Data from: Include the females: morphology-performance relationships vary between sexes in lizards
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An animal’s morphology influences its ability to perform essential tasks, such as locomoting to obtain prey or escape predators. While morphology–performance relationships are well-studied in lizards, most conclusions have been based only on male study subjects, leaving unanswered questions about females. Sex-specific differences are important to understand because females carry the bulk of the physiological demands of reproduction. Consequently, their health and survival can determine the fate of the population as a whole. To address this knowledge gap, we sampled introduced populations of common wall lizards (Podarcis muralis) in Ohio, USA. We measured a complete suite of limb and body dimensions of both males and females, and we measured sprint speeds while following straight and curved paths on different substrates. Using a multivariate statistical approach, we identified that body dimensions relative to snout-to-vent length in males were much larger compared with females and that body dimensions of P. muralis have changed over time in both sexes. We found that sprint speed along curved paths increased with relative limb size in both males and females. When following straight paths, male speed similarly increased as body dimensions increased; conversely, female speed decreased as body dimensions increased. Female sprint speed was also found to have less variation than that of males and was less affected by changes in body size and hindfoot length compared with males. This study thus provides insights into how selective pressures might shape males and females differently and the functional implications of sexual dimorphism.
README: Data from: Include the females: morphology-performance relationships vary between sexes in lizards
Description of the data and file structure
Data description for data file associated with Head et al. 2024
"Include the females: morphology-performance relationships vary between sexes in lizards"
Files and variables
File: Headetal_Podarcis_AdditionalSprintData.csv
Description: Provides measured maximum speed of each lizard at an additional time point
- Date: date the sprint test was performed
- ID: identification number of each lizard
- Sex: sex of the lizard (M/F)
- Substrate: type of substrate on which performance was measured (all on Turf)
- Obstacle: presence or absence of an obstacle on each trial (No_Obstacle or Yes_Obstacle)
- AirTemp: the temperature of the air at the time the run took place (°C)
- Run: refers to the trial number for each lizard
- Tb_start: body temperature of lizard before the start of a trial (°C) (NA indicates temperature not measured)
- Tb_end: body temperature of lizard after the start of a trial (°C) (NA indicates temperature not measured)
- MaxSpeed: measured maximum speed of each lizard for a 25-cm interval (m/s)
File: Headetal_Podarcis_SprintData.csv
Description: Provides measured maximum speed of each lizard
- ID: Identification number for each lizard
- MaxSpeed: measured maximum speed of each lizard for a 25-cm interval (m/s)
- Substrate: type of substrate performance was measured on, either cork bark (Cork), artificial grass (Turf), or sandpaper (SandPaper)
- Obstacle: presence or absence of an obstacle on each trial (No_Obstacle or Yes_Obstacle)
File: Headetal_Podarcis_MorphologyData.csv
Description: Provides measured body dimensions on each lizard
- ID: Identification number of each lizard
- SVL: measured value for snout to vent length (mm)
- LUS: measured value for left anterior stylopodium (mm)
- LUZ: measured value for left anterior zeugopodium (mm)
- LUM: measured value for left anterior metatarsus (mm)
- TLUF: measured value for the toe on the left anterior foot (mm)
- LLS: measured value for left anterior stylopodium (mm)
- LLZ: measured value for left anterior zeugopodium (mm)
- LLM: measured value for left anterior metatarsus (mm)
- TLRF: measured value for the toe on the left posterior foot (mm)
- RUS: measured value for right anterior stylopodium (mm)
- RUZ: measured value for right anterior zeugopodium (mm)
- RUM: measured value for right anterior metatarsus (mm)
- TRUF: measured value for the toe on the right anterior foot (mm)
- RLS: measured value for right posterior stylopodium (mm)
- RLZ: measured value for right posterior zeugopodium (mm)
- RLM: measured value for right posterior metatarsus (mm)
- TRRF: measured value for the toe on the right posterior foot (mm)
- TL: measured value for tail length (mm) (NA indicates that lizard did not have tail)
- PG: measured value for pelvic girdle (mm)
- SG: measured value for shoulder girdle (mm)
- HL: measured value for head length (mm)
- Population: population where data was collected (see Table S1 for details)
- Sex: sex of the lizard (M/F)
File: Headetal_Podarcis_FieldData.csv
Description: Provides the distance each lizard traveled and how many frames in the recorded video the lizard traveled
- Date: date the video of the lizard was recorded
- Time: time at which the lizard was recorded
- Site: location at which the lizard was recorded
- VideoFileName: file name of the video file
- Start: frame of each video where the lizard started moving
- End: frame of each video where the lizard stopped moving
- Distance: the distance each lizard traveled (m)
- Substrate: substrate each lizard ran across in the recording
- ID: identification number of each lizard
- TimeFrames: number of frames from the video that each lizard was moving ("Start"-"End")
- Camera: camera used to record video
- SubstrateType: category of substrate on which the lizard ran (Stone, Grass, or Other)
File: Headetal_Podarcis_AnalysisCode.html
Description: R-markdown code to process and analyze data. All statistical outputs and data figures from manuscript can be reproduced by running this code in the R Programming Language using the data files archived here.