Aquarius remigis measurements
Data files
May 19, 2023 version files 579.94 KB
Excel file containing measurements in mm of all water striders (Aquarius remigis) from the pedigree experiment described in Fairbairn DJ, Roff DA, Wolak ME (2023) Tests for associations between sexual dimorphism and patterns of quantitative genetic variation in the water strider, Aquarius remigis. Heredity
The evolution of sexual dimorphisms requires divergence between sexes in the evolutionary trajectories of the traits involved. Discerning how genetic architecture could facilitate such divergence has proven challenging because of the difficulty in extimating non-additive and sex-linked genetic variances using traditional quantitative genetic designs. Here we use a 3-generation, double-first-cousin pedigree design to estimate additive, sex-linked and dominance (co)variances for 12 traits in the water strider, Aquarius remigis. Comparisons among these traits, which have size ratios ranging fron 1 to 5 (larger/smaller) allow us to ask if sexual dimorphisms are associated with characteristic patterns of quantitative genetic variation. We frame our analysis around three main questions, derived from existing theory and empirical evidence: Are sexual dimorphisms associated with (1) lower additive inter-sex genetic correlations, (2) higher proportions of sex-linked variance, or (3) differences between sexes in autosomal additive and dominance genetic variances. For questions (1) and (2), we find weak and non-significant trends in the predicted directions, which preclude definitive conclusions. However, in answer to question (3), we find strng evidence for a positive relationship between sexual dimorphism and differences between sexes in proportions of autosomal dominance variance. We also find strong interactions among the three genetic components indicating that their relative influence differs among traits and between sexes. These results highlight the need to include all three components of genetic (co)variance in both theoretical evolutionary models and empirical estimations of the genetic architecture of dimorphic traits.
Results of a three generation rearing experiment in the laboratory under controlled conditions. For details of rearing and measurement protocols and landmarks used, see Supplementary Information in the above manuscript.
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