Local adaptation in trait-mediated trophic cascades dataset
Data files
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Predator-induced changes in prey foraging can indirectly influence community dynamics by increasing the abundance of basal resources via a trait-mediated trophic cascade. The strength of these cascades may be altered by eco-evolutionary relationships between predators and prey, but the role of basal resources has received limited attention. We hypothesized that the strength of trait-mediated trophic cascades may be shaped by selection from trophic levels above and below prey. Our field and laboratory experiments utilized snails (Nucella lapillus) from two regions in the Gulf of Maine (GoM) that vary substantially in basal resource (e.g., barnacles, mussels) availability and invasion history with the predatory green crab, Carcinus maenas. Nucella from both regions were provided with mussels as a basal resource and exposed to the presence or absence of green crab risk cues. In both experiments, Nucella from the northern GoM, where basal resources are scarce, displayed weaker responses to risk cues than southern Nucella. In the lab, however, northern Nucella foraged more than southern snails under risk, but foraging rates among the two regions did not differ without risk. Our results suggest that adaptation to basal resource availability may contribute to geographic variation in the strength of trait-mediated trophic cascades.
README: Local adaptation in trait-mediated trophic cascades dataset
Description of the data and file structure
The dataset contains seven Excel spreadsheets which encompass all of the data used in statistical analyses mentioned in this manuscript. All data are presented in tabular form. Spreadsheet descriptions and column definitions are provided below.
FieldExperiment_ConsumptionData - Contains the data used in analyses of mussel consumption per capita during the field experiment.
FieldExperiment_ConsumptionData: Column names and definitions
Row_Id – Numbers each row in the dataset excluding the headers.
Region – Denotes the region of the Gulf of Maine that Nucella were collected from and outplanted to for the field experiment.
Site – Indicates the site (population) that Nucella were collected from and outplanted to for the field experiment.
Treatment – Indicates whether Nucella received green crab risk cue treatment or control treatment (absence of risk cue) during the field experiment.
ReplicateChamber - Denotes the specific stimulus chamber that Nucella were placed in for a given Site x Treatment combination. For instance, “NHT.C1” indicates that the chamber placed at Nahant, received green crab risk cue treatment, and was #1 of four chambers within this Site x Treatment group.
ConsumptionPerCapita – The number of mussels consumed per capita in each replicate chamber. This metric was calculated by dividing the total number of mussels consumed in a given chamber by the average number of Nucella in the replicate chamber (4/# survived).
FieldExperiment_GrowthData - Contains the data used in analyses of growth in shell length, shell mass, and tissue mass during the field experiment.
FieldExperiment_GrowthData: Column names and definitions
Row_Id – Numbers each row in the dataset excluding the headers.
Region – Denotes the region of the Gulf of Maine that Nucella were collected from and outplanted to for the field experiment.
Site – Represents the site that Nucella were collected from and outplanted to for the field experiment.
Treatment – Indicates whether Nucella received green crab risk cue treatment or control treatment (absence of risk cue) during the field experiment.
Replicate - Denotes the specific stimulus chamber that Nucella were placed in for a given Site x Treatment combination.
LengthGrowth – Represents the amount of shell length growth (mm) exhibited by a given snail over the course of the field experiment.
ShellGrowth – Represents the amount of shell mass growth (g) exhibited by a given snail over the course of the field experiment.
TissueGrowth – Represents the amount of tissue mass growth (g) exhibited by a given snail over the course of the field experiment.
FieldExperiment_TemperatureData - Contains the data used in the analysis of water temperature across the two regions.
FieldExperiment_TemperatureData: Column names and definitions
Row_Id – Numbers each row in the dataset excluding the headers.
Region – Denotes each region in the Gulf of Maine (northern or southern) where seawater temperature (°C) was recorded during the field experiment.
Site - The site where seawater temperature (°C) was recorded during the field experiment.
Temperature – Refers to the seawater temperature (°C) recorded at each high tide (± 10 minutes) during the field experiment.
Date – The date that a given seawater temperature (°C) was recorded on.
FieldExperiment_TempTraitData – Contains the data used in the analyses of mussel consumption and tissue mass growth as a function of water temperature.
FieldExperiment_TempTraitData: Column names and definitions
Region – Denotes the region of the Gulf of Maine that Nucella were collected from and outplanted to for the field experiment.
Treatment – Indicates whether Nucella received green crab risk cue treatment or control treatment (absence of risk cue) during the field experiment.
Site - The site (population) that Nucella were collected from and outplanted to for the field experiment.
SiteNumber – Numerically orders sites used in the field experiment from south to north (1-8 respectively) to make the dataset easier to arrange and visualize as a function of latitude.
TissueGrowth – The least-squares mean for tissue growth (g) within a given Site by Treatment combination.
SE.TissueGrowth – The standard error for tissue mass growth (g) within a given Site by Treatment combination.
Consumption – The least-squares mean for mussel consumption per capita within a given Site by Treatment combination.
SE.Consumption – The standard error for mussel consumption per capita within a given Site by Treatment combination.
LabExperiment_ConsumptionData - Contains the data used in analyses of mussel consumption per capita during the lab experiment.
LabExperiment_ConsumptionData: Column names and definitions
Row_Id – Numbers each row in the dataset excluding the headers.
Region – Denotes the region of the Gulf of Maine that Nucella were collected from for the lab experiment.
Site – Indicates the site (population) that Nucella were collected from for the lab experiment.
Treatment – Indicates whether Nucella received green crab risk cue treatment or control treatment (absence of risk cue) during the lab experiment.
ReplicateChamber - Denotes the specific stimulus chamber that Nucella were placed in for a given Site x Treatment combination.
ConsumptionPerCapita – The number of mussels consumed per capita in each replicate chamber. This metric was calculated by dividing the total number of mussels consumed by the average number of Nucella in the replicate chamber (4/# survived).
LabExperiment_GrowthData - Contains the data used in analyses of growth in shell length, shell mass, and tissue mass during the lab experiment.
LabExperiment_GrowthData: Column names and definitions
Row_Id – Numbers each row in the dataset excluding the headers.
Region – Denotes the region of the Gulf of Maine that Nucella were collected from for the lab experiment.
Site – Represents the site (population) that Nucella were collected from for the lab experiment.
Treatment – Indicates whether Nucella received green crab risk cue treatment or the control treatment (absence of risk cue) during the lab experiment.
Replicate - Denotes the specific stimulus chamber that Nucella were placed in for a given Site (population) x Treatment combination.
LengthGrowth – Represents the amount of shell length growth (mm) exhibited by a given snail over the course of the lab experiment.
ShellGrowth – Represents the amount of shell mass growth (g) exhibited by a given snail over the course of the lab experiment.
TissueGrowth – Represents the amount of tissue mass growth (g) exhibited by a given snail over the course of the lab experiment.
LabExperiment_BehaviorData - Contains the data used in analyses of refuge habitat use during the lab experiment.
LabExperiment_BehaviorData: Column names and definitions
Row_Id – Numbers each row in the dataset excluding the headers.
Region – Denotes the region of the Gulf of Maine (northern or southern) that Nucella were collected from for the lab experiment.
Site – Represents the site (population) that Nucella were collected from for the lab experiment.
Treatment – Indicates whether Nucella received green crab risk cue treatment or control treatment (absence of risk cue) during the lab experiment.
Replicate - Denotes the specific stimulus chamber that Nucella were placed in for each Site (population) x Treatment combination.
Week – Represents the week (numbered 1-6) that behavior measurements were recorded during over the course of the lab experiment.
Behavior – Mean refuge use (1 = all snails using refuge, 0 = none in refuge) in a given stimulus chamber at a given point in time (recorded every 3 days).
Sharing/Access information
All statistical analyses were conducted in JMP 15 Pro