy of a property within our data"
Details for: US1.dta
- Description: STATA .dta file containing the data for -Table S14 -Table S15 -Table S17 -Table S18 -Table S19
- Format(s): .dta (STATA)
- Size(s): 13 MB
- Dimensions: 186,144 rows x 16 columns
- Variable Definitions: (All variables are continuous unless specified in definition) tot_hh "total households" med_value "median property value" med_inc "median household income adjusted to 2014 dollars" pct_acres "% (acres)area of protected/conserved land within block group (2000)" pct_acres_dif "% increase in protected/conserved land within block group 2001-2009" hh_inc_q1 "identifier var if median hh income (def by state levels) falls in q1" hh_inc_q2 "identifier var if median hh income (def by state levels) falls in q2" hh_inc_q3 "identifier var if median hh income (def by state levels) falls in q3" hh_inc_q4 "identifier var if median hh income (def by state levels) falls in q4" pct_white "% white households" pct_black_hisp "% black/hispanic/native am/other households" pct_asian "% asian/pacific islander/native hawaiian households" tract_id "tract identifier" county_id "county identifier" state_id "state identifier" cap "total dollar benefits frmo conservation (acre % gain * prop value * US hedonic estimate)
Details for: US2.dta
- Description: STATA .dta file containing the data for -Table S16
- Format(s): .dta (STATA)
- Size(s): 33 MB
- Dimensions: 372,288 rows x 20 columns
- Variable Definitions: (All variables are continuous or indicators unless specified in definition) tot_hh "total households" med_rooms "median rooms" med_inc "median household income adjusted to 2014 dollars" med_yr "median year built for owner occupied buildings" pct_acres "% (acres)area of protected/conserved land within block group" pct_min "% minority population" ln_price "natural log of median home value" pct_vac "% vacant housing units" pct_ed "% population with hs degree or higher" pct_industry "% population employed in finance, real estate, information..." pct_emp "% employed working population" pct_age_18 "% population under 18" pct_age_65 "% population over 65" pct_renter "% renter population" pop_dens "Population density = pop/bg(acres)" bg_id "block group identifier" tract_id "tract identifier" county_id "county identifier" state_id "state identifier"
Details for: US3.dta
- Description: STATA .dta file containing the data for -Table S20 -Figure 3
- Format(s): .dta (STATA)
- Size(s): 6 KB
- Dimensions: 12 rows x 8 columns
- Variable Definitions: (All variables are continuous or indicators unless specified in definition) race "1 = White, 2 = Black/Hispanic, 3 = Asian" inc_grp "1 = Income Quartile 1, 2 = Income Quartile 2,3 = Income Quartile 3,4 = Income Quartile 4" equity "Total mean home equity capitalization ($)" equity_share "Total mean home equity capitalization (% Share)" pop "Total population of group" pop_share "Population share (%)" ratio " (Equity (% Share)/Population (% Share))" ratio_1 " ratio - 1"
Details for: US4.dta
- Description: STATA .dta file containing the data for -Figure S5
- Format(s): .dta (STATA)
- Size(s): 6 KB
- Dimensions: 12 rows x 8 columns
- Variable Definitions: (All variables are continuous or indicators unless specified in definition) race "1 = White, 2 = Black/Hispanic, 3 = Asian" inc_grp "1 = Income Quartile 1, 2 = Income Quartile 2,3 = Income Quartile 3,4 = Income Quartile 4" equity "Total mean home equity capitalization ($)" equity_share "Total mean home equity capitalization (% Share)" pop "Total population of group" pop_share "Population share (%)" ratio " (Equity (% Share)/Population (% Share))" ratio_1 " ratio - 1"
Details for: US5.dta
- Description: STATA .dta file containing the data for -Figure S6
- Format(s): .dta (STATA)
- Size(s): 6 KB
- Dimensions: 12 rows x 8 columns
- Variable Definitions: (All variables are continuous or indicators unless specified in definition) race "1 = White, 2 = Black/Hispanic, 3 = Asian" inc_grp "1 = Income Quartile 1, 2 = Income Quartile 2,3 = Income Quartile 3,4 = Income Quartile 4" equity "Total mean home equity capitalization ($)" equity_share "Total mean home equity capitalization (% Share)" pop "Total population of group" pop_share "Population share (%)" ratio " (Equity (% Share)/Population (% Share))" ratio_1 " ratio - 1"
Details for: US6.dta
- Description: STATA .dta file containing the data for -Table S22
- Format(s): .dta (STATA)
- Size(s): 16 MB
- Dimensions: 178,306 rows x 21 columns
- Variable Definitions: (All variables are continuous or indicators unless specified in definition) tot_hh "# of total households within a block group" med_rooms "change in median rooms of property rooms w/n block group b/w time periods" med_inc "change in median household income adjusted to 2014 dollars w/n block group b/w time periods" med_yr "change in median year built for owner occupied buildings w/n block group b/w time periods" pct_acres "change in % (acres)area of protected/conserved land within block group (demeaned)" pct_black "% of 2000 block group population that identifies as black or hispanic (demeaned)" pct_asian"% of 2000 block group population that identifies as asian (demeaned)" ln_price " change in natural log of median home value w/n block group b/w time periods" pct_vac "change in % vacant housing units w/n block group b/w time periods" pct_ed "change in % population with hs degree or higher w/n block group b/w time periods" pct_industry "change in % population employed in finance, real estate, information... w/n block group b/w time periods" pct_renter "change in % renter population w/n block group b/w time periods" pct_emp "change in % employed working population w/n block group b/w time periods" pct_age_18 "change in % population under 18 w/n block group b/w time periods" pct_age_65 "change in % population over 65 w/n block group b/w time periods" pop_dens "change in Population density = pop/bg(acres) w/n block group b/w time periods" bg_id "block group identifier" tract_id "tract identifier" state_id "state identifier" black_hispXacres "interaction between variables pct_acres & pct_black_hisp" asianXacres "interaction between variables pct_acres & pct_asian"
Details for: Files ("_", "e" , "f" , "j" , "l" , "m" , "r")
- Description: STATA .ado files containing the scripts for user written commands
- Format(s): .ado (STATA)
- Size(s): Multiple Files / Folders
- Dimensions: N/A
- Variable Definitions: N/A