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Data from: Water-conscious management strategies reduce per-yield irrigation and soil emissions of CO2, N2O, and NO in high-temperature forage cropping systems.

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Jul 26, 2023 version files 3.92 MB


Agriculture produces large emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O), and nitric oxide (NO), especially in high-temperature agroecosystems, where management approaches for reducing these emissions are needed. A promising management solution to increase water infiltration and reduce trace gas emissions is subsurface drip irrigation, a method which increases rhizosphere access to water and nitrogenous fertilizers. In a multi-year field study, we compared per-yield irrigation and soil emissions for flood- and drip-irrigated field plots in southern California during two seasons and between two forage crops differing in fertilizer requirements: alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and sudangrass (Sorghum bicolor ssp. Sudanese). We monitored soil climate and emission responses to irrigation using a custom array of automated chambers connected to trace gas analyzers that measured gas fluxes continuously every 30 minutes. We found that, compared to flood-irrigated fields, drip irrigation in alfalfa increased yield by 7%, decreased irrigation demand by 11%, and decreased CO2 emissions by 59%, N2O by 14%, and NO by 27%. Drip irrigation in sudangrass increased yield by 6%, decreased irrigation by 68%, increased CO2 emissions by 3%, and decreased both N2O and NO emissions by 62%. In both crops, differences between irrigation types were strongest in the summer when flooded soil produced the largest pulses of N2O and NO relative to small drip-irrigated pulses. As agriculture continues to intensify in warmer climates, implementation of subsurface drip irrigation can help reduce agroecosystem contributions to climate change and air pollution while increasing crop yields.