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Inter- and intraspecific variation in juvenile metabolism and water loss among five biphasic amphibian species

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Oct 12, 2020 version files 522.34 KB


Population persistence is informed by the ability of individuals to cope with local abiotic conditions, which is commonly mediated by physiological traits. Among biphasic amphibians, juveniles—which are infrequently studied but play a key role in amphibian population dynamics—are the first life stage to experience terrestrial conditions following the aquatic larval stage. To illuminate phenotypic variation that may allow juveniles to survive the physiological challenges presented by this transition, we examined respiratory surface area water loss (RSAWL) and standard metabolic rates (SMR) among juveniles reared under common larval conditions for five salamander species (Ambystoma annulatum, A. maculatum, A. opacum, A. talpoideum, and A. texanum) collected across ~200 km of latitude in Missouri, USA. We found that SMR described 34% of variation in RSAWL, suggesting that physiological water conservation may be limited by energetic regulation among these species, and vice versa. On average, species differed in juvenile SMR and residual values of RSAWL (corrected for body size/shape) by 0.04 mL CO2  and 0.16, respectively, possibly because of distinct species ecologies. For example, A. annulatum had higher SMR and RSAWL compared to broadly distributed study species, potentially associated with a relatively narrow range of environmental conditions experienced across the small geographic distribution of A. annulatum. Latitude correlated negatively with temperature and precipitation, and positively with RSAWL, suggesting that variation in RSAWL may be adaptive to local conditions. We provide evidence that species differences likely have a genetic basis, reflecting selection favoring species divergence to effectively use distinct microhabitats.