A versatile knee exoskeleton mitigates quadriceps fatigue in lifting, lowering, and carrying tasks
Data files
Sep 04, 2024 version files 912.35 KB
The quadriceps are particularly susceptible to fatigue during repetitive lifting-lowering and carrying (LLC), affecting worker performance, posture, and ultimately lower-back injury risk. Although robotic exoskeletons have been developed and optimized for specific use cases like lifting-lowering, their controllers lack the versatility or customizability to target critical muscles across many fatiguing tasks. Here we present a task-adaptive knee exoskeleton controller that automatically modulates virtual springs, dampers, and gravity and inertia compensation to assist squatting, level walking, and ramp and stairs ascent/descent. Unlike end-to-end neural networks, the controller is composed of predictable, bounded components with interpretable parameters that are amenable to both data-driven optimization for biomimetic assistance and subsequent application-specific tuning, for example, maximizing quadriceps assistance over multi-terrain LLC. When deployed on a backdrivable knee exoskeleton, the assistance torques holistically reduced quadriceps effort across multi-terrain LLC tasks (significantly, except for level walking) in 10 human users without user-specific calibration. The exoskeleton also significantly improved fatigue-induced deficits in time-based performance and posture during repetitive lifting-lowering. Finally, the system facilitated seamless task transitions and garnered high effectiveness ratings post-fatigue over a multi-terrain circuit. These findings indicate this versatile control framework can target critical muscles across multiple tasks, specifically mitigating quadriceps fatigue and its deleterious effects.
README: A Versatile Knee Exoskeleton Mitigates Quadriceps Fatigue in Lifting, Lowering, and Carrying Tasks
Data collected from 10 able-bodied participants performing fatiguing (S1) and non-fatiguing (S2) lifting-lowering-carrying (LLC) tasks with (exo condition) and without (bare condition) a bilateral knee exoskeleton. LLC tasks consist of squat lifting-lowering (LL), ramp ascent (RA), ramp descent (RD), stairs ascent (SA), stairs descent (SD), and level walking (LW). Ramp incline is 15 degrees and step height of stairs is 7 inches. dataset_S1 consists performance and posture measurements from fatiguing squat LL, and perceptual measurements from fatigued LLC tasks. dataset_S2 consists of electromyography, kinematics, torque, and foot sensor data from non-fatiguing LLC tasks.
Description of the Data and file structure
dataset_S1.mat contains 2 structures: 1) emg 2) exo.
- emg is organized as emg.muscle.condition.task.measure, where the sub-structures are as follows. muscle: quads, VMO, VL, RF, hams, ST, BF; condition: bare, exo; task: LL, LW, SA, SD, RA, RD; measure: ensemble, means. ensemble is a 101 (0% to 100% task cycle) by 10 (subjects) array containing the time-normalized ensemble averaged emg profiles (normalized to %MVC). means is a 1 by 10 (subjects) array containing the means (in %MVC) of the emg profiles, i.e., the across cycle mean of ensemble. Note: quads contains the weighted (per physiological cross-sectional area) average emg data of vastus medialis oblique (VMO), rectus femoris (RF), and vastus lateralis (VL); and similarly hams contains un-weighted avearge emg data of biceps femoris (BF) and semitendinosus (ST).
- exo is organized as exo.measure.task, where the sub-structures are as follows. measure: torque, thighAngle, shankAngle, kneeAngle, grf; task: LL, LW, SA, SD, RA, RD. Each task field is a 101 (0% to 100% task cycle) by 10 (subjects) array containing the corresponding ensemble averaged measures. Torque is in Nm (positive for extension); thighAngle is in degrees (positive for thigh anterior to vertical); shankAngle is in degrees (positive for shank anterior to vertical); kneeAngle is in degrees (positive for flexion); grf is the ground reaction force as measured by the foot sensor and is normalized to bodyweight.
dataset_S2.mat contains 11 structures:
- LLrepDuration_progression contains two fields: bare and exo; each field contains 21 (-100% to 100% every 10%) by 10 (subjects) array containing the durations (in seconds) of the squat LL repetitions across % trial progression. The subjects declared fatigue at 0% trial progression. While a variable number of LL repetitions were performed pre-fatigue (-100% to 0% trial progression), a fixed set of 10 LL repetitions were performed post-fatigue (0% to 100% trial progression). Note that subjects were not allowed to pause in the pre-fatigue phase, but during the post-fatigue phase they could take the bare minimum pause between subsequent repetitions in order to maintain good squat posture.
- fatiguedCompletionTime_deficit contains two fields: bare and exo; each field contains 1 by 10 (subjects) array containing the % increase in time to complete the 10 post-fatigue LL repetitions with respect to time required to complete the first 10 pre-fatigue LL repetitions in the bare condition.
- peakLean_progression contains two fields: bare and exo; each field contains 21 (-100% to 100% every 10%) by 10 (subjects) array containing the peak sagittal thorax angles (in degrees, positive for trunk flexion) of the squat LL repetitions across % trial progression.
- fatiguedPeakLean contains two fields: bare and exo; each field contains 1 by 10 (subjects) array containing the average peak sagittal thorax angle of the 10 post-fatigue LL repetitions.
- peakLean_deviation_progression contains two fields: bare and exo; each field contains 21 (-100% to 100% every 10%) by 10 (subjects) array containing the deviation in peak sagittal thorax angles (in degrees) of the squat LL repetitions across % trial progression. Deviation is with respect to the minimum peak sagittal thorax angle observed in the pre-fatigue bare repetitions.
- fatiguedPeakLean_deviation contains two fields: bare and exo; each field contains 1 by 10 (subjects) array containing the average deviation in peak sagittal thorax angle of the 10 post-fatigue LL repetitions.
- peakKneeFlexion_progression contains two fields: bare and exo; each field contains 21 (-100% to 100% every 10%) by 10 (subjects) array containing the peak sagittal knee angles (in degrees, positive for flexion) of the squat LL repetitions across % trial progression.
- fatiguedPeakKneeFlexion contains two fields: bare and exo; each field contains 1 by 10 (subjects) array containing the average peak sagittal knee angle of the 10 post-fatigue LL repetitions.
- peakKneeFlexion_deviation_progression contains two fields: bare and exo; each field contains 21 (-100% to 100% every 10%) by 10 (subjects) array containing the deviation in peak sagittal knee angles (in degrees) of the squat LL repetitions across % trial progression. Deviation is with respect to the maximum peak sagittal knee angle observed in the pre-fatigue repetitions of the respective conditions.
- fatiguedPeakKneeFlexion_deviation contains two fields: bare and exo; each field contains 1 by 10 (subjects) array containing the average deviation in peak sagittal knee angle of the 10 post-fatigue LL repetitions.
- modifiedquest contains two fields: data and headers. data is a 6 (tasks) by 10 (subjects) array containing the modifiedQUEST ratings (out of 5) of the 6 tasks named in headers - a 6 (tasks) by 1 string array.
Sharing/access Information
There are no other publicly accessible locations of the data.
Data was not derived from any other source.
Data collected from 10 able-bodied participants performing non-fatiguing (S1) and fatiguing (S2) lifting-lowering-carrying (LLC) tasks with and without a bilateral knee exoskeleton. dataset_S1 consists of electromyography, kinematics, torque, and footsensor data from non-fatiguing LLC tasks. dataset_S2 consists time, posture, and perceptual measurements from fatiguing squat lifting-lowering and carying tasks.
Usage notes
Matlab or Octave (Open Source)