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Neighbours consistently influence tree growth and survival in a frequently burned open oak landscape

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Condit, Richard; Davis, Mark A. (2023). Neighbours consistently influence tree growth and survival in a frequently burned open oak landscape [Dataset]. Dryad.


The 16-ha Cedar Creek plot had all trees at least 2 cm dbh measured every 5 years from 1990 to 2015. Additional censuses were carried out every year, but trees were only checked for survival in those intervening censuses. The six growth censuses are thus numbered 1, 6, 11, 16, 21, 26. Data included here were used in Davis and Condit (2022). More details on methods and other uses of the data appear Davis (2021) and Davis et al. (1997, 2005).


Davis, M. A., Duke, A., Ibsen, T., Tran, H., and Rhodes, R. 1997. Spatial Distribution of Penstemon grandiflorus(Nutt.) and Geomys bursarius in a fragmented oak woodland in Minnesota, USA. Natural Areas Journal 17:136-143.
Davis, M. A., Curran, C., Tietmeyer, A., and  Miller, A. 2005. Dynamic tree aggregation patterns in a species-poor temperate woodland disturbed by fire. Journal of Vegetation Science 16: 167-174.
Davis, M. A. 2021.  Twenty-five years of tree demography in a frequently burned oak woodland: implications for savanna restoration. Ecosphere 2(12):e03844. 10.1002/ecs2.3844.
Davis, M. A., Condit R. 2022. Neighbors consistently influence tree growth and survival in a frequently burned open oak landscape. Journal of Ecology, in press.


See references under abstract.

Usage notes

The 16-ha Cedar Creek plot had all trees at least 2 cm dbh measured every 5 years from 1990 to 2015. Additional censuses were carried out every year, but trees were only checked for survival in those intervening censuses. The six growth censuses are thus numbered 1, 6, 11, 16, 21, 26. 

Summary Results: We present four short tables in pdf format with median growth and survival rates as a function of density. Detailed legends for each table appear in the pdf. 

Table 1. Median growth rate of bur oak vs. neighborhood density, both conspecific and heterospecific. Densities were binned into four categories, giving 16 combinations and clearly separating effects of conspecifics and heterospecifics. Growth rate decline consistently with density, moreso with conspecifics than heterospecifics. Growth is transformed with the equation given the the text. 

Table 2. Growth rate of pin oak vs. neighborhood density, as in Table 1. Growth rate declined with conspecific density, but not heterospecific. 

Table 3. Five-year survival rates of bur oak vs. neighborhood density, as in Tables 1-2. Survival rates increased sharply with density of neighbors, especially conspecifics, and trees in the highest density categories had extremely low death rates.

Table 4. Five-year survival rates of pin oak vs. neighborhood density, as in Table 3. Survival rates increased sharply with density of neighbors, especially heterospecifics, and trees in the highest density categories had extremely low death rates.

FullPlot Data: The main data includes tables of all trees, stems, and environmental variables. These were the basis of all analyses in Davis and Condit (2022), as well as Tables 1-4 above. The three tables are in tab-delimited ascii format: 1) Trees, 2) Stems, 3) Environment. The README file has a full description of every column in the tables.


Division of Environmental Biology, Award: BSR/8717847

Division of Environmental Biology, Award: DEB/0208125

Division of Environmental Biology, Award: DEB/9419922

Division of Environmental Biology, Award: DEB/9873673