Data files
Feb 26, 2017 version files 10.14 MB
Feb 26, 2017 version files 21.32 MB
As awareness of climate change increases more projects are beginning to include sea level rise in their planning and design. To better understand cutting edge examples of sea level rise adaptation we examined the current conditions and projected future changes from nine physical sea level rise adaptation projects in the San Francisco Bay.
Our analysis is based on four primary steps. First for each case study we digitized a project boundary based on critical reports for that specific case study. The read me file contains details on the reports used for each case study. Second, for the current conditions, we reclassified the shoreline infrastructure data from San Francisco Estuary Institute (SFEI). We used the following dictionary to reclassify the data in terms of the Landform / Wall value: {'Berm': 'Landform', 'Channel or Opening': 'Landform', 'Shoreline Protection Structure': 'Landform','Embankment': 'Landform', 'Engineered Levee': 'Landform', 'Floodwall': 'Wall', 'Natural Shoreline': 'Landform','Transportation Structure': 'Wall', 'Water Control Structure': 'Wall', 'Wetland': 'Landform'}. We used the following dictionary to reclassify the data in terms of the Dynaic / Static value {'Berm': 'Static', 'Channel or Opening': 'Static', 'Shoreline Protection Structure': 'Static','Embankment': 'Static', 'Engineered Levee': 'Static', 'Floodwall': 'Static', 'Natural Shoreline': 'Dynamic','Transportation Structure': 'Static', 'Water Control Structure': 'Dynamic', 'Wetland': 'Dynamic'}. Additionally, for some of the shoreline protection structure sites we used google earth and site visits to shift their categorization from landform to wall. Third we used the boundaries to clip the current conditions to the project specific areas. Finally using detailed analysis from each case studies report we altered some of the current lines to reflect the proposed changes.