Data from: Early snowmelt by an extreme warm event affects understory more than overstory trees in Japanese temperate forests
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Mar 15, 2022 version files 38.47 KB
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We conducted a warming experiment (four 20 m by 20 m plots) in temperate forests of Japan to determine the effects of earlier snowmelt on both understory dwarf bamboo plants and overstory birch trees. Our experimental treatment advanced snowmelt by about 10 days and increased soil temperatures that were associated with increased rates of soil nitrogen (N) mineralization and nitrification. Furthermore, these changes led to lower C:N ratios of leaves together with the greater growth of understory bamboo vegetation, with no changes in leaf C:N or growth rates of overstory birch trees. Together, our results demonstrate that advancing snowmelt by an extreme warm event in temperate forests is likely to affect N cycling and will benefit understory vegetation without a commensurate change in overstory vegetation, likely due to the increase in available soil N. This is the dataset of plant growth, soil N properties, and plamnt leaf traits obtained by the field snowmelt manipulation experiment.
This is the dataset obtained by the field snowmelt manipulation experiment in cool-temperate forests of northern Japan.