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Qualitative survey instruments for a study on equity from a large-scale private-sector healthcare intervention in Ghana and Kenya: the African Health Markets for Equity (AHME) study


The African Health Markets for Equity (AHME) Initiative took place in Ghana and Kenya for seven years beginning in 2012. AHME applied four linked interventions to increase access and use of quality healthcare for common childhood and adult illnesses, working with private providers in peri-urban areas. The four interventions included social franchsing, quality accreditation, business loans and training, and support for empanellment with the national health insurance scheme in each country. The qualitative study of AHME looked at a number of components of the overall intervention, including access and use of services, particularly among low income populations. Our findings on the priorities of patients at AHME sites gives insights into what mattered most to patients, and ways in which the AHME initiative did and did not address those priorities effectively.