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Lipidomic data of iRECs treated with palmitic acid and oleic acid

Data files

Apr 11, 2022 version files 1.15 MB


In diabetic patients, dyslipidemia frequently contributes to organ damage such as diabetic kidney disease (DKD). DKD is associated with excessive renal deposition of triacylglycerol (TAG) in lipid droplets (LD). In order to identify the changes in the lipidome of proximal tubules exposed to high levels of fatty acids and the role that LDs formation play in this context, we treated induced Renal Epithalial Cells (iRECS) with BSA, BSA-PA (Palmitic Acid), BSA-OA (Oleic Acid), BSA-PA/OA, BSA + DGAT1/2 inhibitors, BSA-PA + DGAT1/2 inhibitors and BSA-PA/OA + DGAT1/2 inhibitors.