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Berkeley High Resolution (BEHR) OMI NO2 - Native pixels, monthly profiles

Data files

May 12, 2018 version files 65.87 GB


The BEHR OMI NO2 product reprocesses tropospheric NO2 columns from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) satellite using high resolution a priori NO2 profiles, surface reflectivity, and surface elevation data. This product uses NO2 profiles for the day retrieved, simulated by the WRF-Chem model at 12 km spatial resolution. The use of high spatial resolution NO2 profiles has been shown to better resolve urban/rural differences in NO2 column densities, and the use of day-to-day (rather than monthly average) profiles is especially important in applications that preferentially select observations upwind or downwind of a NOx source. Given the computational cost of simulating daily 12 km resolution profiles over the continental US and the challenge of simulating individual lightning events accuractly, we still provide a product using monthly average NO2 profiles.