Habitat quality effects on the abundance of a coral-dwelling fish across spatial scales
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Microhabitat-associated fishes are expected to be negatively affected by coral reef degradation, given that many species are coral dwellers. However, the factors underlying this negative impact and the spatial scale(s) at which it occurs are poorly understood. We explored how habitat quality metrics and host preferences influence fish abundance across multiple spatial scales, using the functionally important cleaner fish Elacatinus evelynae as a study species. We surveyed fish at 10 sites in Curaçao that varied in coral cover and health. At the microhabitat scale, we found that E. evelynae group size increases on large, healthy corals and on some coral host species, namely Montastraea cavernosa. We also found that, although E. evelynae can occupy at least 10 coral host species, it selectively inhabits just three corals: M. cavernosa, Colpophyllia natans, and Diploria labrynthiformis. Scaling up to explore goby abundance along 30-m transects, we did not find a clear relationship between live coral cover and goby abundance. However, goby abundance was substantially higher at one location with elevated coral cover and a high relative abundance of E. evelynae host species. Collectively, these results confirm that E. evelynae abundance is impacted by reef health. They also indicate that the species’ long-term persistence may depend on both the maintenance of healthy coral hosts and the gobies’ plasticity in host preferences on changing reefscapes. Cryptobenthic fishes such as E. evelynae play a vital role in the ecosystem and understanding drivers of their abundance is important as reefs face increased degradation.
README: Habitat quality effects on the abundance of a coral-dwelling fish across spatial scales
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Description of the data and file structure
- Data on the number of Elacatinus evelynae and benthic categories per transect. Columns transect_ID
to depth
contain transect information. The column num_gobies
contains the number of fish observed (aggregated from the observations in data_evelynae.csv
). Columns inv
to coral
contain percent benthic cover by category (sum to 100). Columns aga
to strig
contain the percent coral cover by taxa (sum to coral
Column | Description |
transect_ID | Transect ID: site.transect_number.depth |
site | Site name: CHR - CARMABI House Reef, DBO - Daaibooi, DIR - Director's Bay, DRF - Double Reef, KAL - Playa Kalki, KOK - Kokomo Beach, LAG - Playa Lagun, MAN - Playa Manzalina, MPO - Marie Pampoen, SNB - Snake Bay |
transect | Transect number 1-3 |
depth | Transect depth: 5, 7.5, and 10 m |
num_gobies | Total number of gobies observed on the transect |
inv | Percent cover of sessile invertebrates including soft corals, sponges, anemones, etc. |
sand | Percent cover of sand |
rock | Percent cover of rocks |
oth | Percent cover of other items found on the seafloor including pipes, trash, etc. |
rub | Percent cover of rubble |
algae | Percent cover of algae including macroalgae, turf algae, and crustose coralline algae |
coral | Percent cover of all corals |
coral_goby | Percent cover of goby-associated corals |
aga | Percent cover of Agaricia spp. |
ann | Percent cover of Orbicella annularis |
cnat | Percent cover of Colpophyllia natans |
dlab | Percent cover of Diploria labrynthiformis |
efas | Percent cover of Eusmilia fastigiata |
mada | Percent cover of Madracis auretenra |
mani | Percent cover of Manicina areolata |
mcav | Percent cover of Montastraea cavernosa |
mean | Percent cover of Meandrina meandrites |
orbi | Percent cover of Orbicella spp. (O. franksi & O. faveolata) |
past | Percent cover of Porites astreoides |
sid | Percent cover of Siderastrea siderea |
strig | Percent cover of Pseudodiploria strigosa |
- Data on microhabitats E. evelynae were observed on their group size.
Column | Description |
ID | Observation ID |
dive_date | Dive date |
transect_ID | Transect ID: site.transect_number.depth |
site_name | Site name |
site_ID | Site ID |
transect_depth_m | Transect depth: 5, 7.5, and 10 m |
host_type | Host type: coral, sponge, or rock. NA value represents a transect where no gobies were observed |
host_group | Host group for corals: Massive, brain, or plating coral. NA value represents a coral that was not identified |
host_ID | Host ID: Coral taxa, sponge, or rock. NA value represents a coral that was not identified |
condition | Condition (corals only): 1 (degraded), 2 (intermediate), or 3 (healthy). CARMABI House Reef and Kokomo Beach have NA values because the condition was not assessed there, and sponges and rocks have NA values because the condition was assessed only for corals |
width_1_cm | Coral host width 1 (cm). Sponges have no value because only height was measured; NA values represent microhabitats where width could not be measured |
width_2_cm | Coral host width 2 (cm) - perpendicular to width 1. Sponges have no value because only height was measured; NA values represent microhabitats where width could not be measured |
height_cm | Microhabitat height (cm). NA values represent microhabitats where height could not be measured |
num_gobies | Group size observed on microhabitat. NA value represents a transect where no gobies were observed |
- All analyses conducted are presented here.