Data from: Seasonal phenology of the little brown bat (Myotis lucifugus) at 60°N
Data files
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To investigate the impact of short summers and long summer solar periods at high latitudes on the behavior of a nocturnal, hibernating mammal, we recorded the phenology of Myotis lucifugus (little brown myotis) at 60oN in the Northwest Territories (NWT), Canada. In particular we assessed the timing of spring emergence from, and autumn entry into hibernation, reproduction, and seasonal mass fluctuations. We used a combination of acoustic monitoring and capture surveys at two hibernacula and two maternity roosts during 2011 and 2012. Myotis spp. were active at the hibernacula from late April to late September/early October, suggesting that the ‘active’ season length is similar to that of populations farther south. At maternity colonies, we detected M. lucifugus activity from early May to early October, with peaks during mid-July in both years. Lactation, fledging, and weaning all occurred later in the NWT than at more southern locations, and reproductive rates were significantly lower than rates observed further south. Average mass of individuals fluctuated throughout the season, with an initial decline immediately following emergence from hibernation likely reflecting increased energy expenditure due to flight and decreased use of torpor, coupled with relatively low prey intake due to low prey abundance associated with cool temperatures. Females did not appear to have lower pre-hibernation masses than those in more southern populations, suggesting that despite the cool spring and autumn temperatures, and short summer nights, bats are able to obtain enough energy for reproduction and mass accumulation for hibernation. However, the lower reproductive rates may indicate that there are limitations to life at the northern limits of the species’ range.
README: Data from: Seasonal phenology of the little brown bat (Myotis lucifugus) at 60°N
Two simple comma separated (csv) files associated with the manuscript "Seasonal phenology of the little brown bat (Myotis lucifugus) at 60°N" by Jesika P. Reimer and Robert M. R. Barclay, accepted by Ecosphere.
Description of the data and file structure
Dataset 1: NWTMyotisCaptureRecords.xls
Morphometric measurements and reproductive status for Myotis lucifugus and Myotis septentrionalis captured during summer surveys at maternity colonies, hibernacula, and foraging sites in the Northwest Territories, Canada during summer 2011 and 2012. These data were used to calculate maternity colony reproductive rates, the timing of parturition and juvenile fledging, and to assess changes in Myotis lucifugus mass throughout the season.
Empty cells and NA: cells were left empty when data were not available/not recorded.
Night_date: the date the survey was started and includes captures after midnight on the next calendar date (e.g. captures at 23:55 on 2 June and 01:00 on 3 June both have a night_date value of 2 June).
Latitude: Latitude of capture survey location, truncated to 1-2 decimal places to preserve privacy of restricted locations.
Longitude: Longitude of capture survey location, truncated to 1-2 decimal places to preserve privacy of restricted locations.
Region: A one-word descriptor that groups survey sites into broader-scale regions.
Site: A site-specific text descriptor that identifies each unique survey site.
BandID: The unique ID code printed on the Porzana arm band affixed to the bat. Can be used as a unique identifier for individual bats.
Species: Standardized species name (genus species)
Sex: Sex of individual; ‘Female’ or ‘Male’
Ageclass: General age of individual group into ‘Adult’ – fused epiphesial joints, ‘Juvenile’ – young of the year identified by un-fused epiphesial joints, ‘UNK’ – unknown age class.
Massg: Mass of individual measured in grams.
Massinacuracy: Asterix indicates that the bat was captured post-foraging and was not held a sufficient amount of time to ensure an accurate weight. Do not use these data points for mass-related analysis.
Forearmlengthmm: Individual forearm length measured in millimetres.
Earlengthmm: Individual ear length measured in millimetres.
Reproductivestatus: Individual reproductive status; ‘JUV’ – juvenile, ‘LAC’ – lactating, ‘NOP’ – not obviously pregnant (may indicate non-reproductive female, or a female captured early in the season before pregnancy is detectable with manual palpation), ‘POST’ – post-lactating, ‘PREG’ – pregnant.
Comments: Comments regarding individual noted during capture.
Capturetime: The time at which the bat was removed from the capture net.
Releasetime: The time at which the bat was released after processing.
Dataset 2: NWTMyotisAcousticRecords.xls
Nightly summary of acoustic recordings for Myotis species during acoustic surveys at maternity colonies, hibernacula and foraging sites in the Northwest Territories, Canada during summer 2011 and 2012. These data were used to describe seasonal activity of Myotis in the area.
Empty cells: cells were left empty when the acoustic detector was not active.
Site: A site-specific text descriptor that identifies each unique survey site.
Latitude: Latitude of capture survey location, truncated to 1-2 decimal places to preserve privacy of restricted locations.
Longitude: Longitude of capture survey location, truncated to 1-2 decimal places to preserve privacy of restricted locations.
Night_date: the date the survey was started and includes captures after midnight on the next calendar date (e.g. captures at 23:55 on 2 June and 01:00 on 3 June both have a night_date value of 2 June).
Myotis: Total acoustic files identified as a Myotis species recorded on a given night; this classification is used at hibernacula and foraging sites where both M. lucifugus and M. septentrionalis have been observed.
Detector Active: Indicator of whether a detector was functioning correctly during the survey period (derived from the detector log files); ‘Yes’ – detector was functioning, ‘No’ – detector was not functioning (e.g. dead batteries).
Site type: Classification of site type; ‘Foraging site’, ‘Hibernaculum’, ‘Maternity colony’
Capture data - We used mist nets (Avinet Inc. Dryden, New York), to capture bats adjacent to the two Myotis lucifugus maternity colonies (Thebacha and Lady Evelyn Falls), and various foraging sites around the South Slave region, during 2011 (35 nights; May - Sep) and 2012 (23 nights; Jun - Sep). At maternity colonies, we captured bats during emergence, before they had an opportunity to feed, and at all sites we held bats in a cloth bag for ≥ 0.5 h to allow defecation prior to weighing. A small number of bats were caught post-foraging; these records have been marked with an asterix in the 'massinacuracy' column of the dataset and were omitted from the mass-related analysis. We identified individuals to species, sex, age (adult or juvenile) and reproductive condition, weighed them with a portable balance, measured forearm with calipers, fitted them with a unique band (2.9 mm; Porzana Ltd., East Sussex, United Kingdom) for future identification, and released them at their point of capture. We classified adult females into three categories: 1) Pregnant: swollen abdomen, detection of fetus via palpation of abdomen, non-enlarged nipples; 2) Lactating: enlarged, calloused nipples, milk expressed with gentle massage of mammary glands; 3) Post lactating: enlarged keratinized nipples with no milk expression (Racey, 2009). Females captured prior to 1 June were not included when calculating reproductive rates as non-reproductive and early pregnancy females were indistinguishable by external examination. All volant juveniles were identified by evenly tapered phalangeal-metacarpal joints and un-fused epiphyseal plates observed by back-illuminating the wing (Brunet-Rossinni and Wilkinson, 2009). During November 2011, after hibernation was well underway, we entered both hibernacula and recorded sex, mass and forearm length for 45 bats captured from the cave walls (Walk-in cave: n = 5; South Slave hibernaculum: n = 40). All captures followed American Society of Mammalogists guidelines (Sikes et al., 2016) and were compliant with the University of Calgary Animal Care and Use Committee protocols (Animal Care Certificate BI09R-01).
Acoustic surveys – We recorded echolocation calls using AnaBat II ultrasonic detectors with CF-ZCAIMs set to a division ratio of 16 (Titley Electronics, Ballina, Australia). Detectors were placed at five sites including two hibernacula (Walk-in Cave and South Slave Hibernacula) and two beaver ponds (WBBP and NTBP) within 3 km of each hibernaculum, and at the Thebacha maternity colony. At Walk-in Cave, we placed the detector in a weatherproof box, 3 m from the entrance with the microphone pointed away from the entrance to prevent recording bats flying within the cave. Two detectors were installed in weatherproof boxes at the South Slave hibernaculum by the Government of the Northwest Territories, approximately 10 m from the cave entrance with the microphones positioned towards the cave entrance, but the restricted cave opening prevented recording of bat activity inside the cave. At the Thebacha maternity colony, we mounted the detector directly along a bat flight path outside the main building used by the colony, 3 m off the ground and 5 m from the bat exit.
Acoustic analysis - We reviewed all AnaBat files using AnaLookW version 3.2.15. We used a filter to extract Myotis spp. calls, identified by a minimum frequency ≥ 30 kHz , and counted files recorded per night. Bats with lower-frequency echolocation calls (primarily E. fuscus) were omitted from the data. Call characteristics of M. lucifugus and M. septentrionalis overlap (Fenton and Bell 1981), often making them indistinguishable with AnaBat II detectors, therefore, we did not attempt to remove M. septentrionalis calls from the data. The composition of Myotis captures (via mist-netting) at these sites averaged 86% M. lucifugus and 14% M. septentrionalis (n = 1118; Reimer and Barclay, DRYAD dataset), therefore, we assume that the Myotis echolocation passes in our data were largely representative of M. lucifugus activity.