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Six subsets of all native vascular plant species of California used by Baldwin et al. (2017), and the R script to use to extract the subsets from the master spatial file

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Baldwin, Bruce G. et al. (2017). Six subsets of all native vascular plant species of California used by Baldwin et al. (2017), and the R script to use to extract the subsets from the master spatial file [Collection]. Dryad.


Spatial patterns of diversity and endemism across California were examined by Baldwin et al. (2017 Amer. J. Bot.) for six subsets of all native vascular plant species: (1) only vascular plants that are completely restricted (absolutely endemic) to California, (2) only vascular plants native to the California Floristic Province, (3) only angiosperms, (4) only gymnosperms, (5) only ‘pteridophytes’ (i.e., ferns and lycophytes), and (6) the set of California species belonging to the diverse genera examined by Stebbins and Major (1965 Ecol. Monogr.). A CSV file is provided for each of the 6 subsets, plus the R script to use to extract the subsets from the master spatial file, which is linked below.

Usage notes

From: Baldwin, B.G., A.H. Thornhill, W.A. Freyman, D.D. Ackerly, M.M. Kling, N. Morueta-Holme, and B.D. Mishler. 2017. Species richness and endemism in the native flora of California. American Journal of Botany. 104: 487–501.

Use with the other Baldwin (2017) data sets linked below.


National Science Foundation, Award: DEB-1354552