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US Army Aviation air movement request problem instances

Data files

May 22, 2023 version files 49.83 KB
Jun 16, 2023 version files 128.23 KB
Jun 15, 2023 version files 128.28 KB


Although lacking the same preeminent status of air assault planning, air movement operations comprise a majority of Army utility and cargo helicopter combat aviation operations in terms of volume of customers and the endless appetite for rapid movement of troops across the battlespace. The data provided enabled research and development of a US Army Aviation air movement mission planning model to assist the mission planner by rapidly providing courses of action based on the commander's priorities. Features of the problem and the data provided include priority demand, multi-node refueling, aircraft and passenger time windows, maximum passenger transportation time, and the minimization of unsupported demand, aircraft utilization, and total flight time. The mathematical model provided is an extension of the dial-a-ride problem (DARP) that will coordinate air mission requests (AMRs) at the aviation task force-level or lower to generate courses of action that optimize helicopter fleet resourcing and routing decisions against mission variables, while supporting the optimal number of AMRs that sustain combat power over time.