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Data from: Phylogenetic conflict between species tree and maternally inherited gene trees in a clade of Emberiza buntings (Aves: Emberizidae)

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Zhang, Dezhi (2023). Data from: Phylogenetic conflict between species tree and maternally inherited gene trees in a clade of Emberiza buntings (Aves: Emberizidae) [Dataset]. Dryad.


Different genomic regions may reflect conflicting phylogenetic topologies on account of incomplete lineage sorting and/or gene flow. Genomic data are necessary to reconstruct the true species tree and explore potential causes of phylogenetic conflict. Here, we investigate the phylogenetic relationships of four Emberiza species (Aves: Emberizidae) and discuss the potential causes of the observed mitochondrial non-monophyly of Emberiza godlewskii (Godlewski's bunting) using phylogenomic analyses based on whole genome resequencing data from 41 birds. Phylogenetic analyses based on both the whole mitochondrial genome and ~39 kilobases from the non-recombining W chromosome reveal that the northern and southern populations of E. godlewskii are each sister to E. cioides and E. cia, respectively. In contrast, phylogenetic analysis based on genome-wide data support the monophyly of E. godlewskii with the following tree topology: (((E. godlewskii, E. cia), E. cioides), E. jankowskii). Using D-statistics, we detected multiple gene flow events among different lineages, indicating pervasive introgressive hybridization within this clade. Introgression from an unsampled lineage that is sister to E. cioides or introgression from an unsampled mitochondrial + W chromosomal lineage of E. cioides into northern E. godlewskii may explain the phylogenetic conflict between the species tree estimated from genome-wide data and mtDNA/W trees. These results underscore the importance of using genomic data for phylogenetic reconstruction and species delimitation.


These files contains original fasta or vcf file for phylogenetic analyses in the manuscript USYB-2023-045

File "Concatenated_NRW.fas" contains aligned NRW sequences;
File "Dsuite_output_data.txt" contains output data of Dsuite analysis; huimei, liban, sandaomei, south and north represent E. cia, E. jankowskii, E. cioides, southern E. godlewskii and northern E. godlewskii, respectively; BBAA, ABBA and BABA represents the counts conform to the corresponding site patterns; for other parameters, please refer to Dsuite tutorial;
File "ldfil.recode.vcf.gz" contains linkage disequilibrium pruned vcf file;
File "mitochondrial_cytb.fas" contains aligned mitochondrial cytb sequences;
File "mitochondrial_other_sequences.fas" contains aligned mitochondrial sequences without cytb gene
File "MP-EST_input_20000 trees.rar" contains 20000 sliding window trees for the input to MP-EST analysis;
File "ALSTRAL_input_trees_of_Z_chromosome.trees" contains 3583 sliding window trees from chromosome Z for the input to ASTRAL analysis;
File "Supporting_information.pdf" contains supplementary methods, tables and figures.


Dataset and supporting information from the manuscript of Phylogenetic conflict between species tree and maternally inherited gene trees in a clade of Emberiza buntings (Aves: Emberizidae).


National Natural Science Foundation of China