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Data from: The utility of information flow in formulating discharge forecast models: a case study from an arid snow-dominated catchment

Data files


These data accompany the manuscript “The utility of information flow in formulating discharge forecast models: a case study from an arid snow-dominated catchment”, in review at WRR. They were compiled from Boise State’s University’s Dry Creek Experimental Watershed (DCEW) web site, and consist of measurements of climatic data and discharge at various stations in the watershed from 1 January 2001 through 19 July 2017. The data quality-controlled, gap-filled, and aggregated at scales varying from 1 day to 6 months. For each aggregation scale, anomalies with respect to the day of water year (DOWY) were also calculated. These data were then used to compute an information-theoretic measure, transfer entropy (TE), which quantifies the information flow from each variable (at each scale) to discharge.