Tuned inhibition in perceptual decision-making circuits can explain seemingly suboptimal confidence behavior: S4 data, evidence for tuned inhibition in macaque superior colliculus
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Peters, Megan et al. (2021). Tuned inhibition in perceptual decision-making circuits can explain seemingly suboptimal confidence behavior: S4 data, evidence for tuned inhibition in macaque superior colliculus [Dataset]. Dryad. https://doi.org/10.7280/D1T38T
This dataset contains online spike-sorted single-unit recordings from one Rhesus macaque who performed a dot-motion discrimination task while neural data was recorded with a 16-channel v-probe from superior colliculus neurons. Full methods for data collection, including description of the stimuli and task, surgical details, ethics statement, funding information, and other relevant details, are available in the above-referenced manuscript, section S4 Text.
Usage notes
Eight days of data were examined for this study:
1 160720
2 160909
3 160929
4 161017
5 161019
6 161207
7 161208
8 161209
“Online sorted” sub-directories contain online spike-sorted into single-unit files. Files for Channel $X and Unit $Y recorded on $DATE contain raster data from ‘Preferred’ and ‘Preferred + Non-preferred’ trials.
Each Matlab .mat file contains a single structure, raster_data, which is n trials long, with n being the number of trials the money completed that day.
The relevant fields are:
Timestamp for target stimulus turning on
Timestamp for response cue onset
Has a value in it if the trial was not aborted
If 1, indicates target is in the cell’s response field
If > 0, indicates the sure choice is off
If > 0, indicates the sure choice is on
If 1, indicates the sure choice is in the cell’s response field
Times at which a spike occurred for this unit
E1_7, E1_8, E0_7, E0_8
E1_X indicates presentation of a stimulus containing positive evidence (dot motion in the cell’s preferred direction)
E0_X indicates presentation of a stimulus containing negative evidence (dot motion in the cell’s non-preferred direction)
A value (not NaN) in E1_7 and E0_7 on the same trial indicates a 100-preferred, 0-nonpreferred trial
A value (not NaN) in E1_8 and E0_8 on the same trial indicates a 50-preferred, 50-nonpreferred trial
Other E1_X and E0_X evidence levels were not used for this study