Stream-breeding salamander use of headwater stream networks in managed forests of western Washington, USA
Data files
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Stream-associated amphibians are sensitive bioindicators in headwater streams across the Pacific Northwest moist coniferous forests of North America. Much of this landscape is intensively managed for timber. Forest Practices (FP) rules determine harvest prescriptions on most private lands in Washington State and cover over 3.7 million hectares. Under these rules, non-fish-bearing headwater streams receive buffers on at least 50% of the stream length, including FP Sensitive Sites that receive 15 to 17-meter radius no-cut patch buffers. We evaluated how torrent (Rhyacotriton spp.) and giant (Dicamptodon spp.) salamander relative abundance is influenced by headwater stream network features that correspond to FP Sensitive Sites. In particular, we examined how salamander relative abundance in the two most common FP Sensitive Sites, tributary junctions (TJs) and perennial initiation points (PIPs), compared to densities in non-Sensitive Site stream reaches, hereafter branches. We also evaluated salamander relative abundance and two hydrologic characteristics, dry channel and seeps. We analyzed data collected in 2006 and 2007 from 17 amphibian-occupied, non-fish-bearing basins in Western Washington with managed forest ages 30 to 80. We found no relationship between torrent salamander relative abundance and PIPs and TJs or between giant salamander relative abundance and TJs, when compared to branches. Consistent with expectations, giant salamander relative abundance was less in PIPs than in TJs and branches, and less in first-order than second- and third-order streams. Conversely, torrent salamander relative abundance lacked a clear relationship to stream order. Giant and torrent salamander relative abundance showed a negative relationship with proportion of dry channel, but torrent salamanders were observed in short reaches of surface water located in predominantly dry channels. Importantly, reaches with seeps had 123% (CI: +103% to +146%) and 81% (CI: +49% to +121%) greater relative abundance of torrent and giant salamanders, respectively, than reaches without seeps. Current FP rules protect select side-slope seeps as another category of Sensitive Sites but may too narrowly define the criteria of seeps to protect the full range of those being utilized by stream-breeding salamanders. Studies focused on seeps and adjacent stream channel characteristics may better inform features important to stream-breeding salamanders.
README: Stream-breeding salamander use of headwater stream networks in managed forests of western Washington, USA
Description of the data and file structure
We collected salamander count data from streams that were sampled in 2006 and 2007 using a modified light-touch technique (Quinn et al. 2007; Lowe and Bolger 2002). We conducted an active search as we moved upstream, turning all moveable surface substrates ≥64 mm [2.5 inches] within the ordinary high-water mark, including in dry reaches, and within the saturated area of channel-connected seeps. Surveys were conducted during daylight hours between June and October in 2006 and 2007. Upon capture, animals were promptly identified, measured and returned to their capture location. We designated dendritic reach types by their spatial proximity to stream network nodes (i.e., TJs and PIPs), and by extension, whether they fell within circular (17-m radius) FP Sensitive Site no-cut patch buffer criteria. Amphibian observations were grouped by site and dendritic reach type for analysis. Detection segments were used as a random effect to group similar stream segments. The stream order (sensu Strahler 1952) of each stream reach was verified in the field.
Files and variables
"salamandernetwork.csv" and "salamander_seep.csv" contain data used in the manuscript's analysis. Fields, abbreviations, and units are described in the table below for each dataset.
dataset | field | definition |
salamander_network | basin | basin is the unique identifier for the unique site (n=17) |
salamander_network | trib | trib is the stream tributary within the basin |
salamander_network | order | order is the Strahler stream order (1st, 2nd, or 3rd) |
salamander_network | detection_seg | detection segments are used to block similar stream reaches between PIPs and TJs in first-order reaches and between all TJs of different stream orders. PIP= perennial inititiation point; TJ= tributary junction. |
salamander_network | reach_type | dendritic reach types include network nodes (PIPs and TJs) and branches |
salamander_network | length | length of the stream reach in meters |
salamander_network | dry2006 | length of the stream reach that was dry during sampling in 2006 |
salamander_network | year | year of sampling effort |
salamander_network | disp | count of giant salamanders observed in the reach |
salamander_network | rhsp | count of torrent salamanders observed in the reach |
salamander_network | effort | length of survey effort in meters |
salamander_network | prop_dry | proportion of channel dry =(dry2006/length) |
salamander_seep | seep_reach | binary indicator if seep is present in reach (1) or absent (0) |
salamander_seep | basin | basin is the unique identifier for the unique site (n=17) |
salamander_seep | trib | trib is the stream tributary within the basin |
salamander_seep | detection_seg | detection segments are used to block similar stream reaches between PIPs and TJs in first-order reaches and between all TJs of different stream orders. |
salamander_seep | year | year of sampling effort |
salamander_seep | length | length of the stream reach in meters |
salamander_seep | effort | length of survey effort in meters |
salamander_seep | disp | count of giant salamanders observed in the reach |
salamander_seep | rhsp | count of torrent salamanders observed in the reach |
csv files were read into RStudio and analyzed using the brms package.
Stream reaches evaluated in this study were located in 17 amphibian-occupied non-fish-bearing stream basins in western Washington that were part of the Type N Experimental Buffer Treatment Study (McIntyre et al. 2018; see McIntyre et al. 2009 for detailed account of site selection process that screened for the following criteria). We collected salamander count data from streams that were sampled each year using a modified light-touch technique (Quinn et al. 2007; Lowe and Bolger 2002). We conducted an active search as we moved upstream, turning all moveable surface substrates ≥64 mm [2.5 inches] within the ordinary high-water mark, including in dry reaches, and within the saturated area of channel-connected seeps. Amphibian observations were checked for errors and counted by reach type, study site and detection segement.