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Chemical data of Hawaiian Tetragnatha spiders

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Adams, Seira (2024). Chemical data of Hawaiian Tetragnatha spiders [Dataset]. Dryad.


Studies of adaptive radiations have played a central role in our understanding of reproductive isolation. Yet the focus has been on human-biased visual and auditory signals, leaving gaps in our knowledge of other modalities. To date, studies on chemical signals in adaptive radiations have focused on systems with multimodal signaling, making it difficult to isolate the role chemicals play in reproductive isolation. In this study we examine the use of chemical signals in the species recognition and adaptive radiation of Hawaiian Tetragnatha spiders by focusing on entire communities of co-occurring species, and conducting behavioral assays in conjunction with chemical analysis of their silks using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Male spiders significantly preferred the silk extracts of conspecific mates over those of sympatric heterospecifics. The compounds found in the silk extracts, long chain alkyl methyl ethers, were remarkably species-specific in the combination and quantity. The differences in the profile were greatest between co-occurring species and between closely related sibling species. Lastly, there were significant differences in the chemical profile between two populations of a particular species. These findings provide key insights into the role chemical signals play in the attainment and maintenance of reproductive barriers between closely related co-occurring species.


1. Title of Dataset: Chemical Data of Hawaiian Tetragnatha Spiders

2. Author Information:
A. Principal Investigator Contact Information
Name: Seira Ashley Adams
Institution: University of California, Berkeley
Address: 130 Mulford Hall, #3114, University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley CA 94720

B. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information
Name: Rosemary Gillespie
Institution: University of California, Berkeley
Address: 130 Mulford Hall, #3114, University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley CA 94720

3. Date of data collection: 2016 - 2020

4. Geographic location of data collection:
- Waikamoi Preserve, Maui, Hawaii
- Haleakala Crater, Maui, Hawaii
- Angelo Coast Range Reserve, California
- Bodega Marine Reserve, California

5. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowships Program (Grant # DGE 1106400)


1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: Please cite paper published from this dataset when available (publication in review)

2. Links to publications that cite or use the data: (publication in review)

3. Recommended citation for this dataset: (publication in review)


1. File List:

  • Methyl Ether Matrix = Abundance data of the methyl ether compounds found in each specimen
  • Metadata = Additional information of each specimen
  • S6 = Derivatization information of the most common methyl ethers
  • S17 = 3-D traitgram
  • 3d_traitgram_cleaned = Code to generate 3-D traitgram
  • Chemical_Analysis_cleaned = Code used for chemical analysis
  • group_analysis = Code used for group analysis
  • priority_order = Code used to generate priority order


1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data:
(Publication in review)


National Science Foundation, Award: DGE 1106400, Graduate Research Fellowship Program