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Juxtaposition of climate change contrarians and scientists in the media using Media Cloud data


We document the media visibility and climate change research achievements of two groups of individuals representing some of  the most prominent figures in their respective domains: 386  climate change contrarians (CCC)  juxtaposed with 386 expert climate change scientists (CCS). These data were collected from the Media Cloud project (MC), an open data project hosted by the MIT Center for Civic Media and the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University. Enclosed are raw MC data and parsed media article data files obtained from two types of MC database queries: (i) ~105,000 media articles derived from the MC search query ''climate AND change AND global AND warming''; (ii) 772 individual  data files for each member of the CCC and CCS groups, each derived from a single MC search query ''MemberFullName AND climate''. These data facilitate the objective comparison of authority in science with visibility in digital and print media,  and are used to map individuals' association networks within and between CCC and CCS groups, at both the group and individual levels.