Data from: Thermal habitat fragmentation in stratified lakes induces resource waves that brook charr track across seasons
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The spatial configuration of thermal habitats constrains the thermoregulatory performance of ectotherms. Thermal landscapes also vary through time, which is particularly relevant in seasonal environments such as temperate lakes. Indeed, elevated temperatures in the epilimnion of dimictic lakes during summer could substantially reduce the use of this habitat by cold-stenothermic fish during the stratified period. The main objective of this study was to evaluate whether thermal habitat fragmentation in stratified lakes modulates accessibility to resources that brook charr, Salvelinus fontinalis, which is a mobile consumer, can track across seasons. More specifically, we hypothesize that reduced access to the littoral habitat during summer enhances foraging opportunities in this habitat during winter. We used an automatic acoustic telemetry system offering full coverage of the lake to continuously record brook charr locations across seasons, and we estimated zoobenthos abundances in the littoral habitat using image processing and semi-automatic classification. While brook charr concentrate in the metalimnion of the pelagic habitat in summer, most individuals in winter shift to a shallow bay that is unexploited in summer due to thermal constraints. In this habitat, zoobenthos abundance is more than twice as high at the end of the summer compared to littoral habitats close to the thermal refuge in the pelagic habitat. Surprisingly, brook charr showed strong within-lake site fidelity between two consecutive summers, which suggests that spatial memory could be a key driver of seasonal habitat use in this lacustrine population. Overall, our results suggest that thermal barriers create fragmentation between littoral and pelagic habitats that in turn produces resource opportunities that brook charr can track across seasons.
README: Thermal habitat fragmentation in stratified lakes induces resource waves that brook charr track across seasons
We have submitted lake temperature profile data (Water_Temperature_Data.csv), benthos count data (Benthos_Count_Data.csv), brook charr position data from the VR2 (FishVUE.csv) or HR2 (FishHRtot.csv) positioning systems, and GIS lake data for lake contour (ledoux_line.shp), lake bathymetry (ledoux_bathy.shp or ledoux_raster.tif) or benthos stations (ledoux_benthos.shp) in a .zip file (
- Temp: Temperature (°C)
- Depth: Depth (m)
- DateUTC: Time in universal time zone (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss)
- DateEDT: Time in Eastern/Canada time zone (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss)
- Set: Interger from the first (1) to the last (5) download of the temperature data
- Day: Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
- Month: Integer corresponding to the month of the year (6: June ; 9: September)
- Station: Station number (interger)
- Group: Taxonomic group (Anisoptera, Chironomidae, Ephemeroptera, Gammaridae, Trichoptera, or Zygoptera)
- Accessibility: Station classified as accessible (Yes) or inaccessible (No) to brook charr
- Count: Zoobenthos abundance (integer)
Brook charr positions from the VR2 positioning system
- X: x-coordinate in UTM zone 18N (EPSG: 32618)
- Y: y-coordinate in UTM zone 18N (EPSG: 32618)
- TRANSMITTER: Fish specimen ID
- DATETIME: Time in universal time zone (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss)
- LAT: Latitude (decimal degree)
- LONG: Longitude (decimal degree)
- HPE: Horizontal positionning error. HPE is a measure of the error potential of a calculated position due to the effects of the geometry of the positions of the transmitter and the detecting receivers (unitless)
- TEMP: Temperature recorded by the sensor (°C)
- DEPTH: Depth recorded by the sensor (m)
- Season: One of the two following seasons: Summer 2016 or Winter 2017
Brook charr positions from the HR2 positioning system
- X: x-coordinate in UTM zone 18N (EPSG: 32618)
- Y: y-coordinate in UTM zone 18N (EPSG: 32618)
- Name: Fish specimen ID
- Time: Time in universal time zone (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss)
- Longitude: Longitude (decimal degree)
- Latitude: Latitude (decimal degree)
- HPE: Horizontal positionning error. HPE is a measure of the error potential of a calculated position due to the effects of the geometry of the positions of the transmitter and the detecting receivers (unitless)
- RMSE: Root-mean-squared error. RMSE is a measure of detection time error for a given position. The primary use for the RMSE is to indicate potential positioning error due to multipath signals (milliseconds)
- TempData: Temperature recorded by the sensor (°C)
- DepthData: Depth recorded by the sensor (m)
- Season: One of the three following seasons: Summer 2017, Winter 2018, or Summer 2018
.zip file containing raster of shapfile data as described below:
- ledoux_bathy.shp: shapefile for lake bathymetry (linestring; projected CRS: WGS 84 / UTM zone 18N). The attribute table contains the following variables:
- ID: Element ID
- CONTOUR: altitude above the sea level of the lake depth (m)
- Surface: altitude above the sea level of the lake surface (m)
- Bathy: Lake depth (m)
- ledoux_benthos.shp: shapefile for benthos stations (point; projected CRS: WGS 84 / UTM zone 18N). The attribute table contains the following variables:
- Latitude: Latitude (decimal degree)
- Longitude: Longitude (decimal degree)
- y_proj: y-coordinate in UTM zone 18N (EPSG: 32618)
- x_proj: x-coordinate in UTM zone 18N (EPSG: 32618)
- time: Time in universal time zone (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss)
- model: GPS model
- ltime: Time in Eastern/Canada time zone (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss)
- Station: Station number
- ledoux_line.shp: shapefile for lake contour (linestring; projected CRS: WGS 84 / UTM zone 18N). The attribute table contains the following variables:
- Id: Element ID
- CONTOUR: altitude above the sea level of the lake shoreline (m)
- ledoux_raster.tif: raster data for lake bathymetry (crs: +proj=utm +zone=18 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs). Values refer to lake depth (m).
- Dimension: 395, 1254, 1 (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
- Resolution (m): 1, 1 (x,y)
- Extent: 630707.4, 631961.4, 5184475, 5184870 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
- Min value: 0
- Max value: 17
R code for reading files
These above files can be easily uploaded in the R environment using the following code:
water_temp <- read.csv('Water_Temperature_Data.csv',sep=";",dec=".",head=TRUE)
benthos = read.csv('Benthos_Count_Data.csv',sep=";",dec=".",head=TRUE)
VUE = fread('FishVUE.csv',sep=",",dec=".",h=TRUE)
HR = fread('FishHRtot.csv',sep=",",dec=".",h=TRUE)
#Lake data
lake_bathy <- read_sf('ledoux_bathy.shp')
lake_benthos <- read_sf('ledoux_benthos.shp')
lake_line <- read_sf('ledoux_line.shp')
ledoux_depth <- rast('ledoux_raster.tif')
The study was carried out in Lake Ledoux (46° 38’ N, 73° 15’ W), Mastigouche Wildlife Reserve, Québec, Canada, from 2016 to 2018. Lake Ledoux is a typical small oligotrophic temperate zone lake with respect to surface area (11.9 ha), mean depth (5.5 m), maximum depth (18.0 m), and general physicochemical characteristics (Gignac-Brassard et al. 2023, Magnan 1988). Brook charr is the only fish species in the lake, and sport fishing is rigorously controlled by the Québec Government (Bourke et al. 1996). The lake was closed to fishing during the three years of the study, but illegal fishing was observed in Lake Ledoux (M. Pépino, personal observation; see details in Supplement 1).
We deployed acoustic telemetry positioning arrays to continuously follow brook charr movements and habitat use at fine spatiotemporal scales (<1 min, <5 m resolution) using two different VEMCO Positioning Systems (VPS). From 5 to 7 July 2016, we deployed 10 receivers (VR2Tx-069k-111-BAT; VEMCO Inc., Halifax, NS, Canada) and two reference tags (V9TP-2x-069k-1-0034m; VEMCO Inc.). From 7 to 8 November 2016, four additional receivers were deployed to allow better coverage of the study lake during winter, especially in the shallow bay in the western section of the lake (Fig. 1; Supplement 1). This VR2 positioning system was operational from 7 July 2016 until 22 May 2017, but full coverage of the lake was not accomplished until we added the four additional receivers in November 2016. Furthermore, the first VPS analyses revealed potential “collisions” between tag signals, which occur when individuals are in proximity and create interference during signal transmission. In 2017, we changed to the HR2 VPS technology, which was specifically developed to circumvent this problem. This system consisted of 23 receivers (HR2-180k-100; VEMCO Inc.) and four reference tags (V9TP-2x-180k-34m; VEMCO Inc.). This HR2 VPS was operational from 21 June 2017 until 6 November 2018 and provided full coverage of the lake. Details of the VR2 and HR2 VPS as well as VPS performance are provided in Supplement 1.