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Data from: Precession modulation of the South Pacific westerly wind belt over the past million years

Data files

Jul 03, 2019 version files 29.88 MB


This archive contain the model output used in the publication 

Lamy, F., J. C.H. Chiang, G. Martínez-Méndez, M. Thierens, H.W. Arz, J.H.C. Bosmans, D. Hebbeln, F. Lambert, L. Lembke-Jene, J-B. Stuut: "Precession modulation of the South Pacific westerly wind belt over the past million years".  Revised for the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, July 2019.

They only contain the monthly mean climatological GFDL model output; output for EC Earth is archive elsewhere. 

The original publication for this data is Erb, M.P., Broccoli, A.J., Graham, N.T., Clement, A.C., Wittenberg, A.T. and Vecchi, G.A., 2015. Response of the equatorial Pacific seasonal cycle to orbital forcing. Journal of Climate28(23), pp.9258-9276.  The authors have made a more complete set of data available at Erb, Michael, Broccoli, Anthony, & Raney, Bryan. (2018). Idealized single-forcing GCM simulations with GFDL CM2.1 (Version 1.0.0) [Data set]. Zenodo.

The model output is published here with permission from Dr. Anthony J. Broccoli.