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The statistics of gaze during VR gaming

Data files

Jul 17, 2022 version files 16 GB


We present a dataset of eye-movement recordings obtained in virtual reality during videogame play. 10 observers played 4 different videogames which were modeled after popular virtual reality games. These games included a first-person shooter game, a rhythm game, an action rhythm game and an environmental simulation game. The games were presented using the HTC Vive Pro Eye virtual reality head-mounted display (HMD) which has an eye tracker built-in. The dataset includes eye position (in pixel coordinates) and depth buffer data collected during videogame play. This allows eye position to be mapped to depth buffers of the videogame environment. This data has been used to compute the statistics of binocular disparity, gaze direction, gaze distance, and the vergence accommodation conflict. This dataset represents the first attempt to track gaze during complex videogame play in virtual reality head-mounted displays.

This work is published: Aizenman, A.M., Koulieris, G.A., Gibaldi, A., Sehgal, V., Levi, D.M., Banks, M.S. (2022). The statistics of eye movements and binocular disparities during VR gaming: Implications for headset design. Transactions on Graphics.