Linking anatomical and histological traits of the digestive tract to resource consumption and assimilation of omnivorous tetra fishes
Data files
Sep 04, 2024 version files 59.92 KB
This study explores the interplay between digestive tract traits, food intake, and assimilation in omnivorous tetra fishes (Psalidodon bifasciatus, P. aff. gymnodontus, and Bryconamericus ikaa) from the Iguaçu River basin, an ecologically significant region known for high endemism. We hypothesize that variations in digestive tracts across species would associate with differences in diet, isotopic composition in fish tissues, and overall diet assimilation. To test this, we employed stereoscopic and light microscopy to characterize the gross anatomy, histomorphology, and histochemistry of fish digestive tracts. Additionally, the study used stomach content and stable isotope analyses to trace fish diets. While these tetra fishes shared histological structures, disparities were noted in anatomical digestive traits and diet preferences. The smallest species, B. ikaa, with a shorter intestine, had fewer pyloric caeca and primarily consumed animal-based diets. Conversely, P. bifasciatus and P. aff. gymnodontus, with longer intestines, displayed numerous pyloric caeca and consumed a balanced mix of animal and plant items. Despite anatomical and dietary differences, all three species predominantly assimilated animal-origin food. Histological variations were found among digestive tract segments, with the esophagus having the thickest muscular layer, gradually thinning towards the posterior intestine. The final portion of the intestine exhibited a significant expansion in lumen perimeter, while the esophagus had the smallest lumen area. Goblet cells were most concentrated in the posterior intestine for all species. The gross anatomy of these tetra fishes aligns with their ingestion of animal or plant diets, while diet assimilation is dominated by animal-origin food. These findings provide crucial insights into the structural and tissue characteristics of their digestive systems, laying the groundwork for deeper exploration into the physiological aspects of their digestive tracts and enhancing our understanding of their feeding strategies.
README: Linking anatomical and histological traits of the digestive tract to resource consumption and assimilation of omnivorous tetra fishes
We have submitted our raw data (Gross_anatomy_data.exe; Histological_data.exe; Stable_isotopes_data.exe; and Stomach_content_data.exe) and R script (Neves_statistical_analysis.R).
Description of the data and file structure
The data is organized in the following spreadsheets:
Gross_anatomy.xlsx: contains the standardized size (mm) of the species, intestinal length (mm), intestinal coefficient and number of pyloric caeca.
- ID: specimen identification number
- Species: code for species name (Bik: Bryconamericus ikaa; Pbi: Psalidodon bifasciatus; Pgy: Psalidodon aff. gymnodontus)
- Stream: stream where the individual was collected (S1 or S2)
- Standart_length: standard length of the individual (mm)
- Intestine_length: intestine length of the individual (mm)
- Intestinal_coeficient: intestinal coefficient of the individual - IC = IL/SL, where IL denotes the length of the intestine in mm, while SL denotes the standard length, also measured in mm
- Number_of_pyloric_ceca: number obtained from counting pyloric caeca
Histological_data.xlsx: contains the thickness (one), perimeter (one), and area (one) of the muscular layer and number of goblet cells in each segment of the digestive tract of the species studied.
- ID: specimen identification number and species (Bik: Bryconamericus ikaa; Pbi: Psalidodon bifasciatus; Pgy: Psalidodon aff. gymnodontus )
- Species: code for species name (Bik: Bryconamericus ikaa; Pbi: Psalidodon bifasciatus; Pgy: Psalidodon aff. gymnodontus
- Segment: segment of the digestive tract (Esophagus; II: initial intestine; IM: middle intestine; IF: final intestine)
- Muscular_layer: muscle layer measured in micrometers
- Permiter_lumen: perimeter of the intestinal lumen measured in micrometers
- Area_lumen: area of the intestinal lumen measured in square micrometers
Stable_isotopes_data.xlsx: contains the d13C and d15N isotopic compositions of each species, food resources and TDF per stream sampled.
- Sheet S1_consumers: stable isotopes values for fish species in stream S1
- Species_code: species code (1: Psalidodon bifasciatus; 2: Psalidodon aff. gymnodontus
- Species: code for species name (Pbi: Psalidodon bifasciatus; Pgy: Psalidodon aff. gymnodontus)
- d13C: carbon 13 delta value
- d15N: nitrogen 15 delta value
- Sheet S1_resources: stable isotopes values for food resources in stream S1
- Sources: sources code (Animal; Plant, SOM: sedimentary organic matter)
- d13C: carbon 13 delta value
- d15N: nitrogen 15 delta value
- Sheet S1_TDF: trophic discrimination factor (TDF) values for food resources in stream S1
- Sources: sources code (Animal; Plant, SOM: sedimentary organic matter)
- Meand13C: average value of carbon 13 delta value
- SDd13C: standard deviation of carbon 13 delta value
- Meand15N: average value of nitrogen 15 delta value
- SDd15N: standard deviation of nitrogen 15 delta value
- Sheet S2_consumers: stable isotopes values for fish species in stream S2
- Species_code: species code (1: Psalidodon bifasciatus; 2: Bryconamericus ikaa)
- Species: code for species name (Bik: Bryconamericus ikaa; Pbi: Psalidodon bifasciatus)
- d13C: carbon 13 delta value
- d15N: nitrogen 15 delta value
- Sheet S1_resources: stable isotopes values for food resources in stream S2
- Sources: sources code (Animal; Plant, SOM: sedimentary organic matter)
- d13C: carbon 13 delta value
- d15N: nitrogen 15 delta value
- Sheet S1_TDF: trophic discrimination factor (TDF) values for food resources in stream S2
- Sources: sources code (Animal; Plant, SOM: sedimentary organic matter)
- Meand13C: average value of carbon 13 delta value
- SDd13C: standard deviation of carbon 13 delta value
- Meand15N: average value of nitrogen 15 delta value
- SDd15N: standard deviation of nitrogen 15 delta value
Stomach_content_data.xlsx: contains the volumes of food resources consumed by each species in each stream sampled.
- Site: stream where the individual was collected (S1 or S2)
- ID: code for species name (Bik: Bryconamericus ikaa; Pbi: Psalidodon bifasciatus; Pgy: Psalidodon aff. gymnodontus)
- Undertemined: volume (mm3) of indeterminate food items observed in the individual's stomach contents
- Plant: volume (mm3) of plant food items observed in the individual's stomach contents
- Animal: volume (mm3) of indeterminate food items observed in the individual's stomach contents
The script contains the statistical analyzes carried out with the data set: ANOVA, ANCOVA, PERMANOVA, Mixing models and graphs.
Model species and sampling
We studied three sympatric omnivorous tetra fish from two headwater streams in the lower Iguacu River basin: Psalidodon bifasciatus (Garavello & Sampaio 2010), Psalidodon aff. gymnodontus Eigenmann 1911, and Bryconamericus ikaa Casciotta, Almirón & Azpelicueta 2004. We sampled the fishes in July and December 2017 using electrofishing with three passes of 40 minutes. First, we anesthetized the specimens in eugenol and measured the standard length and weight. We then visually inspected the presence of mature gonads of all sampled fishes and selected adult specimens of each species for further analysis. For the histological analysis, during each sampling period, we selected five individuals of each species from each stream. We dissected their digestive tracts with a longitudinal incision along the ventral region. Then, we fixed the digestive tract in ALFAC (alcohol 80%, 85 mL; formaldehyde PA, 10 mL; and acetic acid PA, 5 mL; Caputo et al., 2011) and conserved in 70% alcohol. We also fixed additional specimens in formaldehyde 10% and conserved them in 70% alcohol for stomach content analysis. Finally, for stable isotope analysis, in the summer (December 2017), we dissected samples of dorsal muscle tissue from 10 to 15 adult specimens per species and stream. Following the methodology from Neves et al. (2021, 2023), we manually sampled basal resources (terrestrial plants and sedimentary organic matter – SOM) and putative prey (aquatic and terrestrial invertebrates). We immediately stored all samples on ice for further processing in the laboratory.
We collected the fishes under authorization from the Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade (ICMBio) (license number 25039). The project was ethically and methodologically approved by the Ethics Committee on Animal Use of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (CEUA – 32734). To comply with their protocols for fish usage, we deposited the voucher specimens in the fish collection of the Departamento de Zoologia at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (P. bifasciatus UFRGS 26235; P. aff. gymnodontus UFRGS 25725; B. ikaa UFRGS 26246).
2.2 Stomach content and stable isotope analyses
To estimate stomach contents, we analysed 244 adult fish specimens (B. ikaa: 31; P. aff. gymnodontus: 96; P. bifasciatus: 117). We carefully extracted the stomachs of the fishes under optical and stereoscopic microscopes (Opton TIM-2B WF10X) to identify the stomach contents with the highest possible taxonomic precision. For the identification of algae we used specialized literature by Bicudo & Bicudo (1970), while for invertebrates, we used Mugnai et al. (2010). We applied the volumetric method to quantify the food items (Hyslop, 1980) with graduated test tubes and glass counting plates (Hellawell & Abel, 1971).
For stable isotope analysis, we examined a total of 55 fish specimens (B. ikaa: 10; P. aff. gymnodontus: 15; P. bifasciatus: 30, Table S7). Muscle samples were first washed with distilled water, then lyophilized and homogenized with a mortar and pestle. We then stored all samples in 2 mL Eppendorf tubes until they were weighed into tin capsules, with each capsule containing approximately 1.6 ± 0.2 mg of dried animal tissue. Similarly, we washed all basal resources and prey items with distilled water. We then lyophilized and homogenized aquatic and terrestrial invertebrates (separated by taxonomic groups), and basal resources (Table S7). The small aquatic insects, such as Ephemeroptera, Chironomidae, Coleoptera, and Hymnoptera, underwent complete maceration. Larger prey items, including shrimps and crabs (Aegla sp.) were freeze-dried and their muscle tissue was macerated. We preserved all specimens in 2 mL Eppendorf tubes before measuring and transferring them into tin capsules (1.6 ± 0.2 mg of dry animal tissue and 3.6 ± 4.2 mg of basal resources). We carried out the analysis of nitrogen (15N/14N) and carbon (13C/12C) stable isotope ratios at the Center for Nuclear Energy in Agriculture (CENA) at the University of São Paulo, Brazil. To determine the stable isotope ratios, CENA used a mass spectrometer system operating in continuous-flow (CF-IRMS) mode. This system was fit with a Carlo Erba elemental analyzer (CHN 1110) connected to a Delta Plus mass spectrometer (Thermo Scientific). The results of the stable isotope analysis were presented in the delta notation, which represents the deviation of stable isotope ratios (13C:12C and 15N:14N) from universal standards. Specifically, the carbon ratios were compared to the PDB limestone standard, while the nitrogen ratios were compared to atmospheric nitrogen. For the analysis of fish muscle δ13C, we did not correct lipids due to the low C:N ratios observed (below 3.5), indicating negligible lipid content in the samples (Hoffman et al., 2015).
Gross anatomy
To investigate the gross morphology of the digestive tract of tetra fishes, we measured the intestinal length with digital calipers (accuracy of 0.01 mm) and counted the number of pyloric caeca of a total of 55 adult fish specimens (B. ikaa: 10; P. aff. gymnodontus: 15; P. bifasciatus: 30). We computed the intestinal coefficient (IC) using the Hynes (1950) model, following the formula IC = IL/SL, where IL denotes the length of the intestine in mm, while SL denotes the standard length, also measured in mm. We photographed anatomical and macroscopic characteristics of the digestive tract of species using a Multipurpose Zoom Microscope Nikon AZ100M.
Histology and histochemistry
To describe the microscopic anatomy and histology of the digestive tract of tetra fishes, we examined a total of 40 specimens (B. ikaa: 10; P. aff. gymnodontus: 10; P. bifasciatus: 20). We used the ALFAC-fixed material and selected tissue fragments from the esophagus, stomach, and three portions of the intestine (anterior, middle, and posterior; Figure 1) of species and washed with 70% ethanol to remove the food items. These tissue fragments were then dehydrated in graded ethanol solutions and embedded in historesin (Leica®). We then made transverse and longitudinal histological sections (2–3 µm) with a Leica microtome (model RM 2145). Next, we stained the histological sections with 1% toluidine blue (TB), periodic acid Schiff (PAS) with alcian blue (AB -pH 2.5), and Masson’s trichrome staining (MT). We used PAS+AB to detect acid and neutral mucins (Cao & Wang, 2009). Lastly, we used Masson’s trichrome staining to better visualize the collagen fibers. We observed all sections using a BX60 Olympus microscope and recorded the images using an Olympus DP71 digital camera and DP Controller software.
For a quantitative examination of the digestive tract traits, we took three histological photographs of each segment from five individuals per species. Following the methodology outlined by Bellinate et al. (2022) and Curvo et al. (2020), we used histological photographs and Fiji-ImageJ software (Schindelin et al., 2012) to determine the number of goblet cells, thickness of the muscle layer, and the perimeter and area of the lumen, as a proxy for the absorption surface. We analysed these variables only for the esophagus and intestine segments, as the degree of stomach fullness (i.e., full vs empty) could cause measurement bias. Because goblet cells completely made up the esophageal epithelium, we focused on accounting for this cell type in the anterior, middle, and final segments of the intestine. We counted the number of goblet cells by randomly choosing four microvilli in each segment of the intestine. We standardized the measurements in micrometers using the scales of the histological photographs.