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Data for: Ocean surface wave slopes and wind-wave alignment observed in Hurricane Idalia


Observational wave data and modeled wind data to accompany the article "Ocean surface wave slopes and wind-wave alignment observed in Hurricane Idalia." The data include wave buoy observations from targeted aerial deployments into Hurricane Idalia (2023) and colocated model 10-m winds. Winds are modeled using the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory’s Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System for Tropical Cyclones (COAMPS-TC). The data are located offshore of the Big Bend region of Florida and span approximately 00Z on 29 August to 00Z on 31 August, as Idalia was making landfall along the Florida coast. Output datasets are in netCDF format (CF-1.11, ACDD-1.3) and are organized as single trajectory data indexed by observation time.  Each netCDF file is named according to the buoy ID.