Thirty-six consecutive months of bird point count data from twenty count sites in a Mexican wetland
Data files
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This data comprises point count abundance values for birds recorded over 36 consecutive months at 20 point count sites in a coastal lagoon in Oaxaca, southwest Mexico (15°49′26″ N–56 96°34′53″ W). Twenty-four months of point counts were done prior to Hurricane Carlotta (June 2010 to May 2012) and 12 months post-hurricane (June 2012 to May 2013).
Birds were identified by sight and/or by their vocalizations, with the aid of binoculars and field guides. Sites were accessed on foot or by paddle boat, during the first two hours of daylight.
Usage notes
Column headers are bird species names, row 2 contains a grouping variable for trophic guilds, and row names give the month, year, count site and study year. Please refer to the file READ ME_Ruiz&Rangel.txt for details.