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Data from: Multiple routes to interspecific territoriality in sister species of North American perching birds

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Jul 24, 2020 version files 50.73 KB


Behavioral interference between species can influence a wide range of ecological and evolutionary processes. Here we test foundational hypotheses regarding the origins and maintenance of interspecific territoriality, and evaluate the role of interspecific territoriality and hybridization in shaping species distributions and transitions from parapatry to sympatry in sister species of North American perching birds (Passeriformes). We found that interspecific territoriality is pervasive among sympatric sister species pairs, and that interspecifically territorial species pairs have diverged more recently than sympatric non-interspecifically territorial pairs. None of the foundational hypotheses alone explain the observed patterns of interspecific territoriality, but our results support the idea that some cases of interspecific territoriality arise from misdirected intraspecific aggression while others are evolved responses to resource competition. The combination of interspecific territoriality and hybridization appears to be an unstable state associated with parapatry, while species that are interspecifically territorial and do not hybridize are able to achieve extensive fine- and coarse-scale breeding range overlap. In sum, these results suggest that interspecific territoriality has multiple origins and that interspecific territoriality and hybridization together can have striking impacts on species ranges.