Plains zebra time budgets, social behavior, and communication during the 2021-2022 Laikipia-Samburu ecosystem drought
Data files
May 08, 2024 version files 20.92 MB
Anthropogenically induced climate change has significantly increased the frequency of acute weather events, such as drought. As human activities amplify environmental stresses, animals may be forced to prioritize survival over behaviors less crucial to immediate fitness, such as socializing. Yet, social bonds may also buffer organisms from the deleterious effects of environmental conditions. We investigated how the highly social plains zebra (Equus quagga) modify their activity budgets, social networks, and multimodal communication during a drought. This dataset contains a) activity budget, b) steps per minute as a proxy for foraging effort, c) nearest neighbor association data, d) interaction rate, e) juvenile social interaction partner data, and f) multimodal communication data.
README: Plains zebra time budgets, social behavior, and communication during the 2021-2022 Laikipia-Samburu ecosystem drought
This dataset comprises the activity budgets, social association data, social interactions, and multimodal communication of wild plains zebras(Equus quagga) collected in the summers of 2021 and 2022, during which time a severe drought was experienced in the Laikipia-Samburu ecosystem. Data were collected from videos collected during focal follows of 21 known focal harems, from which we extracted social and self-maintenance behaviors, steps-per-minute, rate of social interaction, nearest-neighbor association data, and social interactions.
Multimodal communication was coded from videos to define the full suite of visual, acoustic, tactile, and chemical signals being produced. Data were subsequently used to construct co-occurrence networks of multimodal communication.
Description of data and file structure
All datasets have a "Key" tab with definitions of the columns and their
Dataset S1. Complete dataset used to construct plains zebra time budgets for 2021 and 2022.
For a subset of data, Begin time and End time have an "na" value. These were manually recorded travel bouts. As it is challenging to extract meaningful behavior from video recordings taken while the vehicle is in motion, if individuals engaged in continuous travel for an extended duration (>15 continuous minutes), we terminated the video recording and manually recorded the duration of travel for later integration into time budget calculations.
Dataset S2. Complete dataset used to calculate steps/minute for 2021 and 2022.
Dataset S3. Complete dataset of focal follow nearest neighbor scan samples for 2021 and 2022. Empty cells in Nearest2 column are equivalent to an N/A, meaning there was no second individual within one body length of the focal individual.
Dataset S4. Complete dataset of full harem nearest neighbor scan samples for 2021 and 2022. Empty cells in the Nearest column are equivalent to an N/A, meaning there was no individual within one body length of the focal individual.
Dataset S5. Complete dataset of interactions/30 minutes for 2021 and 2022.
Dataset S6. Complete dataset of juvenile social interaction partners 2021 and 2022.
Dataset S7. Complete dataset used to construct plains zebra multimodal communication networks for 2021 and 2022.
Dataset S8. Body condition scores of individuals in 2021 and 2022.
Each row represents an observed configuration of visual, tactile, acoustic, and/or chemical signals seen in a given moment in time. "Begin_Time" and "End_Time designate the time in the video that the given configuration was observed, while "Duration" designates how long the given posture was observed. All three are in "hh:mm:ss" format.
The entire body, "Ears", "Eyes", "Upper_Lip", "Corner_of_Lip", "Jaw", "Head_Neck_Position", and "Tail" are represented for each posture except for instances where there were mutually exclusive or redundant states
(e.g. "jaw open" and "bite"). All other potential components were coded only as observed, and therefore may not be present in every observation.
R Code S1. R code used to conduct all analyses and construct all visualizations.