Long-term decrease in colouration: A consequence of climate change?
Data files
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README: Long-term decrease in colouration: A consequence of climate change?
Description of the data and file structure
- code_manuscript: contains the R code used to run the analysis and plots present in the paper, the code also includes a sample code on how to obtain the colour variables from the spectra using pavo. The description of the colour variables can be found in SM-1.
data_base_colour.csv: data set containing the information required for running the analyses in
sections one, three and four. It contains the following information:
a. cod -> identity of the individuals.
b. yr/yrcont -> year, one is meant to be coded as a factor and the other one as
continuous in the analyses (see code).
c. isla -> described whether the observations were obtained from Corsica (isla=2) or
Rouviere (isla=1).
d. bb -> blue crown brightness (colour variable).
e. buvc -> blue crown UC chroma (colour variable).
f. yc -> yellow chroma (colour variable).
g. yb -> yellow brightness (colour variable).
h. agecod -> age of the individuals, coded as one-year old (agecod=1) and more than
one-year old (agecod=2).
i. meantm1-> average daily temperature in the previous summer (climatic variable).
j. meanrr1 -> average daily precipitation in the previous summer (climatic variable).
k. site -> study sites in each population (Corsica=d-muro, e-muro, e-pirio; Rouviere=drouviere).
l. sex -> the sex of the individuals coded as males=1, females=2.Note: NAs denote values with no information recorded.
data_base_climate.csv: data set containing the information required to run the analyses and
plots in section two. It contains the following information:
a. year-> year.
b. meantm-> average summer daily temperature in the current year.
c. sdtm-> standard deviation of the summer temperature in the current year.
d. meanrr-> average summer daily precipitations in the current year.
e. sdrr -> standard deviation of the summer precipitations in the current year.
f. n -> sample size.
g. setm -> standard error of the summer temperature in the current year.
h. serr -> standard error of the summer precipitations in the current year.
i. pop -> study population (cors= Corsica; rou=Rouviere).Note: NAs denote values with no information recorded.
pedigree_pop.csv: pedigree of the two populations. It contained the following information:
a. id-> identity of the individuals.
b. dam-> identity of the dams.
c. sire-> identity of the sires.Note: NAs denote cell where the mother (dams) and father (sires) information is not known.
Information about versions of packages and software used:
All analyses were conducted in R statistical software (version 3.6.3), in a platform x86_64-appledarwin15.6.0
(64-bit) running under macOS 10.16. Specifically, we used the following packages:
-readr (v. 1.4.0)
-lmerTest (v. 3.1-3)
-ggplot2 (v. 3.3.2)
-dplyr (v. 1.0.2)
-usdm (v. 1.1-18)
-MuMIn (v. 1.43.17)
-MCMCglmm (v. 2.32)
-pedantics (v. 1.7)*
- ”pedantics” is currently not available in CRAN (11.01.2022), but it can be easily downloaded and installed from //cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/Archive/pedantics/
This dataset includes 15-years of information about the blue tit colouration