Study of the overwintering ecology of the hazelnut pest, Palomena prasina (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) in a perspective of Integrated Pest Management
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Palomena prasina, the green shield bug (GSB), is widely distributed in the Eurosiberian region. In the Southwest of France it is considered a serious pest of hazelnuts, its feeding punctures lead to blank hazelnuts and kernel necrosis, causing heavy losses in commercial orchards. To date, no Integrated Pest Management strategy is available to control P. prasina.
Control strategies often focus on the pests’ spring-summer ecology, when they are in the field or in the vicinity of crops. However, the abundance of pest populations in crops is also related to their autumn-winter ecology. The present work focussed on the autumn-winter ecology of P. prasina to identify new opportunities for this pest suppression. We investigate (i) where P. prasina overwinters, (ii) if it aggregates in its overwintering sites, and (iii) if it mates while overwintering. Samples were collected over a two-year period in different ecosystems (forests, hedges, orchards), in human-made structures, and habitats (litter, bushes/trees, dead trees). The reproductive status of GBS individuals was monitored in winter, and in spring when they emerged from overwintering sites.
Our results show that 97% P. prasina adults overwinter in the leaf litter of orchards and natural ecosystems and that 70% overwinter individually. The abundance of GSB in those sites is negatively correlated with litter temperature and positively correlated with humidity levels. Furthermore, adults only mate after leaving their overwintering site. Finally, there was an important number of overwintering adults hosting endoparasitoids (32%).
The fact that GSB overwinters alone in the leaf litter means controlling its populations by destroying the overwintering sites is not a solution. All the same, our results do open new perspectives for the control of P. prasina. First, the emergence traps, in particular the cone traps, proved efficient for collecting emerging adults and could be used for monitoring. Moreover, our observations point out the existence of long-range mating signals that could be exploited for trapping. Last but not least, the important number of overwintering parasitised adults is a promising biocontrol avenue.
README: Study of the overwintering ecology of the hazelnut pest, Palomena prasina (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) in a perspective of Integrated Pest Management.
Six dataset from this paper are available. Data collection is described in the material and methods.
The files untitled "Overwintering site_human made structures.xlsx", "Overwintering site_leaf_litter.xlsx" , "Overwintering site_foliage.xlsx" and "Overwintering_sites_abiotic_parameters" contain abundance data and abiotic parameters collected to study the overwintering site of P. prasina in human made structures, leaf litter and evergreen foliage . Then, data set named "Spring_emergence_monitoring.xlsx" corresponds to the abundance of P. prasina adults emerging from the leaf litter in spring, that were collected in the Cone traps (20) and the Circle traps (20) at both sites (a wood and a hazelnut orchard). Finally, the dataset "Reproductive_status.xlsx" is the result of adults dissections collected in their overwintering site and in the spring emergence traps.
Description of the data and file structure
This is a freeform section for you to describe how the data are structured and how a potential consumer might use them. Be as descriptive as necessary. Keep in mind that users of your data might be new to the field and unfamiliar with common terminology, metrics, etc.
Describe relationships between data files, missing data codes, other abbreviations used. Be as descriptive as possible.
"Overwintering site_human made structures.xlsx":
- year= study year
- date= sampling date
- volunteer_ID= identification of the participating volunteers
- cities= city where the true bugs were collected
- structure= type of human made structures where the bugs were collected
- inside_outside= if the bugs were found inside or outside
- site_structure= which part of the human made structure they were found
- true_bug_species= species of the collected true bugs
- true_bug_abundance= their total abundance
NA corresponds to "Non Available" data.
"Overwintering site_foliage.xlsx":
- year= study year
- sampling_date= date of the sampling
- site_ID= identification of the study site
- ecosystem_type= type of ecosystem (described in the Material and methods)
- zone= study zone in the study site (described in the Material and methods)
- plant_species= latin name of the sampled plant species
- heteropteran_species= latin name of the collected heteropteran bugs
- hetereopteran_abundnace= their total abundance
NA corresponds to "Non Available" data.
"Overwintering site_leaf_litter.xlsx":
- year= study year
- sampling_date= date of the sampling
- site_ID= identification of the study site
- ecosystem_type= type of ecosystem (described in the Material and methods)
- zone= study zone in the study site (described in the Material and methods)
- leaf_litter_sampling_number= the number of the sampling
- heteropteran_species= latin name of the collected heteropteran bugs
- hetereopteran_abundance= their total abundance
NA corresponds to "Non Available" data.
- year= study year
- sampling_date= date of the sampling
- site_ID= identification of the study site
- ecosystem_type= type of ecosystem (described in the Material and methods)
- zone= study zone in the study site (described in the Material and methods)
- sampling_number= the number of the sampling
- litter_depth= leaf litter depth, in centimeters
- temperature= temperature of the leaf litter, in Celsius degrees
- light= illuminance at the surface of the leaf litter, in Lux
- humidity= relative humidity inside the leaf litter, in %
- UV= quantity of UV at the surface of the leaf litter, in mW/cm²
NA corresponds to "Non Available" data.
- experiment_ID= identification of the experiment (Characterisation of overwintering site*s* or monitoring of the spring emergence)
- month= month of the sampling
- dissection_date= date on which the dissection of the GSB was done
- site_ID= identification of the study site
- sexe= sexe of the collected adult
- GSB_ID= identification of the P. prasina adults dissected
- trap= type of trap where P. prasina adult was collected in the spring monitoring emergence
- trap_ID= identification of the effective trap
- ovarian_rank= rank in the ovarian development of female (i. e. Material and methods)
- mating_status= presence of living spermatozoids found in the female spemateca
- spz_testis_presence= presence of living spermatozoids found in the male teste
- GSB_colour= colour of the dissected P. prasina adult
- parasitoid_presence= presence of endoparasitoids in the dissected adult
NA corresponds to "Non Available" data.
"Spring emergence monitoring.xlsx":
- sampling_date= date of the sampling
- month= month of the sampling
- sampling_hour= monitoring hour of each trap in the day
- site_ID= identification of the study site
- trap= type of trap where P. prasina adult was collected in the spring monitoring emergence
- row= line of trap (i. e. Material and methods)
- trap_number= number of the monitored trap
- GSB_abundance= total abundance of P. prasina captured in the trap
- male_abundance= total abundance of male captured in the trap
- female_abundance= total abundance of female captured in the trap
NA corresponds to "Non Available" data.