Postcranial skeletal size measurements of hybrid captive Rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta)
Data files
Jan 27, 2025 version files 27.83 KB
21.67 KB
6.16 KB
The dataset consists of postcranial measurements of size taken virtually from CT scans of fully articulated skeletons of 134 adult M. mulatta. The measurements are maximum long bone lengths, weight at scanning, and crown-rump length. The majority of monkeys were scanned in vivo, with a few scanned as cadavers following natural death. The sample comes from a colony house at the California National Primate Center, University California Davis (CNPRC), which is composed of Indian, Chinese and hybrid animals. For more information see our article. Our research sought to examine the relationship between admixture and body size in the context of previous research that had suggested hybridisation in non-human primates leads to extreme size and heightened variation in offspring. This research had largely been carried out on hybrids between more distantly related parental taxa and on early generation hybrids. Our project is aimed at better understanding what determines hybrid morphology in non-human primates with the ultimate aim of building models for hybridisation between Homo sapiens and Neanderthals. These data were comparable with previous work and enabled us to show that, contrary to previous research in other taxa, in M. mulatta hybrids are relatively small but not outside of the range of parental variation.
README: Postcranial skeletal size measurements of hybrid captive Rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta)
Description of the data and file structure
Postcranial skeletal size measurements of hybrid captive Rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta)
Description of the data and file structure
The data are uploaded in a tab-delimited text file. Except where noted (weight), all measurements are in mm.
Files and variables
File: BuckEtAl2025_AJBA_HybridMacaqueSize.txt
Variables | Definition |
Specimen | ID number provided for each individual by California National Primate Center, University of California Davis (CNPRC) |
Sex | Provided by CNPRC; F: female, M: male |
Chinese Ancestry | Provided by CNPRC, estimated from mating records. 0: full-bred Indian animal, 1: full-bred Chinese animal, numbers in between indicate hybrids |
kg | Weight at scanning (in kg) |
C-R curved | Crown to rump length measured using the Open Curve semilandmarking tool in SlicerMorph. Measurement starts at mid-point between mid-points of orbits and ends at the notch under the spinous process of the third sacral vertebra. Points included on the nuchal ridge, second cervical vertebra and first thoracic vertebra. Additional point included on the spinous processes of sufficient vertebrae to accurately describe the shape of the spine. |
R humeral max | Maximum length of right humerus. Proximal-most point on humeral head to distal-most point on medial trochlea. |
R femoral max | Maximum length of the right femur. Proximal-most point on radial head in line with styloid process to distal-most point on styloid process. |
R radial max | Maximum length of the right radius. Proximal-most point on greater trochanter to distal-most point on lateral condyle. |
R tibial max | Maximum length of the right tibia. Proximal-most point on medial margin of proximal condyle to distal-most point on medial malleolus |
Note | Instances where a bone from the left side was used because that on the right side was not measureable are noted (n = 2) |
Laura Buck collected these data virtually in Avizo (limb bone lengths) and SlicerMorph (crown-rump length) from the CT scans for each individual. Weight was collected at scanning by CNPRC staff. All limb bone measurements were taken on the right side unless that bone was compromised, in which case the left was used and this is indicated in the field ‘notes’. Chinese ancestry was provided by the CNPRC and is estimated using mating records.