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Data from: dammed ponds! a study of post-fire sediment and carbon dynamics in beaver ponds and their contributions to watershed resilience

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Dunn, Sarah; Stich, Jana (2024). Data from: dammed ponds! a study of post-fire sediment and carbon dynamics in beaver ponds and their contributions to watershed resilience [Dataset]. Dryad.


Beaver ponds were surveyed as part of an effort to quantify post-fire sediment dynamics in beaver ponds. Forty-eight beaver ponds in the northern Colorado Rocky Mountains were surveyed between June and August, 2022. We quantified the current and remaining sediment storage capacities within ponds with sediment depth surveys, and we calculated sedimentation rates by analyzing stratigraphy within pond sediment cores.


Data files and associated metadata are packaged in zipped folders. Metadata is written in XML format compliant with CSDGM version 2.0.

This data release consists of several related datasets:

Beaver pond perimeters (geospatial, polygons)

Current and historical catchments for these beaver ponds (geospatial, polygons)

Beaver pond sediment probe surveys (geospatial, points)

Beaver pond interpolated sediment, water, and total volumes, and sedimentation rates (tabular)

Beaver pond sediment core stratigraphic unit compositional descriptions (tabular)

Beaver pond sediment core stratigraphic unit organic matter (tabular)

Beaver pond sediment core sedimentation rates (tabular)

Complete processing steps are included within the metadata file associated with each data file. Additional detail may be found within the thesis: 

Dunn, S.B., 2023. Dammed Ponds! A Study of Post-Fire Sediment and Carbon Dynamics in Beaver Ponds and Their Contributions to Watershed Resilience. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.

A summary of the tabular datasets is given below.

# Beaver pond sedimentation rates, northern Colorado Rocky Mountains, 2022

Sediment cores were collected from beaver ponds as part of an effort to understand post-fire sediment dynamics in beaver ponds. About half the ponds sampled were in areas that burned in 2020 wildfires. We collected a total of 78 cores and from these we calculated three separate sedimentation rates. The first, total sedimentation, describes the average rate of sediment accumulation since pond construction. The mean rate was used in analysis for ponds with more than one core. The second, post-fire sedimentation rate, describes the rate of sediment accumulation in the two years after wildfire. Finally, pre-fire sedimentation rates describe the rate of sediment accumulation before wildfire.

## Description of the data and file structure

Entity and Attribute Information:

Detailed Description:

Entity Type:

Entity Type Label: beaver_pond_sedimentation_rates.csv

Entity Type Definition: Comma Separated Value (CSV) file containing data.

Entity Type Definition Source: Producer defined


Attribute Label: site_code

Attribute Definition:

Abbreviated site code assigned for all beaver ponds located along a single river reach. Site codes generally refer to the name of the river or nearby geographical features.

Attribute Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: BOS

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Boswell Creek

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: BRC

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Bear Creek

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: BVB

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Beaver Brook

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: COW

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Cow Creek

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: CUB

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Cub Lake Trail, unnamed valley

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: ELK

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Elkhorn Creek

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: FALL

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Fall River

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: FC

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Fish Creek

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: GLC

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Glacier Creek

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: LBC

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Little Beaver Creek

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: LRR

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Laramie River Road, Laramie River

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: MOR

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Moraine Park, Big Thompson River

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: OF

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Old Flowers Road, unnamed tributary to Little Beaver Creek

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: PDR

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Poudre River

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: RRC

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Roaring Creek

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: SWP

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Swamp Creek

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: WLD

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Wild Basin, North Fork St. Vrain River

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Producer defined


Attribute Label: pond_code

Attribute Definition: Combination of site code and pond sequence number.

Attribute Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Unrepresentable Domain:

Pond number refers to the pond position to other ponds along a reach. Ponds not surveyed are included in this numbering system. Ponds are numbered sequentially from upstream to downstream.


Attribute Label: core_id

Attribute Definition:

The core identification code is a combination of the site code, pond number, and core number

Attribute Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Unrepresentable Domain:

The core number provides identification of the core, sequentially ordered from the first to the last collected in each pond


Attribute Label: pond_est_year

Attribute Definition:

Year of pond establishment, estimated from satellite imagery or from local knowledge.

Attribute Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Range Domain:

Range Domain Minimum: 1985.0

Range Domain Maximum: 2020.5

Attribute Units of Measure: year

Attribute Measurement Resolution: 1


Attribute Label: pre_fire_thickness_cm

Attribute Definition:

The thickness of sediments collected in the core with low charcoal concentrations, indicating deposition before wildfire.

Attribute Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Range Domain:

Range Domain Minimum: 0

Range Domain Maximum: 111

Attribute Units of Measure: centimeters

Attribute Measurement Resolution: 0.5


Attribute Label: post_fire_thickness_cm

Attribute Definition:

The thickness of sediments collected in the core above areas of high charcoal concentrations, indicating deposition during or after wildfire.

Attribute Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Range Domain:

Range Domain Minimum: 0

Range Domain Maximum: 95

Attribute Units of Measure: centimeters

Attribute Measurement Resolution: 0.5


Attribute Label: pre_sed_rate

Attribute Definition:

The average rate of sediment deposition recorded in the core before fire. Calculated as the pre-fire thickness divided by time elapsed to fire or year of core collection.

Attribute Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Range Domain:

Range Domain Minimum: 0.0

Range Domain Maximum: 55.5

Attribute Units of Measure: centimeters per year

Attribute Measurement Resolution: 0.1


Attribute Label: post_sed_rate

Attribute Definition:

The average rate of sediment deposition recorded in the core during and after fire. Calculated as the post-fire thickness divided by time elapsed from the time of fire to the year of core collection.

Attribute Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Range Domain:

Range Domain Minimum: 0.0

Range Domain Maximum: 47.5

Attribute Units of Measure: centimeters per year

Attribute Measurement Resolution: 0.1


Attribute Label: total_sed_rate

Attribute Definition:

The average rate of sediment deposition based on the entire length of the core. Calculated as the total core length divided by the time elapsed from estimated pond establishment to time of collection.

Attribute Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Range Domain:

Range Domain Minimum: 0.2

Range Domain Maximum: 55.5

Attribute Units of Measure: centimeters per year

Attribute Measurement Resolution: 0.1

# Beaver pond sediment and water volumes and sedimentation rates, northern Colorado Rocky Mountains, 2022

The volume of sediment and water stored in beaver ponds were estimated from field surveys. 48 beaver ponds in the northern Colorado Rocky Mountains were surveyed between June and August 2022. About half the ponds were burned in 2020 wildfires. Ponds also varied in age, beaver activity, and location in relation to the channel and other ponds. \
The water and sediment depths in the ponds were surveyed along transects. The transect points were interpolated to produce an estimate of total water and sediment storage within each pond. Sedimentation rates calculated from sediment cores were averaged to produce pond sedimentation rates.

## Description of the data and file structure

Entity and Attribute Information:

Detailed Description:

Entity Type:

Entity Type Label: beaver_pond_sediment_water_volumes.csv

Entity Type Definition: Comma Separated Value (CSV) file containing data.

Entity Type Definition Source: Producer defined


Attribute Label: pond_id

Attribute Definition: Identification field combining the site code and pond number.

Attribute Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Unrepresentable Domain:

The site code is an abbreviation of the site name assigned for all beaver ponds located along a single river reach. Site codes generally refer to the name of the river or nearby geographical features. The pond number refers to the pond position to other ponds along a reach. Ponds not surveyed are included in this numbering system. Ponds are numbered sequentially from upstream to downstream.


Attribute Label: total_pond_volume_m3

Attribute Definition: The total pond volume, combining water and sediment volume.

Attribute Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: NA

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: No Data

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Range Domain:

Range Domain Minimum: 0

Range Domain Maximum: 9465

Attribute Units of Measure: cubic meters

Attribute Measurement Resolution: 0.5


Attribute Label: sediment_volume_m3

Attribute Definition: The volume of sediment in the pond, interpolated from probe surveys.

Attribute Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: NA

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: No Data

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Range Domain:

Range Domain Minimum: 0

Range Domain Maximum: 4890

Attribute Units of Measure: cubic meters

Attribute Measurement Resolution: 0.5


Attribute Label: water_volume_m3

Attribute Definition: The volume of water in the pond, interpolated from probe surveys.

Attribute Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: NA

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: No Data

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Range Domain:

Range Domain Minimum: 0

Range Domain Maximum: 5775

Attribute Units of Measure: cubic meters

Attribute Measurement Resolution: 0.5


Attribute Label: sediment_volume_m3_drainage_area_sqkm

Attribute Definition: The sediment volume normalized by drainage area.

Attribute Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: NA

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: No Data

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Range Domain:

Range Domain Minimum: 0

Range Domain Maximum: 56545

Attribute Units of Measure: cubic meters per square kilometer

Attribute Measurement Resolution: 1


Attribute Label: percent_residual_volume

Attribute Definition: Percent residual volume (remaining storage).

Attribute Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: NA

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: No Data

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Range Domain:

Range Domain Minimum: 0.1

Range Domain Maximum: 70.2

Attribute Units of Measure: percentage

Attribute Measurement Resolution: 0.1


Attribute Label: total_sedimentation_rate_cm_yr

Attribute Definition: The average sedimentation rate recorded in the pond.

Attribute Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: NA

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: No Data

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Range Domain:

Range Domain Minimum: 0.4

Range Domain Maximum: 52.3

Attribute Units of Measure: centimeters per year

Attribute Measurement Resolution: 0.1


Attribute Label: post_fire_sedimentation_rate_cm_year

Attribute Definition:

The average post-fire sedimentation rate in ponds that burned in 2020 wildfires.

Attribute Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: NA

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: No Data

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Range Domain:

Range Domain Minimum: 0.0

Range Domain Maximum: 40.3

Attribute Units of Measure: centimeters per year

Attribute Measurement Resolution: 0.1


# Beaver pond sediment organic matter content, northern Colorado Rocky Mountains, 2022

Sediment cores were collected from beaver ponds in the northern Colorado Rocky Mountains between June and August 2022. About half the ponds were burned in 2020 wildfires. Ponds also varied in age, beaver activity, and location in relation to the channel and other ponds. The pond sediment cores were processed and divided into stratigraphic units. We contracted a private laboratory to analyze the organic matter content of select stratigraphic units.

## Description of the data and file structure

Entity and Attribute Information:

Detailed Description:

Entity Type:

Entity Type Label: beaver_pond_sediment_organic_matter.csv

Entity Type Definition: Comma Separated Value (CSV) file containing data.

Entity Type Definition Source: Producer defined


Attribute Label: site_name

Attribute Definition: Name of site where the sediment core was collected.

Attribute Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Unrepresentable Domain: List of site names.


Attribute Label: sample_id

Attribute Definition:

The sample ID field is a combination of the site code, pond number, core number, and stratigraphic unit depth interval

Attribute Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Unrepresentable Domain:

The site code is an abbreviation of the site name assigned for all beaver ponds located along a single river reach. Site codes generally refer to the name of the river or nearby geographical features.\
The pond number refers to the pond position to other ponds along a reach. Ponds not surveyed are included in this numbering system. Ponds are numbered sequentially from upstream to downstream.\
The core number provides identification of the core, sequentially ordered from the first to the last collected in each pond.\
The depth interval refers to the depth of the top and bottom of the stratigraphic unit below the top of the core.


Attribute Label: top_depth_cm

Attribute Definition: Depth below the top of the core of the top of the stratigraphic unit.

Attribute Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Range Domain:

Range Domain Minimum: 0.0

Range Domain Maximum: 89.0

Attribute Units of Measure: centimeters

Attribute Measurement Resolution: 0.5


Attribute Label: bottom_depth_cm

Attribute Definition:

Depth below the top of the core of the bottom of the stratigraphic unit.

Attribute Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Range Domain:

Range Domain Minimum: 5

Range Domain Maximum: 111

Attribute Units of Measure: centimeters

Attribute Measurement Resolution: 0.5


Attribute Label: perc_OM_LOI

Attribute Definition: Percent organic matter determined by Loss on Ignition method.

Attribute Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Range Domain:

Range Domain Minimum: 0.2

Range Domain Maximum: 57.4

Attribute Units of Measure: percentage

Attribute Measurement Resolution: 0.1

# Beaver pond sediment core descriptions, northern Colorado Rocky Mountains, 2022

Sediment cores were collected from beaver ponds as part of a larger effort to quantify post-fire sediment dynamics in beaver ponds. Cores were collected from beaver ponds in the northern Colorado Rocky Mountains that were surveyed between June and August 2022. About half the ponds were burned in 2020 wildfires. Ponds also varied in age, beaver activity, and location in relation to the channel and other ponds. We identified beaver ponds from aerial imagery, sites of previous research, and local knowledge. Typically, two cores were collected from each pond. We delineated stratigraphic units by color, texture, and grain size. We examined a sample of each stratigraphic unit under a dissecting microscope to identify charcoal and determine the proportion of the sediment constituents.

## Description of the data and file structure

Entity and Attribute Information:

Detailed Description:

Entity Type:

Entity Type Label: beaver_pond_sediment_core_descriptions_2022.csv

Entity Type Definition: Comma Separated Value (CSV) file containing data.

Entity Type Definition Source: Producer defined


Attribute Label: site

Attribute Definition:

Long form of the site code assigned for all beaver ponds located along a single river reach.

Attribute Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Unrepresentable Domain:

Site codes generally refer to the name of the river or nearby geographical features.


Attribute Label: site_code

Attribute Definition:

Abbreviated site code assigned for all beaver ponds located along a single river reach. Site codes generally refer to the name of the river or nearby geographical features.

Attribute Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: PDR

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Poudre River

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: COW

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Cow Creek

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: BVB

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Beaver Brook

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: RRC

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Roaring Creek

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: BOS

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Boswell Creek

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: CUB

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Cub Lake, unnamed valley

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: MOR

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Moraine Park, Big Thompson River

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: FALL

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Fall River

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: LBC

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Little Beaver Creek

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: WLD

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Wild Basin, North Fork St. Vrain River

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: ELK

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Elk Creek

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: GLC

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Glacier Creek

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: LRR

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Laramie River Road, Laramie River

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: BRC

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Bear Creek

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: OF

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Old Flowers Road, unnamed tributary to Little Beaver Creek

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: SWP

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Swamp Creek

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: FC

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Fish Creek

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Producer defined


Attribute Label: pond

Attribute Definition:

Pond position to other ponds along a reach. Ponds not surveyed are included in this numbering system. Ponds are numbered sequentially from upstream to downstream.

Attribute Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Range Domain:

Range Domain Minimum: 1

Range Domain Maximum: 10


Attribute Label: core

Attribute Definition:

Identification of the core, sequentially ordered from the first to the last collected in each pond

Attribute Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Range Domain:

Range Domain Minimum: 1

Range Domain Maximum: 4

Attribute Units of Measure: count

Attribute Measurement Resolution: 1


Attribute Label: core_id

Attribute Definition: Core identification code

Attribute Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Unrepresentable Domain:

The core identification code is a combination of the site code, pond number, and core number


Attribute Label: total_recovery_cm

Attribute Definition:

The total thickness of sediment recovered from each core, measured after core extrusion and splitting.

Attribute Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Range Domain:

Range Domain Minimum: 4.0

Range Domain Maximum: 111.0

Attribute Units of Measure: centimeters

Attribute Measurement Resolution: 0.5


Attribute Label: top_depth_cm

Attribute Definition:

The depth of the top of the defined stratigraphic unit, measured from the top of the split core.

Attribute Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Range Domain:

Range Domain Minimum: 0.0

Range Domain Maximum: 93.0

Attribute Units of Measure: centimeters

Attribute Measurement Resolution: 0.5


Attribute Label: bottom_depth_cm

Attribute Definition:

The depth of the bottom of the defined stratigraphic unit, measured from the top of the split core.

Attribute Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Range Domain:

Range Domain Minimum: 2.0

Range Domain Maximum: 111.0

Attribute Units of Measure: centimeters

Attribute Measurement Resolution: 0.5


Attribute Label: general_notes

Attribute Definition: General observations about the core stratigraphic unit.

Attribute Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Unrepresentable Domain:

The general description includes observations of color, texture, composition, and sedimentary structures.


Attribute Label: percent_charcoal

Attribute Definition:

Visually estimate percentage of charcoal in the stratigraphic unit, estimated from a sample under a dissecting microscope.

Attribute Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Range Domain:

Range Domain Minimum: 0

Range Domain Maximum: 95

Attribute Units of Measure: percentage

Attribute Measurement Resolution: 2.5


Attribute Label: percent_colloidal

Attribute Definition:

Visually estimate percentage of colloidal material in the stratigraphic unit, estimated from a sample under a dissecting microscope.

Attribute Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Range Domain:

Range Domain Minimum: 0

Range Domain Maximum: 70

Attribute Units of Measure: percentage

Attribute Measurement Resolution: 2.5


Attribute Label: percent_sand

Attribute Definition:

Visually estimate percentage of sand in the stratigraphic unit, estimated from a sample under a dissecting microscope.

Attribute Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Range Domain:

Range Domain Minimum: 0

Range Domain Maximum: 100

Attribute Units of Measure: percentage

Attribute Measurement Resolution: 2.5


Attribute Label: percent_silt

Attribute Definition:

Visually estimate percentage of silt in the stratigraphic unit, estimated from a sample under a dissecting microscope.

Attribute Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Range Domain:

Range Domain Minimum: 0

Range Domain Maximum: 90

Attribute Units of Measure: percentage

Attribute Measurement Resolution: 2.5


Attribute Label: percent_unburned

Attribute Definition:

Visually estimate percentage of unburned vegetation material in the stratigraphic unit, estimated from a sample under a dissecting microscope.

Attribute Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Range Domain:

Range Domain Minimum: 0

Range Domain Maximum: 60

Attribute Units of Measure: percentage

Attribute Measurement Resolution: 2.5


Attribute Label: percent_fibrous

Attribute Definition:

Visually estimate percentage of fibrous vegetation material in the stratigraphic unit, estimated from a sample under a dissecting microscope.

Attribute Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Range Domain:

Range Domain Minimum: 0

Range Domain Maximum: 85

Attribute Units of Measure: percentage

Attribute Measurement Resolution: 2.5


Attribute Label: percent_clay

Attribute Definition:

Visually estimate percentage of clay in the stratigraphic unit, estimated from a sample under a dissecting microscope.

Attribute Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Range Domain:

Range Domain Minimum: 0

Range Domain Maximum: 80

Attribute Units of Measure: percentage

Attribute Measurement Resolution: 2.5


Attribute Label: percent_wood

Attribute Definition:

Visually estimate percentage of intact wood in the stratigraphic unit, estimated from a sample under a dissecting microscope.

Attribute Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Range Domain:

Range Domain Minimum: 0

Range Domain Maximum: 95

Attribute Units of Measure: percentage

Attribute Measurement Resolution: 2.5


Attribute Label: percent_gravel

Attribute Definition:

Visually estimate percentage of gravel in the stratigraphic unit, estimated from a sample under a dissecting microscope.

Attribute Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Range Domain:

Range Domain Minimum: 0

Range Domain Maximum: 40

Attribute Units of Measure: percentage

Attribute Measurement Resolution: 2.5


Attribute Label: thickness

Attribute Definition:

The thickness of the stratigraphic unit, calculated by subtracting the bottom depth from the top depth.

Attribute Definition Source: Producer defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Range Domain:

Range Domain Minimum: 1.0

Range Domain Maximum: 42.0

Attribute Units of Measure: centimeters

Attribute Measurement Resolution: 0.5



Complete processing step descriptions are included in the XML metadata files associated with each data file.


Colorado Water Center

American Water Resources Association

Geological Society of America, Continental Scientific Drilling Division

City of Fort Collins

National Science Foundation, Award: NSF-EAR 2101068

Colorado State University, Warner College of Natural Resources