Data from: Topography of inputs into the hippocampal formation of a food-caching bird
Data files
Sep 11, 2023 version files 12.69 MB
The mammalian hippocampal formation (HF) is organized into domains associated with different functions. These differences are driven in part by the pattern of input along the hippocampal long axis, such as visual input to the septal hippocampus and amygdalar input to temporal hippocampus. HF is also organized along the transverse axis, with different patterns of neural activity in the hippocampus and the entorhinal cortex. In some birds, a similar organization has been observed along both of these axes. However, it is not known what role inputs play in this organization. We used retrograde tracing to map inputs into HF of a food-caching bird, the black-capped chickadee. We first compared two locations along the transverse axis: the hippocampus and the dorsolateral hippocampal area (DL), which is analogous to the entorhinal cortex. We found that pallial regions predominantly targeted DL, while some subcortical regions like the lateral hypothalamus (LHy) preferentially targeted the hippocampus. We then examined the hippocampal long axis and found that almost all inputs were topographic along this direction. For example, the anterior hippocampus was preferentially innervated by thalamic regions, while posterior hippocampus received more amygdalar input. Some of the topographies we found bear resemblance to those described in the mammalian brain, revealing a remarkable anatomical similarity of phylogenetically distant animals. More generally, our work establishes the pattern of inputs to HF in chickadees. Some of these patterns may be unique to chickadees, laying the groundwork for studying the anatomical basis of these birds’ exceptional hippocampal memory.
Data for 'Topography of inputs into the hippocampal formation of a food-caching bird', Applegate, M.C.; Gutnichenko, K.S.; Aronov, D.
The data is contained in a matlab data structure 'anatomy.m', which opens a matlab data structure anatomy. This structure has 4 fields to it:
Bird: an identifier for the birds used in the study.
pallialLabel: a boolean variable that is true if the bird ID had pallial regions annotated, false otherwise.
nonpallialLabel: a boolean variable that is true if the bird ID had nonpallial regions annotated, false otherwise.
data: a data structure with 8 fields. Each row contains information about a retrogradely labelled cell:
ROI: the 'region of interest (ROI)' for the cell. This field uses the same abbreviations for regions as the main paper. These are: HD (hyperpallium densocellulare),NFL (fronto-lateral nidopallium),NIL_M (lateral intermediate nidopallium, medial portion),NIL_L (lateral intermediate nidopallium, lateral portion),MS (medial septum),NDB (nucleus of the diagonal band of Broca),TnA (nucleus taeniae),SPC (nucleus superficialis parvocellularis), DLM (nucleus dorsolateralis anterior thalami, pars medialis), PMI (nucleus paramedianus interni thalami), SRt (nucleus subrotundus), LHy (lateral hypothalamus), VTA (ventral tegmental area), LC (nucleus linearis caudalis, LoC (locus coeruleus).
Long, Transverse, Hemisphere. These specify the long axis coordinate (-1, 1, 3, or 5 A), the transverse axis coordinate (Hp or DL), and the hemisphere (R, L) of the injection.
wavelength: These specify the flurophore of CTB used in the injection (488, 555, or 647).
AP, ML, DV. These specify in stereotaxic coordinates the location of the cell, all units are in mm. AP coordinates are anterior (+) or posterior (-) to lambda. ML coordinates are defined to be positive in the ipsilateral hemisphere to the injection, and negative in the contralateral hemisphere.