US Army Aviation air movement request problem instances
Data files
May 22, 2023 version files 49.83 KB
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Jun 16, 2023 version files 128.23 KB
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Jun 15, 2023 version files 128.28 KB
Although lacking the same preeminent status of air assault planning, air movement operations comprise a majority of Army utility and cargo helicopter combat aviation operations in terms of volume of customers and the endless appetite for rapid movement of troops across the battlespace. The data provided enabled research and development of a US Army Aviation air movement mission planning model to assist the mission planner by rapidly providing courses of action based on the commander's priorities. Features of the problem and the data provided include priority demand, multi-node refueling, aircraft and passenger time windows, maximum passenger transportation time, and the minimization of unsupported demand, aircraft utilization, and total flight time. The mathematical model provided is an extension of the dial-a-ride problem (DARP) that will coordinate air mission requests (AMRs) at the aviation task force-level or lower to generate courses of action that optimize helicopter fleet resourcing and routing decisions against mission variables, while supporting the optimal number of AMRs that sustain combat power over time.
README: US Army Aviation Air Movement Request Problem Instances
Dataset contains Air Movement Request (AMR) instances from Nelson et al. (2023) for reproducibility and to allow other researchers to develop methods that surpass the results by Nelson et al. (2023).
Description of the data and file structure
The files below provide 10 instances of 6,90, and 100 AMRs; the code used; and the results from the code for the 6 AMR instances.
Instance Files: As an example, the instance zip files contain multiple instances for that problem size. For the n = 6
AMR problem, we provide 10 instances:
Team 2, n = 6, Instance = 1.mat
Team 2, n = 6, Instance = 2.mat
Team 2, n = 6, Instance = 3.mat
Team 2, n = 6, Instance = 5.mat
Team 2, n = 6, Instance = 6.mat
Team 2, n = 6, Instance = 7.mat
Team 2, n = 6, Instance = 8.mat
Team 2, n = 6, Instance = 9.mat
Team 2, n = 6, Instance = 10.mat
Similarly, we provide 10 instances for the n = 90
and n = 100
problems in the Instances
and Instances
files, respectively.
Solution Files:
We provide the mixed integer model solutions for the n = 6
instances, also referenced by Nelson et al. (2023).
MIP Solutions
Each of these solution files matches the same Instance number in the Instances
Instance 2 does not have a solution as the code provided could not be optimally solved, even with the
use of the high-cost helicopter, and not supporting all AMRs.
Team 2, MIP Solution, n = 6, Instance = 1.mat
Team 2, MIP Solution, n = 6, Instance = 3.mat
Team 2, MIP Solution, n = 6, Instance = 4.mat
Team 2, MIP Solution, n = 6, Instance = 5.mat
Team 2, MIP Solution, n = 6, Instance = 6.mat
Team 2, MIP Solution, n = 6, Instance = 7.mat
Team 2, MIP Solution, n = 6, Instance = 8.mat
Team 2, MIP Solution, n = 6, Instance = 9.mat
Team 2, MIP Solution, n = 6, Instance = 10.mat
Summary of results for these instances can be found in Nelson et al. (2023).
Usage Notes:
This document explains what each of the variables means in the intance zip files.
This document explains what each of the variables means in the solutions zip files.
Sharing/Access information
Data from Nelson, R.J., King, R.E., McConnell, B.M., and Thoney-Barletta, K. 2023. US Army Aviation air movement operations assignment, utilization and routing, Journal of Defense Analytics and Logistics, Vol 7, No 1, 2–28,
The code uses the MAT, JuMP, and Gurobi or CPLEX packages.
Lines 4 and 5 require manual input. The inputs should match the n and Instance number that you are trying to run.
If using CPLEX, use lines 196-203 and comment out 205-211.
If using Gurobi, use lines 205-211 and comment out 196-203.
Instances generated according to Nelson et al. (2023).
Nelson, R.J., King, R.E., McConnell, B.M., and Thoney-Barletta, K. 2023. US Army Aviation air movement operations assignment, utilization and routing, Journal of Defense Analytics and Logistics, Vol 7, No 1, 2–28,
Usage notes
Data files may be opened with any language. Example Julia script provided.