Leopard occupancy correlates with tiger and prey occurrences
Data files
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Large carnivores such as leopards (Panthera pardus) experience continuing threats from habitat loss and fragmentation, depletion of prey populations, and retaliatory killing following conflicts with humans. We aimed to identify factors affecting leopard occupancy and temporal overlap between leopards and tigers (P. tigris), their major prey, and human activities in Parsa-Koshi Complex (PKC), Nepal. We deployed 154 cameras for 21 days each along wildlife trails throughout PKC during December 2022–March 2023. The data consists of weekly detection probability of leopard in PKC along with variables taken for the study. Variables include distance to settlement, number of humans detected, number of livestock detected, presence of tiger, presence of prey, area of water body within a radius of 500m from each trapping station and area of forest within same radius. The data is prepared for hierarchical occupancy modeling and can be analyzed using Just Another Gibbs
README: Leopard occupancy correlates with tiger and prey occurrences
Provenance for this README
* Date created: 2023-12-07 * Date modified: 2024-12
Dataset Version and Release History
* Current Version: * Number: 1.0.0 * Date: 2023-12-07 * Dataset
identifier: * Summary of changes: n/a
Dataset Attribution and Usage
* Dataset Contributors:
* Creators: Hem Bahadur Katuwal, Bishnu Prasad Bhattarai, Sandeep Regmi, Shivish Bhandari, Bishnu Aryal, Krishna Tamang, Amrit Nepali, Sabin K.C., Dipendra Adhikari, Basu Baral, Surya Devkota, Sabina Koirala, Dev Narayan Mandal, Jerrold L. Belant, Hari Prasad Sharma, Rui-Chang Quan
* License: This work is licensed under a CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0)
Public Domain Dedication license.
* Suggested Citations:
* Dataset citation: >
Contact Information
* Name: Hem Bahadur Katuwal * Affiliations: 1Southeast Asia Biodiversity Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Center for Integrative Conservation, Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Mengla, Yunnan 666303, China * ORCID ID: * Email: hembahadur@xtbg.ac.cn * Address: e-mail preferred
Additional Dataset Metadata
* Funding sources: * Permission: DNPWC, Department of Forest and Soil Conservation, Parsa National Park, Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve
Dates and Locations
* Dates of data collection: Field data collected between December 2022 and March 2023 * Geographic locations of data collection: Parsa National Park to Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve (Madhesh Province, Nepal).
File/Folder Details
* Description: a comma-delimited file containing leopard detection and variables associated with their occurence in Parsa Koshi Complex, Nepal. The file is prepared for analysis in R program but can be reformated for the use in other statistical software.
* Format(s): .csv
* Data name: "Leopard data2.csv"
* Data structure: 154rows*9columns
This is a dataset containing information about the leopard occurence in Parsa Koshi Complex, Nepal. The dataset contains information on 154 sites around Parsa Koshi Complex. The dataset can be analyzed using different statistical softwares like R-program and PRESENCE
Waypoint: Unique id for each camera trapping sites.
Leopard: Number of weeks leopard was detected based on three weeks of
sampling period
Building: Distance to nearest human settlement in
meters (m).
Human: Total number of humans detected in each camera (n).
Livestock: Total number of livestock detected in each camera (n).
Tiger:Presence of tiger "1" = presence.
prey: Presence of prey species "1" = presence.
Water_1: Area of water bodies taking radius of 500m keeping camera as center (meter square).
Trees: Area of forest taking radius of 500m keeping camera as center (meter square).
This dataset can be analysed using hierarchical occupancy modelling in R program.