Pooled metagenomic sequence from human stool
Data files
Jun 12, 2014 version files 43.42 MB
43.42 MB
This dataset corresponds to the data presented in "The complete genome of klassevirus – a novel picornavirus in pediatric stool" by Greninger et al (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19538752).
141 diarrhea samples were prepared, pooled, and pyrosequenced on the Roche Genome Sequence FLX as described in "The complete genome of klassevirus – a novel picornavirus in pediatric stool" by Greninger et al (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19538752). A novel member of the Picornaviridae viral family, Human klassevirus 1, was discovered in the 540,412 unique reads with an average length of 240 nt. The reads were stripped of sequences mapping with 90% or greater identity to known diarrhea-causing viruses: 6,959 reads mapped to the Adenoviridae and Caliciviridae viral families by translated BLAST. Of the remaining 533,453 unique reads, 483 derived from Human klassevirus 1. The data are provided in FASTA format.