Morphometrics in the recurved corolla clade of Burmeistera (Campanulaceae)
Data files
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In this study, we used morphometric data to test species boundaries in the genus Burmeistera (Campanulaceae). Morphometrics measurements were made on herbarium specimens from a monophyletic clade of three species with recurved corolla lobes: B. crispiloba, B. sodiroana, B. succulenta. We used using both hierarchical and normal mixture model-based clustering methods to test the current species hypotheses. Our results support the recognition of the three known species plus a new species described in the paper.
README: Morphometrics in the Recurved Corolla Clade of Burmeistera (Campanulaceae)
This REAME file was generated on 2023-11-29 by Brock Mashburn.
- Title: Morphometrics in the Recurved Corolla Clade of Burmeistera (Campanulaceae)
Author Information
- Brock Mashburn; Department of Biology, University of Missouri–St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri 63121, U.S.A.
- Andrea Trigueros; Department of Biology, University of Missouri–St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri 63121, U.S.A.
- Carmen Ulloa Ulloa; Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw, St. Louis, Missouri 63110, U.S.A.
- Nathan Muchhala; Department of Biology, University of Missouri–St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri 63121, U.S.A.
Date of data collection: 2017-2018
Funding sources: National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1754802 awarded to Nathan Muchhala
File List:
- Morphometric_measurements_RCC.csv
- RCC_code.R
DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Morphometric_measurements_RCC.csv
- Number of variables: 33
- Number of samples (rows): 95
Variable list
- sample_num: samples were numbered 1-95 to assist in tracking samples in R
- pile_id1: a priori assignment of samples to species (B. crispiloba, B. sodiroana, B. succulenta)
- pile_id2: a priori assignment of samples to species or assignment to 'intermediate' between B. crispiloba and B. sodiroana.
- collector: surname of collector of the herbarium specimen
- coll_num: collection number of the herbarium specimen
- country: country of collection
- latitude: decimal latitude of collection, either from specimen label or georeferenced by us
- longitude: decimal longitude of collection, either from specimen label or georeferenced by us
- phyllotaxy: a qualitative character, one of two options: 'distichous' or 'spiral'
- petiole_maxlen: length of longest petiole on the specimen, millimeters
- petiole_minlen: length of shortest petiole, millimeters
- small_leaf_len: length of smallest leaf, millimeters
- small_leaf_wid: width of smallest leaf, millimeters
- large_leaf_len: length of largest leaf, millimeters
- large_leaf_wid: width of largest leaf, millimeters
- apex_len: length of apex from largest leaf, millimeters
- apex_wid: width of base of apex from largest leaf, millimeters
- fert_leaf_len: length of first leaf subtending a flower, millimeters
- fert_leaf_wid: width of first leaf subtending a flower, millimeters
- pedicel_len: length of longest pedicel on specimen, millimeters
- hyp_len: length of hypanthium, millimeters
- hyp_wid: width at widest point of hypanthium, millimeters
- calyxlobe_len: length of longest calyx lobe, millimeters
- calyxlobe_wid: width of the same calyx lobe as above, millimeters
- andr_len: length of androecium, millimeters
- cortube_dors_len: length of corolla tube from base to dorsal opening, millimeters
- cortube_vent_len: length of corolla tube from base to ventral opening, millimeters
- cortube_narrow_wid: width of the narrowest point of corolla tube, millimeters
- corolla_curling: a qualitative character describing the curling of the corolla lobes, one of three options: 'none', 'curl', or 'scroll'
- anth_tub_len: length of anther tube, millimeters
- anth_tip_wid: width at tip of anther tube, millimeters
- exsertion_len: length of androecium from corolla tube opening to anther tube tip, millimeters
- flower_len: length of whole flower from base of hypanthium to anther tube tip, millimeters
Missing data codes: NA
Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: None
The main dataset is Appendix 1, an excel file with morphometric measurements of herbarium specimens. An additional .R file includes all data analysis and figure production. All other files are supplemental figures and appendices resulting from analyses in the .R file.
The program R is required to run this file. Required packages are listed within the file.
1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain
2. Links to publications that cite or use the data:
Mashburn, B, Trigueros, A, Ulloa Ulloa, C, Muchhala, N. (2023/2024). Morphometrics in the Recurved Corolla Clade of Burmeistera (Campanulaceae) Clarifies Species Limits and Identifies a New Species. Systematic Botany.
Morphometric measurements were made from 95 herbarium specimens using a ruler and digital calipers. The herbarium specimens were sourced from three herbaria: MO, NY, and QCA. Measurements include 23 continuous quantitative variables and two qualitative variables, which are described in more detail in the README file. The measurements are unprocessed.