High-fat and high-sugar diets induce rapid adaptations of fat storage in the house fly Musca domestica L
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Dietary change can be a strong evolutionary force and lead to rapid adaptation in organisms. High-fat and high-sugar diets can challenge key metabolic pathways, negatively affecting other life-history traits and inducing pathologies such as obesity and diabetes. In this study, we use experimental evolution to investigate the plastic and evolutionary responses to nutritionally unbalanced diets. We reared replicated lines of larvae of the housefly Musca domestica on a fat-enriched (FAT), a sugar-enriched (SUG), and a control (CTRL) diet for thirteen generations. We measured development time in each generation, and larval growth and fat accumulation in generations 1, 7, and 13. Subsequently, all lines were reared for one generation on the control diet to detect any plastic and evolutionary changes. In the first generation, time to pupation decreased on a fat-rich diet and increased on a sugar-rich diet. The fat-rich diet increased fat accumulation and, to a lesser extent, the dry weight of the larvae. Multigenerational exposure to unbalanced diets caused compensatory changes in development time, dry weight, as well as absolute and relative fat content, although pattern and timing depended on diet and trait. When put back on a control diet, many of the changes induced by the unbalanced diets disappeared, indicating that the diet has large plastic effects. Nevertheless, fat-evolved lines still grew significantly larger than the sugar-evolved lines, and sugar-evolved lines had consistently lower fat content. This can be an effect of parental diet or an evolutionary change in nutrient metabolism as a consequence of multigenerational exposure to unbalanced diets.
README: High-fat and high-sugar diets induce rapid adaptations of fat storage in the house fly Musca domestica L
Authors: Francesco Boatta, F.†; Jurgen van Hal; Leo W. Beukeboom; Jacintha Ellers
†Francesco Boatta collected the data and wrote the code
(related manuscript to be Published in Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 2024).
Files and variables
Description: This is the R.script used to obtain the statistics and the figures
Acronym | Type | Values | Full name | Explanation |
exp | text | EXPEVO, BIOCONV | experiment type | EXPEVO refers to data from the main experimental evolution experiment, BIOCONV refers to the experiment where experimentally evolved lines were reared on control diet |
gen | numeric | 0 to 12 | generation | number of larval generation |
day | numeric | 4-7 | day | Time since egg hatching |
treat | text | ctrl; fat; sug | treatment | dietary treatments used: control (ctrl), fat rich (fat) and sugar rich (sug) diet |
cage | numeric | 1 to 15 | Replicate number of each independent line | |
dry_w | numeric | dry weight | Total dry weight of larvae (mg) | |
T1 weight | numeric | Dry weight larvae after ether extraction (mg) | ||
lip_abs | numeric | absolute fat content | Dry weight of larval fat content (mg) | |
lip_rel | numeric | relative fat content | % fat content relative to total larval dry weight |
File: EXPEVO_data.csv
Description: data file
Acronym | Type | Values | Full name | Explanation |
exp | text | EXPEVO, BIOCONV | experiment type | EXPEVO refers to data from the main experimental evolution experiment, BIOCONV refers to the experiment where experimentally evolved lines were reared on control diet |
gen | numeric | 0 to 12 | generation | number of larval generation |
day | numeric | 4-7, p | day | Time since egg hatching, p is day of pupation |
treat | text | ctrl; fat; sug | treatment | dietary treatments used: control (ctrl), fat rich (fat) and sugar rich (sug) diet |
cage | numeric | 1 to 15 | Replicate number of each independent line | |
dry_w | numeric | dry weight | Total dry weight of larvae (mg) | |
T1 weight | numeric | Dry weight larvae after ether extraction (mg) | ||
lip_abs | numeric | absolute fat content | Dry weight of larval fat content (mg) | |
lip_rel | numeric | relative fat content | % fat content relative to total larval dry weight |
File: expevo_development_stages_data.csv
Description: data file
Acronym | Type | Values | Full name | Explanation |
gen | numeric | 0 to 12 | generation | number of larval generation |
treat | text | ctrl; fat; sug | treatment | dietary treatments used: control (ctrl), fat rich (fat) and sugar rich (sug) diet |
cage | numeric | 1 to 15 | Replicate number for each independent line | |
larval | numeric | larval stage | time to reach pupation (days) from egg hatching | |
pupa | numeric | pupae stage | time from occurrence of first pupae to emergence of adults (days) |
Note that for generation 12 adult emergence was not recorded, therefore data for pupa are missing for G12. They are intentionally left blank. Filling them with 'n.a' will interfere with our script
File: temperatures_for_R_analysis.csv
Description: data file
Acronym | Type | Values | Full name | Explanation |
gen | numeric | 0 to 12 | generation | number of larval generation |
cage | numeric | 1 to 15 | Replicate number for each independent line | |
treat | text | ctrl; fat; sug | treatment | dietary treatments used: control (ctrl), fat rich (fat) and sugar rich (sug) diet |
day | numeric | 4-7 | day | Time since egg hatching |
temp | numeric | temperature | The temperature of the substrate (C) |
Data were analysed using R version "Ghost Orchid" Release (077589bc, 2021-09-20).
This dataset has been collected at generations 1, 7, and 13 of long-term experimental evolution. The data are the raw body mass weighings before and after ether extraction, the calculated fat content (the mass difference between the two weighings), and relative fat content (fat content divided by dry body mass before ether extraction). We also measured the temperature of the growth substrate in Celsius.