Mantises jump from smooth surfaces by pushing with “heel” pads of their hind legs
Data files
Jan 22, 2025 version files 427.23 KB
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This submission contains data underlying the article "Mantises jump from smooth surfaces by pushing with “heel” pads of their hind legs". The data include recorded adhesive pad contact areas of middle and hind legs of juvenile Stagmomantis theophila mantises while they accelerated for jumps from smooth glass surfaces, as well as adhesive pad contact areas of front, middle and hind leg steps during horizontal walking. Moreover, tables are provided summarising further data of the jumps including pad type and number, take-off direction, foot angle, and time of detachment. A further data table summarises the kinematics of S. theophila mantises jumping from high-density foam, including the timing of acceleration, take-off, and the detachment of middle and hind legs, as well as foot and body coordinates. The data underlie main figures 3-7 and figures S3-S4 in the supplementary material.
README: Mantises jump from smooth surfaces by pushing with “heel” pads of their hind legs
Description of the data and file structure
The data were recorded using high-speed video microscopy of jumps of juvenile Stagmomantis theophila mantises.
Files and variables
Description: 40 Files in 2 Folders. Each file gives the adhesive contact area of one type of adhesive pad (heel or toe pad) of one front, middle or hind leg during horizontal walking of juvenile Stagmomantis theophila mantises on glass. The folder names give the date, and file names contain step number, mantis number, and leg type (RF: right front leg, RM: right middle leg, RH: right hind leg, LF: left front leg, LM: left middle leg, LH: left hind leg). Each txt file contains two columns, frame number (video frame rate is 800 frames per second) and adhesive contact area in µm^2.
Description: 168 Files in 12 Folders. Each file gives the adhesive contact area of one type of adhesive pad (heel or toe pad) of one middle or hind leg during the acceleration phase of a jump of juvenile Stagmomantis theophila mantises from smooth glass surfaces. The folder names give the date, and file names contain jump number, mantis number, and leg type (RM: right middle leg, RH: right hind leg, LM: left middle leg, LH: left hind leg); the filenames match those in the file JumpsContactAreaInformation.csv. Each txt file contains two columns, frame number (video frame rate is 4700 frames per second) and adhesive contact area in µm^2.
File: JumpsContactAreaInformation.csv
Description: Table summarising data of jumps of juvenile Stagmomantis theophila mantises from smooth glass surfaces. Each row in the table represents one jump.
- Date (of recording)
- Filename
- Mantis n#
- Leg(HindOrMiddle)
- Side(LeftOrRight)
- Framerate(FPS)
- AccelerationStartFrame (First frame with visible leg movement)
- Take-offFrame (first frame without surface contact)
- ToePadDetached (first frame without surface contact of the toe pad)
- HeelPadDetached (first frame without surface contact of the heel pad)
- ToePadInContact?(1=yes,0=no)
- Eu3DistalInContact?(1=yes,0=no) (euplantula 3 in contact during acceleration phase)
- Eu2MiddleInContact?(1=yes,0=no) (euplantula 3 in contact during acceleration phase)
- Eu1ProximalInContact?(1=yes,0=no) (euplantula 3 in contact during acceleration phase)
- TakeOffDirection (deg)
- FootAngle (deg)
- ToeMaxArea (µm^2) (maximal contact area of toe pad)
- ToeMaxFrame (frame of maximal contact area of toe pad)
- ToeMaxTime (ms) (time of maximal contact area of toe pad before take-off)
- HeelMaxArea (µm^2) (maximal contact area of heel pad)
- HeelMaxFrame (frame of maximal contact area of heel pad)
- HeelMaxTime (ms) (time of maximal contact area of heel pad before take-off)
File: KinematicDataOfJumpsFromFoam.csv
Description: Table summarising the kinematics of juvenile Stagmomantis theophila mantises jumping from high-density foam. Each row in the table represents one jump. In the videos, the top left corner is pixel (0,0), the bottom right corner is pixel (1024,1024).
- Date (of recording)
- Mantis n#
- Jump
- Framerate(FPS)
- Take-offFrame (first frame without surface contact)
- RightHindLegDetached (first frame without surface contact of the right hind leg)
- LeftHindLegDetached (first frame without surface contact of the left hind leg)
- RightMiddleLegDetached (first frame without surface contact of the right middle leg)
- LeftMiddleLegDetached (first frame without surface contact of the left middle leg)
- AccelerationStartFrame (First frame with visible leg movement)
- HindFootX (X position of hind foot before take-off)
- HindFootY (Y position of hind foot before take-off)
- HindCoxaXStart (X position of hind coxa at the start of the acceleration phase)
- HindCoxaYStart (Y position of hind coxa at the start of the acceleration phase)
- HindCoxaXTO (X position of hind coxa at take-off)
- HindCoxaYTO (Y position of hind coxa at take-off)
- HindCoxaXTOp5 (X position of hind coxa 5 frames (=5ms) after take-off)
- HindCoxaYTOp5 (Y position of hind coxa 5 frames (=5ms) after take-off)
- MiddleFootX (X position of middle foot before take-off)
- MiddleFootY (Y position of middle foot before take-off)
- MiddleCoxaXStart (X position of middle coxa at the start of acceleration phase)
- MiddleCoxaYStart (Y position of middle coxa at the start of acceleration phase)
- MiddleCoxaXTO (X position of middle coxa at take-off)
- MiddleCoxaYTO (Y position of middle coxa at take-off)
- MiddleCoxaXTOp5 (X position of middle coxa 5 frames (=5ms) after take-off)
- MiddleCoxaYTOp5 (Y position of middle coxa 5 frames (=5ms) after take-off)
- ScalePxPerMM (scale factor in pixel per mm)
High-speed video recordings of jumps of juvenile Stagmomantis theophila mantises from glass or high-density foam surfaces. Several synchronised high-speed cameras were used (Phantom V7.1 at 4700 frames per second, or Photron Fastcam SA3 high-speed camera at 1000 fps). Adhesive contact areas were recorded using a Leica DM IRE2 inverted microscope with a 5x lens and epi-illumination. Contact areas were extracted from the videos using threshold algorithms in MATLAB.