Haptic artificial muscle skin for extended reality
Data files
Oct 10, 2024 version files 710.15 MB
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Existing haptic actuators are often rigid and limited in their ability to replicate real-world tactile sensations. We present a wearable haptic artificial muscle skin (HAMS) based on fully soft, millimeter-scale, multilayer dielectric elastomer actuators (DEAs) capable of significant out-of-plane deformation, a capability that typically requires rigid or liquid biasing. The DEAs utilize a thickness-varying multilayer structure to achieve large out-of-plane displacement and force, maintaining comfort and wearability. Experimental results demonstrate that HAMS can produce complex tactile feedback with high perception accuracy. Moreover, we show that HAMS can be integrated into extended reality (XR) systems, enhancing immersion and offering potential applications in entertainment, education, and assistive technologies.
README: Haptic Artificial Muscle Skin for Extended Reality
This data set contains the data supporting the work: 'Haptic artificial muscle skin for extended reality'.
It consists of raw data for the main figures and supplementary figures/movies, which were put in their corresponding folders.
Description of the data and file in each folders
- ExperimentalDis10L3to7mm.xlsx
In this file, each sheet contains the measured displacement (in mm) of three actuators with a specific diameter. The first column in each sheet is the voltage applied in kV.
2. ExperimentalForce10L3to7mm.xlsxIn this file, each sheet contains the measured force (in mN) of three actuators with a specific diameter. The first column in each sheet is the voltage applied in kV.
3. SimulatedDis10L3to7mm.xlsxThis file contains the simulated displacement (in mm) of the actuator with diameters ranging from 3-7 mm. The first column represents the voltage applied in kV.
4. SimulatedForce10L3to7mm.xlsxThis file contains the simulated force (in mN) of the actuator with diameters ranging from 3-7 mm. The first column represents the voltage applied in kV.
5. DisplacementVsFrequency10L4mm.xlsxIn this file, each sheet contains the measured displacement (in mm) of three 4-mm actuators under a specific voltage. The first column in each sheet is the actuation frequency in Hz.
6. ForceVsFrequency10L4mm.xlsxIn this file, each sheet contains the measured force (in mN) of three 4-mm actuators under a specific voltage. The first column in each sheet is the actuation frequency in Hz.
7. Cyclic TestsThis folder contains the sensor data that capture the displacement of one 4-mm actuator under a continuous cyclic actuation. In each .csv file, the displacement data starts at the 8th row, with the following data structure:
Data acquisition time; Epoch time (ms); Displacement (mm)
- HapticsConfusionMatrix.xlsx
This file contains the answers obtained from the subjects for the perception tests.
1. The first sheet contains the data for the intensity test, with the first row being the actual intensity and the rest of the rows being the perceived intensity from the subjects. 0 means "OFF", and "1", "2", and "3" mean "Low", "Medium", and "High", respectively.
2. The second sheet contains the data for the frequency test, with the first row being the actual frequency and the rest of the rows being the perceived frequency from the subjects. 0 means "OFF", and the other numbers correspond to the actuation frequency.
3. The second sheet contains the data for the pattern test, where the data for each subject is separated by a blank row. In the data for each subject, the first row being the actual pattern and the rest of the rows being the perceived pattern from the subjects. 0 means "OFF", and the other numbers correspond to the pattern number.Fig5
- RainSceneVoltage.csv
This file contains the voltage data of the actuators within HAMS in the rain scene demostration from "light rain" to "heavy rain". The voltage data starts at the 10th row, with the following data structure:
In each row, the data are separated by a semicolon delimiter. The first data is time (s), and the rest of the data are voltages (V) for actuator 1-9.
2. BallSceneVoltageThis folder contains the voltage data of the actuators within HAMS in the ball scene demostration. Each .csv file represents the voltage data when the ball in at different location in the palm, as described in the file name. The voltage data starts at the 10th row, with the following data structure:
In each row, the data are separated by a semicolon delimiter. The first data is time (s), and the rest of the data are voltages (V) for actuator 1-9.
- UMAT_GentModel_DE.f
This file is the subroutine file in ABAQUS that decribes electrical-mechanical coupled material law for the dielectric elastomer material, PHDE, used in this study.
2. ExampleInput_Displacement_7mm3500V.inpThis file is the iput file for the model that simulates the displacement of an actuator with active diameter of 7 mm under maximum voltage 3500 V.
3. ExampleInput_Force_7mm3500V.inpThis file is the iput file for the model that simulates the force of an actuator with active diameter of 7 mm under maximum voltage 3500 V.
4. PHDEStressStrainFitting.xlsxThis file contains the stress and strain data of PHDE as obtained from DMA, and the fitted stress and stretch.
- ExperimentalDis10L3to7mm.xlsx
In this file, each sheet contains the measured displacement (in mm) of three actuators with a specific diameter. The first column in each sheet is the voltage applied in kV.
2. ExperimentalForce10L3to7mm.xlsxIn this file, each sheet contains the measured force (in mN) of three actuators with a specific diameter. The first column in each sheet is the voltage applied in kV.
3. SimulatedDis10L3to7mm.xlsxThis file contains the simulated displacement (in mm) of the actuator with diameters ranging from 3-7 mm. The first column represents the voltage applied in kV.
4. SimulatedForce10L3to7mm.xlsxThis file contains the simulated force (in mN) of the actuator with diameters ranging from 3-7 mm. The first column represents the voltage applied in kV.
- HapticsLiteratureDisplacementForceData.xlsx
This file contains the absolute displacement and force, as well as the active diameter of the actuators, for this study and other cited references.
- Cyclic Tests
This folder contains the sensor data that capture the displacement of one 4-mm actuator under a continuous cyclic actuation. In each .csv file, the displacement data starts at the 8th row, with the following data structure:
Data acquisition time; Epoch time (ms); Displacement (mm)
2. StorageAmbientThis folder contains the sensor data that capture the displacement of the 4-mm actuators that were stored for 0, 6, and 12 months. For the file name, "6m" and "12m" mean that they samples are stored for 6 and 12 months, respectively. "S1", "S2", and "S3" mean Sample 1,2, and 3. In each .csv file, the displacement data starts at the 8th row, with the following data structure:
Data acquisition time; Epoch time (ms); Displacement (mm)
3. StorageHumidThis folder contains the sensor data that capture the displacement of the 4-mm actuators after they were soaked in water for 0, 4, 12, 24, and 48 hours. For the file name, "S1", "S2", and "S3" mean Sample 1,2, and 3. In each .csv file, the displacement data starts at the 8th row, with the following data structure:
Data acquisition time; Epoch time (ms); Displacement (mm)
- Displacement4mmFrequencySweep.csv
This file contains the sensor data that capture the displacement of the 4-mm actuator under 3kV at multiple frequencies. The displacement data starts at the 8th row, with the following data structure:
Data acquisition time; Epoch time (ms); Displacement (mm)
2. DisplacementVsFrequency10L4mm.xlsxIn this file, each sheet contains the measured displacement (in mm) of three 4-mm actuators under a specific voltage. The first column in each sheet is the actuation frequency in Hz.
3. ForceVsTime0.5to10Hz.xlsxThis file contains the sensor data that capture the force output of the 4-mm actuator under 3kV at multiple frequencies.
- SkinAdhesiveStorageModulus.xlsx
This file contains the storage modulus (Pa), loss modulus (Pa) and loss tangent of the skin adhesive across a range of temepratures (degree C), as obtained from the DMA test.
2. SkinAdhesiveStressStrain.xlsxThis file contains the stress and strain of the skin adhesive, as obtained from the DMA test.
- ExperimentalDis5L1.5to2.5mm.xlsx
In this file, each sheet contains the measured displacement (in mm) of three 5-layer actuators with a specific diameter. The first column in each sheet is the voltage applied in kV.
2. ExperimentalForce5L1.5to2.5mm.xlsxIn this file, each sheet contains the measured force (in mN) of three 5-layer actuators with a specific diameter. The first column in each sheet is the voltage applied in kV.
- The .csv files in this folder are the voltage data obtained from the current measurement experiment under different input voltages. In each file, the voltage data starts at the 10th row, with the following data structure:
Each row of data are separated by a semicolon delimiter. The first data is time (s), the second data is the voltage (V) across the actuator, and the third data is the voltage across the resistor.
- DifferentPWM
The .csv files in this folder are the voltage output data of the HVPS at different percentage of PWM. In each file, the voltage data starts at the 10th row, with the following data structure:
Each row of data are separated by a semicolon delimiter. The first data is time (s) and the second data is the output voltage (V).
2. PWMVoltage80PWMAllFrequency.csvThis file contains the voltage output data of the HVPS at different frequencies. The voltage data starts at the 10th row, with the following data structure:
Each row of data are separated by a semicolon delimiter. The first data is time (s) and the second data is the output voltage (V).
- HapticsConfusionMatrix.xlsx
This file contains the answers obtained from the subjects for the perception tests.
1. The first sheet contains the data for the intensity test, with the first row being the actual intensity and the rest of the rows being the perceived intensity from the subjects. 0 means "OFF", and "1", "2", and "3" mean "Low", "Medium", and "High", respectively.
2. The second sheet contains the data for the frequency test, with the first row being the actual frequency and the rest of the rows being the perceived frequency from the subjects. 0 means "OFF", and the other numbers correspond to the actuation frequency.
3. The second sheet contains the data for the pattern test, where the data for each subject is separated by a blank row. In the data for each subject, the first row being the actual pattern and the rest of the rows being the perceived pattern from the subjects. 0 means "OFF", and the other numbers correspond to the pattern number.MovS5
- RainSceneVoltage.csv
This file contains the voltage data of the actuators within HAMS in the rain scene demostration. The voltage data starts at the 10th row, with the following data structure:
In each row, the data are separated by a semicolon delimiter. The first data is time (s), and the rest of the data are voltages (V) for actuator 1-9.
- BallSceneVoltage.csv
This file contains the voltage data of the actuators within HAMS in the ball scene demostration. The voltage data starts at the 10th row, with the following data structure:
In each row, the data are separated by a semicolon delimiter. The first data is time (s), and the rest of the data are voltages (V) for actuator 1-9.