Monosaccharide transporter OsMST6 is activated by transcription factor OsERF120 to enhance chilling tolerance in rice seedlings
Data files
Apr 11, 2024 version files 263.63 KB
Chilling stress caused by extreme weather is threatening global rice (Oryza sativa L.) production. Identifying components of the signal transduction pathways underlying chilling tolerance in rice would advance molecular breeding. Here, we report that OsMST6, which encodes a monosaccharide transporter, positively regulates the chilling tolerance of rice seedlings. The mst6 mutants showed hypersensitivity to chilling, while the OsMST6 overexpression lines were tolerant. During chilling stress, OsMST6 transported more glucose into cells to modulate sugar and ABA signal pathways. We showed that the transcription factor OsERF120 could bind to the DRE/CRT element of the OsMST6 promoter and activate the expression of OsMST6 to positively regulate chilling tolerance. Genetically, OsERF120 was functionally dependent on OsMST6 when promoting chilling tolerance. In summary, OsERF120 and OsMST6 form a new downstream chilling regulatory pathway in rice in response to chilling stress, providing valuable findings for molecular breeding aimed at achieving global food security.
The stored data is the analysis results of transcriptome data from ZH11 and mst6-1 after 0 hours and 4 hours of chilling treatment. These data form the basis for the transcriptome data visualization in the article.
README: Monosaccharide transporter OsMST6 is activated by transcription factor OsERF120 to enhance chilling tolerance in rice seedlings
We have submitted our data, which are the results of transcriptome data analysis for mst6-1 (a mutant of the monosaccharide transporter OsMST6) and wild-type ZH11 rice seedlings. The 14-day-old rice seedlings of mst6-1 and ZH11 were chill-treated for 0 h and 4 h at 4 °C, then the entire seedlings were sampled for transcriptome sequencing and analysis with three biological replicates.
The data include the differentially expressed genes (Dataset_1_DEGs_in_ZH11_and_mst6-1.xlsx), the significantly enriched terms of KEGG (Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes) and GO (Gene Ontology) analysis results (Dataset_2_KEGG_and_GO_terms.xlsx), and enriched genes from the ABA-activated signaling pathway and PP2C family (Dataset_3_Gene_information_of_ABA-activated_signaling_and_PP2Cs.xlsx).
Description of the data and file structure
All Differentially Expressed Genes (DEGs) in ZH11 (Sheet: DEGs in ZH11)and mst6-1 (Sheet: DEGs in mst6-1)after four-hour chilling treatment, compared to 0 hours.
- Gene: The gene ID annotated by RAP-DB
- padj: The adjusted P-value
- Up/Down: The DEGs were up- or down-regulated in ZH11 and mst6-1
Dataset_2_ KEGG_and_GO_terms
Dataset 2 consists of the analysis results of the unique DEGs in ZH11 and mst6-1 after 4 hours of chilling treatment on the DAVID website, including:
- The significant enriched KEGG terms (Sheet: KEGG of ZH11) and GO terms (Sheet: GO of ZH11) of unique up-regulated genes in ZH11 after 4 hours of chilling treatment
- The significant enriched KEGG terms (Sheet: KEGG of mst6-1) and GO terms (Sheet: GO of mst6-1) of unique down-regulated genes in mst6-1 after 4 hours of chilling treatment
Each column name represents the following meaning:
- Terms: The name of GO or KEGG terms
- ID: The identifiers of GO or KEGG terms in the database
- Count: The number of significantly enriched genes in GO or KEGG terms
- P-value: the significance of the enrichment of a set of genes in the GO term
- Fold Enrichment: the ratio of the proportion of genes annotated with a specific GO term in the input gene set to the proportion of genes annotated with the same GO term in the background/reference gene set
- Category: GO contains three ontologies, namely BP (Biological Process), MF (Molecular Function), and CC (Cellular Component)
Gene information about abscisic acid-activated signaling pathway (Sheet: abscisic acid-activated genes)and PP2Cs genes (Sheet: PP2Cs) that were upregulated only in ZH11 after four-hour chilling treatment.
- Gene: The gene ID annotated by RAP-DB
- MSU_ID: The gene ID annotated by MSU
- Name: The gene name
- Foldchange: The expression changes after 4-hour chilling treatment, compared to 0 hour
- padj: The adjusted P-value
- Description: Predicted gene functions
Sharing/Access information
The data was derived from original RNA-seq data, which is available in the Genome Sequence Archive in the National Genomics Data Center and can be accessed with accession number CRA011327.
The 14-day-old rice seedlings of ZH11 and mst6-1, incubated in the greenhouse with 28 °C/25 °C (10 h day/14 h night) cycles in Kimura B nutrient solution, were treated for 0 h and 4 h at 4 °C, and the whole seedlings were sampled for transcriptome sequencing with three biological replicates.
RNA-seq was performed at Anoroad Genome (Beijing, China). Clean reads were mapped referring to the rice genome (Oryza sativa IRGSP-1.0.38), using HISAT2 (Sirén et al., 2014) with default parameters. The significant differentially expressed genes were determined using DESeq2 with |Fold change| ≥2, adjusted P value <0.05. Gene ontology (GO) analysis was performed using DAVID.