Data and R analysis code: Asian elephants distinguish sexual status and identity of unfamiliar elephants using urinary odours
Data files
Dec 04, 2023 version files 36.70 KB
Despite the ubiquity of odours in mammals, few studies have documented the natural olfactory abilities of many “non-model” species such as the Asian elephant. As Asian elephants are endangered, we may apply odours to more effectively manage threatened populations. We implemented a habituation–discrimination paradigm for the first time in Asian elephants to test the ability of elephants to discriminate between unfamiliar male elephant urine, hypothesizing that elephants would successfully distinguish non-musth from musth urine and also distinguish identity between two closely related individuals. We conducted two bioassay series, exposing three female and three male zoo-housed elephants to the same urine sample (non-musth urine in the first series, and urine from an unfamiliar individual in the second) over five days. On the sixth day, we simultaneously presented each elephant with a novel sample (either musth urine or urine from a second unfamiliar individual) alongside the habituated urine sample, comparing rates of chemosensory response to each sample to indicate discrimination. All elephants successfully discriminated non-musth from musth urine, and also urine from two unfamiliar half-brothers. Our results further demonstrate the remarkable olfactory abilities of elephants with promising implications for conservation and management.
This README file was generated on 2023-12-01 by Chase LaDue.
Title of Dataset: Data and R analysis code: Asian elephants distinguish sexual status and identity of unfamiliar elephants using urinary odours
Author Information
A. Principal Investigator Contact Information
Name: Chase LaDue
Institution: Oklahoma City Zoo and Botanical Garden
Address: 2000 Remington Place, Oklahoma City, OK USA
Email: chase.ladue@gmail.comB. Co-investigator Contact Information
Name: Rebecca Snyder
Institution: Oklahoma City Zoo and Botanical Garden
Address: 2000 Remington Place, Oklahoma City, OK USA
Email: rsnyder@okczoo.orgDate of data collection: June to July 2023
Geographic location of data collection: Oklahoma City Zoo and Botanical Garden, USA
Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: No external funding.
Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain
Links to publications that cite or use the data:
LaDue, C. A., & Snyder, R. J. (2023). Asian elephants distinguish sexual status and identity of unfamiliar elephants using urinary odours. Biology Letters.
Links to other publicly accessible locations of the data: None
Links/relationships to ancillary data sets: None
Was data derived from another source? No
A. If yes, list source(s): NARecommended citation for this dataset:
LaDue, C. A., & Snyder, R. J. (2023). Data and R analysis code: Asian elephants distinguish sexual status and identity of unfamiliar elephants using urinary odours. Dryad Digital Repository.
- File List:
A) Behavior.Data.csv
B) Consistency.Data.csv
C) Reliability.Data.csv
- Relationship between files, if important:
- To test for habituation/discrimination and generate plots:
Behavioral data (
) are analyzed usingBehavior.Data.Analysis.R
script. See comments within script for explanations.
- To test for habituation/discrimination and generate plots:
Behavioral data (
* To test for observer reliability and consistency:
Data (Reliability.Data.csv
and Consistency.Data.csv
) are analyzed using Reliability.Consistency.Analysis.R
script. See comments within script for explanations.
Additional related data collected that was not included in the current data package: None
Are there multiple versions of the dataset? No
A. If yes, name of file(s) that was updated: NA
i. Why was the file updated? NA
ii. When was the file updated? NA
Number of variables: 22
Number of cases/rows: 144
Variable List:
- SessionID: ID number of observation session/bioassay
* Animal.Code: unique identifier for each of six animals in study (F = female, M = male)
* Trial.Set: Musth = musth discrimination series; Individual = individual discrimination series
* Series.Day: day of respective bioassay series (Day 1 through Day 6)
* Sample.identifier: kind of sample towards which chemosensory response was directed (habituated sample is habituated urine, control sample is vanillin mixture, novel sample is new urine; see reference for description)
* Sample.Position: relative position of each sample on each day of bioassay (near or far; left or right)
* Sniff: number of sniffs observed during bioassay
* Check: number of checks observed during bioassay
* Place: number of places observed during bioassay
* Flehmen: number of flehmens observed during bioassay
* Chemosensory.behavior: sum total of sniffs, checks, places, and flehmens observed during bioassay
* Proximity.Count: number of times elephant was in proximity to sample during bioassay
* Sniff.min: number of sniffs observed during bioassay, standardized per minute of observation
* Check.min: number of checks observed during bioassay, standardized per minute of observation
* Place.min: number of places observed during bioassay, standardized per minute of observation
* Flehmen.min: number of flehmens observed during bioassay, standardized per minute of observation
* Chemosensory.behavior.min: sum total of sniffs, checks, places, and flehmens observed during bioassay, standardized per minute of observation
* Sniff.prox: number of sniffs observed during bioassay, standardized per instance of proximity
* Check.prox: number of checks observed during bioassay, standardized per instance of proximity
* Place.prox: number of places observed during bioassay, standardized per instance of proximity
* Flehmen.prox: number of flehmens observed during bioassay, standardized per instance of proximity
* Chemosensory.behavior.prox: sum total of sniffs, checks, places, and flehmens observed during bioassay, standardized per instance of proximity
Missing data codes: None
Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: None
Number of variables: 2
Number of cases/rows: 72
Variable List:
* Standard: number of chemosensory behaviors per minute towards a sample observed by expert observer
* Reliability: number of chemosensory behaviors per minute towards a sample observed by test observer (to check for data consistency)
Missing data codes: None
Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: None
Number of variables: 22
Number of cases/rows: 144
Variable List:
- SessionID: ID number of observation session/bioassay
* Animal.Code: unique identifier for each of six animals in study (F = female, M = male)
* Trial.Set: Musth = musth discrimination series; Individual = individual discrimination series
* Series.Day: day of respective bioassay series (Day 1 through Day 6)
* Sample.identifier: kind of sample towards which chemosensory response was directed (habituated sample is habituated urine, control sample is vanillin mixture, novel sample is new urine; see reference for description)
* Sample.Position: relative position of each sample on each day of bioassay (near or far; left or right)
* Sniff: number of sniffs observed during bioassay
* Check: number of checks observed during bioassay
* Place: number of places observed during bioassay
* Flehmen: number of flehmens observed during bioassay
* Chemosensory.behavior: sum total of sniffs, checks, places, and flehmens observed during bioassay
* Proximity.Count: number of times elephant was in proximity to sample during bioassay
* Sniff.min: number of sniffs observed during bioassay, standardized per minute of observation
* Check.min: number of checks observed during bioassay, standardized per minute of observation
* Place.min: number of places observed during bioassay, standardized per minute of observation
* Flehmen.min: number of flehmens observed during bioassay, standardized per minute of observation
* Chemosensory.behavior.min: sum total of sniffs, checks, places, and flehmens observed during bioassay, standardized per minute of observation
* Sniff.prox: number of sniffs observed during bioassay, standardized per instance of proximity
* Check.prox: number of checks observed during bioassay, standardized per instance of proximity
* Place.prox: number of places observed during bioassay, standardized per instance of proximity
* Flehmen.prox: number of flehmens observed during bioassay, standardized per instance of proximity
* Chemosensory.behavior.prox: sum total of sniffs, checks, places, and flehmens observed during bioassay, standardized per instance of proximity
Missing data codes: None
Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: None