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Data and code associated with: Two annual cycles of the Pacific cold tongue under orbital precession

Data files

Oct 06, 2022 version files 1.30 GB


The Pacific cold tongue annual cycle in sea surface temperature is presumed to be driven by Earth’s axial tilt and thus its phasing should be fixed relative to the calendar. However, its phase and amplitude change dramatically and consistently under various configurations of orbital precession in several Earth System models. Here we undertake Earth System model simulations and simulations of an intermediate coupled model to investigate causes of this behavior. In particular, simulations of the Community Earth System Model version 1.2 are carried out spanning the space of orbital eccentricity and longitude of perihelion.  This dataset archives model output and analytical codes used in this investigation. The results are reported in Chiang et al. (2022), Two annual cycles of the Pacific cold tongue under orbital precession.  Nature,