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Phase response analyses support a relaxation oscillator model of locomotor rhythm generation in Caenorhabditis elegans


This dataset contains all data and codes that are used in the manuscript entitled "Phase response analyses support a relaxation oscillator model of locomotor rhythm generation in Caenorhabditis elegans".

The data include raw videos and intermediate data for optogenetic experiments of all strains, experimental conditions (illumination duration, illuminated region, fluid viscosity and date). Within the parent folder 'Videos', each subfolder represents data of a group of experiments using the same strain under the same condition, as indicated explicitly by the subfolder name. Within each subfolder, there are raw videos of freely moving worms perturbed by transient optogenetic perturbations and intermediate data which include locomotory information and the corresponding figure plots (kymographs) that were generated by analysing the raw videos with the image analysis software (also in the dataset)

The codes include scripts for image data analysis and model simulations. The image data analysis codes include scripts specifically for generating phase portrait graphs, phase response curves, head oscillation stability plots, phase isochron map and vector field. The model simulation codes include scripts for model oscillators implementation, paramter estimation/optimization and simulations of optogenetic inhibition.