FEHM source code modifications and executables for use with ocean-world gravity
Data files
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This is a repository for compiled codes, source code, and input files used in this paper:
Fisher, A. T., K. D. Dickerson, D. K. Blackman, N. Randolph-Flagg, C. R. German, and C. Sotin (2024), Sustained hydrothermal circulation under ocean-world gravity, J. Geophys. Res. - Planets, submitted and in review.
Plain language summary from paper: Ocean worlds are planetary bodies that have a liquid ocean, often under an icy shell or within the rocky interior. In Earth's solar system, several moons of Jupiter and Saturn are ocean worlds. Some ocean worlds are thought to have hydrothermal circulation, where water, rocks, and heat combine to drive fluids in and out of the seafloor. Hydrothermal circulation would impact the chemistry of the water and rock of ocean worlds and could help life to develop deep below the icy surface. This study shows results from computer simulations of hydrothermal circulation, based on a well-understood system on Earth, to measure the influence of lower gravity like that appropriate for ocean worlds smaller than Earth. The simulations with ocean world (lower) gravity result in fluid circulation much like that occurring on and below Earth's seafloor, but with several important differences. Lower gravity reduces buoyancy, meaning warmed fluids don't become as light when heated. Lower buoyancy tends to reduce flow rates in a hydrothermal system, and this raises the temperatures of the circulating fluid, which would allow more extensive chemical reactions. Lower flow means less heat transport, and this could help these flows last longer in an ocean world.
README: FEHM source code modifications and executables for use with ocean-world gravity
FEHM archive for Fisher et al. (2024), "Sustaining hydrothermal circulation with gravity relevant to ocean worlds," revised following review for Journal of Geophysical Research - Planets.
NB: Above will be revised when paper is in print, and a DOI will be added.
Description of the data and file structure
Three compressed (zip) files are included in this archive:
Contains executable FEHM programs with gravity for Earth, Europa, and Enceladus:
xfehm_v3.4g9_81 gravity for Earth, 9.81 m/s^2
xfehm_v3.4g1_3 gravity for Europa, 1.3 m/s^2
xfehm_v3.4g_114 gravity for Enceladus, 0.114 m/s^2
These codes were compiled with Rocky Linux using the gfortran compiler (part of gcc family of compilers).
Posted executables may work for your system, or you may need/wish to recompile in order to access libraries.
We have also supplied shell scripts we used to call the executables, based on having a set of input files with common root names and different file extensions. The "Files" file tells FEHM which files to use for input and output. You may need to modify these scripts depending on your workflow, how you name your files, etc. Please see file examples in 30_FEHM-InputDirs.zip, and follow the guidance given at the FEHM site at LANL (https://fehm.lanl.gov/.
Please follow these steps to use the modified subroutines:
(1) Start with the original source code in 20_FEHM-SourceEdited --> src subdirectory
Place the full directory set in a suitable workspace, e.g., ~/code/FEHM
[Note - we originally recommended that folks download source code from Github, but there have been changes made recently to some of the FEHM subroutines. For this reason, we have uploaded a "snapshot" of the sourcecode files for which we have confirmed compilation works.]
- Before doing anything else, we strongly encouarge recompiling the original code, as this will tell you if any changes are needed to your system settings, paths, gfortran/gcc installation, libraries, etc.
- You must edit the Makefile to be consistent with your computer system in order for the Make command to be successful in generating an executable program.
- If you are not able to compile from the src distribution, please solve that problem first, before proceeding. We have noted differences in systems and settings in terms of compilers be tolerant of deviations in standard Fortran syntax, so you should expect some minor debugging on first compilation.
(2) Create a working subdirectory for compilation of modified code, e.g., ~/code/FEHM/src_g9_81, and copy over the contents of the FEHM source directory, which has already been confirmed to allow successful recompilation.
(3) Copy to the working subdirectory the appropriate files from the directory in the zip file, e.g., src_g9_81. In this directory you will find these files:
In brief - these files REPLACE the files with the same names included in the original FEHM distribution.
(4) Edit the Makefile to name the executable as you wish, on line that begins:
EXE = ...
Note - you might need to make additional updates to the revised Makefile if you had to modify the original Makefile when you recompiled without the modified subroutines.
(5) If you wish to use g = 9.81 m/s^2, no other changes are needed before compilation. If you wish, you can redefine gravity for another ocean world. There are two lines that need to be changed in inctrl.f - search for 9.81 (or AF***) to find them, adjust as needed. All other files in FEHM will use values as defined in inctrl.f
(6) At the command prompt in the working directory, run these commands:
make clean
- The first command will clear any residual object files or remnants from any earlier attempts to compile the code. This is important so that the new object files are used to create the executable.
- The second command will create new objects and an executable.
(7) To run a quick test to see if the executable works, enter at command prompt in the working directory:
where "FEHM-Filename" is what you defined at the line that begins EXE = in the Makefile
You should see that FEHM runs, but there will be an error because input files have not been specified.
To set up a FEHM simulation, you will need to follow instructions provided at the FEHM website. LANL has documentation here: https://fehm.lanl.gov/
This includes links to source code on GitHub and gridding software.
Example directories are provided for running FEHM to duplicate results shown in Figure 3 of the main paper. This figure shows snapshots of results from four simulations, files for each of which are stored in separate subdirectories:
Shallow aquifer, aquifer permeabilty = 1e-12 m^2, Earth gravity
Deep-thick aquifer, aquifer permeabilty = 1e-12 m^2, Europa gravity
Deep-thin aquifer, aquifer permeabilty = 1e-12 m^2, Europa gravity
Deep-thin aquifer, aquifer permeabilty = 1e-10 m^2, Enceladus gravity
In addition to the input files in each directory, the user will need to copy over or add a static link for the fluid properties lookup table, nist120-1800.out, and update the name in the .files file to point to this table. The lookup table is provided in the parent folder for the four example folders listed above.
Please see the FEHM User Manual for more detailed instructions for use of FEHM, available with the GitHub repository: https://github.com/lanl/FEHM
Code modifications included in this repository are covered by the FEHM license, as described in the associated README file.
There is a README file with information on files posted, and a Supporting Information document that goes with the paper that discusses modifications to code in some detail. The main research paper also discussed how the code was used.